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Topic: Approaching hot women
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Sat 09/30/06 05:49 AM
What do you say to a woman in a supermarket or mall who you think is hot

cookieie's photo
Sat 09/30/06 06:26 AM
You offer to pay for EVERYTHING in her cart.

Loves2Please's photo
Sat 09/30/06 06:55 AM
Thats A good one,,pay 4 everything,,lol,,,,not really but I will be like
your looking at a cook,,and I can get more then one room hot in the
house,,,,,,really I wouldnt say that,,,,Ill just ask If I could show her
a man that is respectable,,and can cook,,that theres nothing going to
happen,,,,,just come with me and enjoy a good meal,,,,,

Lori68Hefford's photo
Sat 09/30/06 07:00 AM
Just walk up to her and tell her... why cant a man just walk up to a
lady and say something like this..."Excuse me, but I have to tell you
that I think you are hot... not that I am looking for anything but I
thought you should know that I appreciate your beauty and hope you have
a great day"... that should be a great conversation starter dont you

no photo
Sat 09/30/06 07:01 AM
You think ill get her phone number if I do that

no photo
Sat 09/30/06 07:07 AM
Im a little slow so please help me with this.Two girls were walking in
the mall the other day.I was attracted to one of them I was at Starbucks
drinking a frappachino and I was sitting by a window where you can see
them walking by.I checked out the one I liked she also looked at me.They
kept walking and I kept sitting there drinking by frapp.About 15 min.
later Im still chillin and sippin and the one i liked walked by me by
herself but just a little further away.Is that a signal?

no photo
Sat 09/30/06 07:09 AM
Do you think its possible if no words are said I just go right up to her
and start kissing her and feeling her up if you feel she is flirting
back at you.

Lori68Hefford's photo
Sat 09/30/06 07:12 AM
Did the lady in question pay you the time of day on the return trip by
herself? It is harder to approach a member of the opposite sex when they
are with friends but if a lady is interested in you she usually finds a
way to make it easier by seperating herself from the group... but um no
i dont think you should just go up to her and jump all over her... what
the F@c& are you in heat or something? geez chill and take time to
impress her with your wit and charm lol

cookieie's photo
Sat 09/30/06 08:17 AM
"I was at Starbucks drinking a frappachino"
How about something like.... "would you like to join me?"
If the words arent possible maybe a smile and a hand gesture that becons
her to join you.

unsure's photo
Sat 09/30/06 09:34 AM
UMMMM I really don't think you should just go up to her and start
kissing her...OMG!! Why not just go up to her and say something like...I
noticed you when you walked by and I thought you were very pretty, I
hope you have a great day--oh by the way, my name is blah blah
blah---would you like to get a coke or something?
You need to slow down, I promise you this, you walk up to her and start
kissing her, she will FREAK!!! Give her a compliment and just slow it
down. Good luck on your search :)

no photo
Sat 09/30/06 09:44 AM
walk up and start kissing? Yea and you might as ask her to kick you in
the balls too...ha ha

chismah's photo
Sat 09/30/06 11:39 AM
Well if I should approach a hot women I would make sure to have some ice
so I can cool her ass down or she'd die of a heat stroke lol 0_o

no photo
Sat 09/30/06 05:41 PM
If I would have used a hand gesture to join me and she does I only do
that when she is by herself right?If she walks over I would ask if she
wants something to drink right.What happens if her friend is with her do
I have to buy one for her today?

Lori68Hefford's photo
Sat 09/30/06 05:48 PM
I have to wonder if your as inexperienced as you are making it look...
you are a 39 yr old man who has never been married (no suprises there)
with no children and looking for a woman to make your life complete....
So I have to ask, how have you been spending your time in the past 39
years? Have you been in hiding or something?

Don't get upset I am just wondering, I read your profile and was very
surprised that you are 39, I was expecting to read that you were like 18
or maybe even younger, and very insecure.

If you could please enlighten me because I was impressed with the
writing in your profile compared to the writing you do in these

no photo
Sat 09/30/06 09:01 PM
The only way I have met women in the past is through newspaper
personals.I am very bad at breaking the ice.I just cant do it you think
as i get older it would be easier but I still cant do it

chica42ny's photo
Sat 09/30/06 09:03 PM
u are funny chismah truly. what up man!

no photo
Sun 10/01/06 06:27 AM
hey dp, what is it about the icebreaker that messes with you?
have you ever just tried to stammer your way through it or do you not
even try?

no photo
Sun 10/01/06 05:34 PM
I dont even try anymore.I see a girl i like I fantasize being with her
for a second and then I move on.

no photo
Sun 10/01/06 05:37 PM
i just wanted to know because some people get over it the more they do
it. i still stammer occassionaly when i talk to a girl. some girls think
it is cute. when you do just smile at her and tell her that you are

unsure's photo
Sun 10/01/06 05:51 PM
You are right is cute when a guy gets nervous talking to you.
I think that you really need to just go up to someone and practice on
getting over being nervous...if you just fantasize about being with
them, you are going to be very lonely!
Just go up to them and start talking to them..I mean really, what can
they say but no thank you? Then just move on to the next one..usually
woman are not rude and if they are not interested in you, they will just
kindly tell you that they are already with someone. But you atleast have
to talk to them :)

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