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Topic: When preforming a task
Peccy's photo
Sat 03/28/09 09:14 PM
do you prefer to do it the tried and true way or do you consider new and maybe quicker approaches?

aLittleBird's photo
Sat 03/28/09 09:16 PM
hmmmm...I guess that would depend on the "task" at hand.

Sat 03/28/09 09:17 PM
I'm usually Old school and bull headed . But I can be won over to new ways

no photo
Sat 03/28/09 09:18 PM
It's always good to think outside the box, but when all else the instructions! laugh

Peccy's photo
Sat 03/28/09 09:20 PM

hmmmm...I guess that would depend on the "task" at hand.
say you're putting a bicycle together

aLittleBird's photo
Sat 03/28/09 09:24 PM
well then I'd call you and say very sweetly..."oh Peccy...will you put my new bike together for me..pretty please, smitten "

Sat 03/28/09 09:24 PM
Ok we're putting bicycles together . Hows that ?

aLittleBird's photo
Sat 03/28/09 09:25 PM
I'm not, Peccy is putting mine together for

msmyka's photo
Sat 03/28/09 09:26 PM
I always do things my own way, which usually consists of me NOT reading the directions slaphead

Sat 03/28/09 09:27 PM

I'm not, Peccy is putting mine together for
He just told us to say that so I did !lol

Peccy's photo
Sat 03/28/09 09:45 PM

I'm not, Peccy is putting mine together for
I am?

aLittleBird's photo
Sat 03/28/09 09:46 PM
You're not?????? sad

Redshirt's photo
Sat 03/28/09 09:47 PM

hmmmm...I guess that would depend on the "task" at hand.
say you're putting a bicycle together

Think the last time I did that was when I was 14. Ever since then they have been put together.

Peccy's photo
Sat 03/28/09 09:50 PM

You're not?????? sad

Not with you whining

aLittleBird's photo
Sat 03/28/09 09:56 PM
didn't you read what I wrote previously? I said I would ask you in a very sweet way.

PATSFAN's photo
Sat 03/28/09 09:58 PM
That depends

Peccy's photo
Sat 03/28/09 10:00 PM

didn't you read what I wrote previously? I said I would ask you in a very sweet way.

doesn't matter if it was laced with honey, if you started

Peccy's photo
Sat 03/28/09 10:01 PM

That depends
on? You can use my set of snap-on tools.

PATSFAN's photo
Sat 03/28/09 10:02 PM

That depends
on? You can use my set of snap-on tools.

As well as minedrinker

I always try to the best because it is a reflection of me.

Peccy's photo
Sat 03/28/09 10:06 PM

That depends
on? You can use my set of snap-on tools.

As well as minedrinker

I always try to the best because it is a reflection of me.
Bet you got a snap-on box too, I sold minetears tears tears tears

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