Topic: For guys and gals
Peccy's photo
Tue 03/24/09 12:14 AM
Why is it that the post hits rise in proportion with the less you have on? Are people that desperate that a lil' skin makes them lose all sensibility?

Spaceman2008's photo
Tue 03/24/09 12:15 AM
Nah...I think it's how much money you have....

no photo
Tue 03/24/09 12:16 AM
because its an easy rip i guess. and peccy that pic is funny :laughing:

Peccy's photo
Tue 03/24/09 12:18 AM

because its an easy rip i guess. and peccy that pic is funny :laughing:
I'm pointing at all the dorks!....j/k Rare

Spaceman2008's photo
Tue 03/24/09 12:21 AM
Edited by Spaceman2008 on Tue 03/24/09 12:22 AM
In all seriousness, I think you are right about that Peccy....I hardly EVER get ANY e-mails or anything else because most of my pics are of me with my son (aside from the silly ones).

In any case, I think if I posted a pic of me with my shirt off, I'd scare people....

no photo
Tue 03/24/09 12:23 AM

because its an easy rip i guess. and peccy that pic is funny :laughing:
I'm pointing at all the dorks!....j/k Rare
no offense taken, i been called a dork plenty :laughing:

justinc1431's photo
Tue 03/24/09 12:42 AM
I thought you were pointing at Godzilla... now I'm disapointed.

And yes, the less clothes you wear, the more popular you are. Well for the most part. There are exceptions.

Jess642's photo
Tue 03/24/09 01:51 AM
Say what?

You delusional again? huh

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Tue 03/24/09 01:56 AM
think of it this way people wearing less have less to hide therefor are more approachable

longhairbiker's photo
Tue 03/24/09 01:59 AM
Its the car crash gotta look syndrome. You don't wanna look, but you just gotta.

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Tue 03/24/09 02:02 AM
oah yea id have to agree with that toooooooooooooooo

longhairbiker's photo
Tue 03/24/09 02:11 AM
No, I'm serious. I got hit by a large steel pipe 2 weeks ago at work. It smashed through my hardhat and my head. I put the pics up on the site before I got stitches. I got over 100 hits a day with this picture.

chriswantstocuddle's photo
Tue 03/24/09 02:12 AM
*shudders* please take that pic down its kinda creepy and i dont like seeing injurys if i want to see one i look at an old scar

michiganman3's photo
Tue 03/24/09 03:15 AM
LHB, I bet ya are looking good now after they got you all cleaned up.
And besides, the chicks dig it.

Gossipmpm's photo
Tue 03/24/09 03:28 AM
Edited by Gossipmpm on Tue 03/24/09 03:29 AM
Posting is just is erotic when your naked!