Topic: Seven deadly sins. Why are they Deadly? | |
Can you list the seven deadly sins?
More important can you tell me why they are considered deadly? |
I don't know the sins, but I think they are deadly in a spiritual way,
because they interfere with your understanding of never ending love. |
One comes to mind
Greed ![]() |
envy anger lust sadness pride They can everyone destroy your spirit. |
uh, help? Number 7?
had to look it up. "avarice, it means wealth.
It is a deadly sin to be sad. So don't ever be sad. Words of true wisdom. |
I would have typed basically the same thing but easier just to cut and
paste.... Pride is excessive belief in one's own abilities, that interferes with the individual's recognition of the grace of God. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Pride is also known as Vanity. Envy is the desire for others' traits, status, abilities, or situation. Gluttony is an inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires. Lust is an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body. Anger is manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury. It is also known as Wrath. Greed is the desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual. It is also called Avarice or Covetousness. Sloth is the avoidance of physical or spiritual work. |
Greed, Sloth, Envy, Lust, Pride, Wrath, and Gluttony.
Besides Kevin Spacey coming to kill you in a unique way, these sins are deadly because of the physical and spiritual harms they do you. Greed will invariably lead you to covetous behavior, which is not only against the commandments, but also effectively cuts you off from your fellow man. Greed makes you self-centered, which leaves you alone in your own world (Imagine a life-time of solitary confinement). Sloth ends up allowing your body and mind to deteriorate under its own inactivity. Spiritually you can tie it to quotes such as "Idle hands are the Devil's tools", etc, etc. Envy ties in closely to Greed, however Envy does not allow you to be at peace with yourself, and thus at peace with God. It creates a hatred for your fellow man because of a desire to have something that is his, rather than making you want to work hard to share in the same level of success. Perhaps a subtle difference, but it is the difference between spiritual harmony and spiritual turmoil. Lust is deadly because it breeds irresponsibility. Some theologians argue that lust is the reason we have STD's, high divorce rates, and undisciplined children. More importantly, it promotes a lack of self-control which degrades what should be a touching spiritual and emotional act between two people whom love each other. You could say it robs you of the REAL joy of sex. Pride always goes before the fall. While it is ok to be pleased, spiritually you should always be thank God for your bounty, as it would not be accomplished without him. Having pride in something can lead to false confidence, bragging, and other traits which are socially distasteful, morally reprehensible, and spiritually unacceptable. I believe an appropriate quote is something like "and to all thing belong to the Lord." Wrath breeds death, pain, and a judgment that as imperfect beings we do not have the right to have. In wrath we are deciding that WE are the arbiters of their fate, not God. Also, as a result of the nature of wrath, we are forgetting that we are just as flawed. Rather than forgiving and "turning the other cheek", we seek a "justice" that is not a true justice. Gluttony is a classic deadly sin because physically it is so detrimental. Even water in excessive quantities is deadly, so the lesson should be seen that we must have moderation in all things. ![]() |
Pride, covetousness, lust, anger, gluttony, envy, and sloth according to
Webster's Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language. Enjoy y'all. Wench |
sloth!!! I knew that...duh....slapping my head.
No worries, I have a head for random facts
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I’ve been guilty of sloth ever since my mother died 2 years ago.
However, rather than feeling any guilt, I merely feel disenchanted. Not disenchanted with god mind you. On the contrary I couldn’t feel closer to god. My disillusionment is associated with humanity. |
Ok Abra, you're not getting away with the short answer on that one. Why
the disillusionment? ![]() |
So, are they deadly because they kill the growth of the spirit or just
because they're flat unfavorable traits? |
If anger leads to wrath and is deadly as per the 'word of god'
How come gods not dead! Has he not smitten the human race in his 'wrath' many times by your books. |
he makes the laws..doesnt have to live by them...
sounds like a politician ugh ![]() |
those are rules for us i think.I've always had this theory that the God
in the old testament was fairly young,maybe adolecent because he was all over the chart as far as emotions and he seemed to throw tantrums.In the new testament he seemed older and more in control of his powers and emotions. or maybe i'm just a dork. |
But, you are a "cute"
Kat |
yes i am..
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