Topic: Corrupted, convoluted conversation or.....
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Mon 03/30/09 05:49 AM

It depends on my mood. If I'm not in the mood for people arguing, I'll stay out of the more serious threads. Some threads would be more interesting if people could stop the arguing and insulting for at least a little bit, but unfortunately, some people will look for any reason to do that.

I hear ya there! flowerforyou

no photo
Mon 03/30/09 05:49 AM

:smile: intelligent conversation is always good...rare,but good but sometimes an off-the-cuff snide remark will put someone in their place be seeing you

DO you mean 'a snide off the cuff remark, will put someone in there place' as it would 'shut them down'... so they wouldn't continue with the conversation?

If that be the case, then straight away, that person has some self esteem stuff going on.

Anyone can say anything they choose to say to me.. I know who I am... most times I would agree with someone attempting to be cutting... I don't have a thin skin.

Not necessarily. Sometimes it's easier to back off from a conversation if the other person is just going to make snide comments. Depends on who it is, really.

Jess642's photo
Mon 03/30/09 05:49 AM

It depends on my mood. If I'm not in the mood for people arguing, I'll stay out of the more serious threads. Some threads would be more interesting if people could stop the arguing and insulting for at least a little bit, but unfortunately, some people will look for any reason to do that.

What about this thread, right now?

Does it feel like a place that could deteriorate into slanging matches?

Everyone in here, this thread is sharing their thoughts....and that's ALL! Nothing to debate, really...

no photo
Mon 03/30/09 05:50 AM
It could still degenerate somehow. I hope not, though flowerforyou

no photo
Mon 03/30/09 05:50 AM

It depends on my mood. If I'm not in the mood for people arguing, I'll stay out of the more serious threads. Some threads would be more interesting if people could stop the arguing and insulting for at least a little bit, but unfortunately, some people will look for any reason to do that.

What about this thread, right now?

Does it feel like a place that could deteriorate into slanging matches?

Everyone in here, this thread is sharing their thoughts....and that's ALL! Nothing to debate, really...

It's fine so far!

Jess642's photo
Mon 03/30/09 05:51 AM

I can recall not so long ago in the past, amazing threads that went on and on for pages, that started out fairly simple, and developed so many side notes, complexities, and interesting convos... sometimes threefold, fourfold, between different people, sometimes on completely different subjects simultaneously.

What happened?

They got replaced by, "What are you listening to right now, Part 846".

No... it's a safe place to go... and Luis has been doing those threads for years, it IS a part of who he is...and when the forums are total crap... I head to there to find out what new or different music is about...

many of my friends here have sought out aussie music/musicians I post in there... to find some they really like.

It's a public service that thread, in my eyes.

'Twas only using that as an example. I was meaning a thread that goes into Part (whatever), and has really nothing to do with what the thread actually started out as anymore (also just using a thread of this caliber as only an example).

I hear you...there are a few that go on forever, one in particular I go to often, it was created specifically as a place to just blow off steam, laugh, taunt each other, in a light hearted way, and is frequented by like minded people...

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Mon 03/30/09 05:53 AM
Edited by SuzinVA on Mon 03/30/09 05:54 AM

'Twas only using that as an example. I was meaning a thread that goes into Part (whatever), and has really nothing to do with what the thread actually started out as anymore (also just using a thread of this caliber as only an example).

However, to give credit to at least some of those, many started out as games or whatever but people made real friendships there. They aren't the way they started, to be sure, but have continued because of the comraderie found. They are sort of like "home base" (sorry, got opening day on my mind this morning) for many people. flowerforyou

Mr_Music's photo
Mon 03/30/09 05:54 AM
Edited by Mr_Music on Mon 03/30/09 06:49 AM
What about this thread, right now?

Does it feel like a place that could deteriorate into slanging matches?

Everyone in here, this thread is sharing their thoughts....and that's ALL! Nothing to debate, really...

Truth be told (from my own perspective, anyway), I honestly believe this thread will die in the near future, simply because it's a thread that requires thought. It's not the normal, mundane type of thread that's prevalent. Generally speaking, if a thread requires even an iota of thought in order to post, the thread will drop like a stone. In fact, I would be willing to guess that most of the general membership won't even bother reading this thread past the first post or two, and out of those that do, most won't post.

Jess642's photo
Mon 03/30/09 05:54 AM

:smile: in this day and age of instant gratification,people do not want to think...they want simple questions to which they can give quick answers the art of conversation is dying PC is killing any and all forms of intelligent conversation...and one day "Our Great Society" will crash and burn and we will be back to writing on cave walls...maybe for the better be seeing you

I can see that... actually, that is probably what I am waffling on about...there is no drama required if the topic is something that invites people to share their thoughts, and are responded to with equal respect.

I personally see little gratification in one liners, unless used as bait , to draw other people out into conversation.

Jess642's photo
Mon 03/30/09 05:56 AM

What about this thread, right now?

Does it feel like a place that could deteriorate into slanging matches?

Everyone in here, this thread is sharing their thoughts....and that's ALL! Nothing to debate, really...

Truth be told (from my own perspective, anyway), I honestly believe this thread will die in the near future, simply because it's a thread that requires thought. It's not the normal, mundane type of thread that's prevalent. Generally speaking, if a thread requires even an iota of thought in order to post, the thread will drop like a stone.

If you build it, they will come...:wink:

And threads go where they need to, even if it is the bone yard...

This is one place I would really like to hear what people enjoy, and why.

I hope most feel comfortable sharing that, as others have here.

no photo
Mon 03/30/09 05:58 AM
Sadly it has become apparent that my days of word wizardry,wit & a bit of sarcastic humor tossed in are over with.I have picked up a warning & 4 comments plucked off the board in the past 6 days.;( This was not the case back in the days of JSH as U well know so Yeah! I'm having to make a transition myself.So it appears the options are quite simple & apparent.1)Endure the daily doses of cynicism,redundancy,argumentativeness & mindless banter.2)Or move on.I truly enjoy a variety of topics but certainly could do without thee above mentioned items.For the sake of my friends & writing I shall stay pat for now.I'll gladly embrace some positive changes.
Godspeed!Cy :smile:

Jess642's photo
Mon 03/30/09 05:59 AM

My brother Bob doesn't want to be in government - he promised Dad he'd go straight.
John F. Kennedy

Hi Roy!!!!

Help me out here, I am lost, what do you mean? (Dumbarse aussie here, please translate):wink:

Jess642's photo
Mon 03/30/09 06:02 AM

Sadly it has become apparent that my days of word wizardry,wit & a bit of sarcastic humor tossed in are over with.I have picked up a warning & 4 comments plucked off the board in the past 6 days.;( This was not the case back in the days of JSH as U well know so Yeah! I'm having to make a transition myself.So it appears the options are quite simple & apparent.1)Endure the daily doses of cynicism,redundancy,argumentativeness & mindless banter.2)Or move on.I truly enjoy a variety of topics but certainly could do without thee above mentioned items.For the sake of my friends & writing I shall stay pat for now.I'll gladly embrace some positive changes.
Godspeed!Cy :smile:

If you ever have the urge for wizardry wit, or sarcasm... email me... hahahaha I could do with the intelligent variety..

There are enough people that have posted already that have shared their preferences... to create threads that would be utilised...perhaps it is possible to recreate the camaraderie once experienced in earlier times.

Jess642's photo
Mon 03/30/09 06:07 AM
yawn It's 11 pm here and my day started at 4.00 am...

please help my little survey out and answer ....

I'll be back....

(said in ominous sounding voice):wink:

no photo
Mon 03/30/09 08:35 AM
There ARE those of us who would truly appreciate something more cerebral than "Would you throw rancid cat litter at the person above you?"

The problem being, of course, that the "intellectual" threads tend to disappear rapidly, while "cat litter" may run for months and make it to Part 36 or something.

So, from a sheer numbers/longevity standpoint, "intellectual" threads would have to be produced at a much higher rate per day, simply to remain in first-forum-page contention with the drivel.

Mr_Music's photo
Mon 03/30/09 08:40 AM
Already beat you to the punch, my friend.

KennyLingus's photo
Mon 03/30/09 09:12 AM
I'd have to state categorically, without dispute & beyond all recognition. 'Maybe?'

Don't Panic!

FreeToB's photo
Mon 03/30/09 10:04 AM

Even intelligent humour, which uses wit, and word wizardry, is accused of being sarcastic and cutting.

I blame this on the political correctness movement. Everybody thinks they deserve to be babied and coddled nowadays, for fear of getting their little feelers hurt.

Sounds crass, but completely true. The level of humor deficiency in the world today is astronomical. It seems that nobody realizes that nobody has the right to NOT be "offended".


For once, we agree.

With that, I'm turning this off and going out to catch the sun.

Have a nice day, all.

kojack's photo
Mon 03/30/09 10:06 AM
intelectual conversation is important, as is some lite humor, and questions of getting to know you.

no photo
Mon 03/30/09 05:45 PM

yawn It's 11 pm here and my day started at 4.00 am...

please help my little survey out and answer ....

I'll be back....

(said in ominous sounding voice):wink:

I'm always looking for interesting convos and stimulating ones as well...I also find that my lingo doesn't really help as some don't understand the kiwi/aussie language and words at times, which we use in everyday ordinary talking...What may be an insult or come across as a 'swear' word to some, is actually just normal convos to kiwi/aussies...

I am already in enough 'fluffy bunny' Forums that drive me bloody insane, or Forums that have your 'drama queens/wankers'...

I pretty much like the Science Forum and Politics one here, always alot of interesting stuff in there, until you get the bleating one minded twackers spoiling such threads...But hey, Im also a smart arse at times...Anyway, good post Jess...Have a great