Topic: Up on my Soapbox
Fade2Black's photo
Sun 03/22/09 01:31 PM
oops Ok .. I honestly lose interest in an OP that is ALLL one paragraph. That's what the 'enter' button is for .. breaks it up.:wink: Just sayin.

It's like a massive run-on sentence - I'm just not patient enough to read thru all that without a break. Sorry. Call me ADD if you like. I can handle it. :laughing:

Could you 'condense' the sermon to bullets w/3 keys points? Might figure out what you're 'venting' on then .. THANKS!


thekre8tv1's photo
Sun 03/22/09 02:32 PM

Hey! I like this lady!!!

I plan to stand on this soap box next her!!!!
Or was I already doing that??????

There's room up here ;)

thekre8tv1's photo
Sun 03/22/09 02:33 PM

OMG. I actually gave up on reading when I hit the last of page 4.. I saw this post this morning and thought "way to go" so what she has thick skin an attitude( btw an attitude is nothing more then your acceptance or non acceptance of someone else's behavior) so what someone doesn't agree with her style. Are we so lame that we all shopuld have a uniform way of how we seek to find someone on here? I too have heard these same lectures and from the same people. Christ just when does it stop? I am sure some people have "their way " of how they handle things. IT does not mean it works for someone else. Approach it the way you want. We are individuals not friggin sheep to follow what one or the other thinks is best....

I say do what suits you and if someone doesn't like it.. they don't have to talk with they?

btw I have lived all over the world including NY.. so I know what she means

Thank you, kind gentleman! No puppets here!

thekre8tv1's photo
Sun 03/22/09 02:35 PM

oops Ok .. I honestly lose interest in an OP that is ALLL one paragraph. That's what the 'enter' button is for .. breaks it up.:wink: Just sayin.

It's like a massive run-on sentence - I'm just not patient enough to read thru all that without a break. Sorry. Call me ADD if you like. I can handle it. :laughing:

Could you 'condense' the sermon to bullets w/3 keys points? Might figure out what you're 'venting' on then .. THANKS!


It WAS A RUN-ON blog of emotional vomit so to answer your question...

NO - sorry, I didn't post it here to suit YOUR fancy. No offense. You don't want to read it - then don't - and don't freakin' complain about the contextthen either.

thekre8tv1's photo
Sun 03/22/09 02:39 PM

thekre8tv1, I read your profile and didn't see anything wrong with it.. You state what you're about, what you want and expect... There's nothing wrong with that... People here aren't saying to not be yourself, they are saying that your chances of meeting the person you want to meet will open up if the chip on your shoulder isn't always so apparent.. Living in NJ or NY is different from most part of the US but all cities have their tough areas... When I moved back to Cali after living in NJ for 17yrs, I had to readjust to the more laid back personalities b/c I was found too forward. We can be who we are, not sacrifice our integrity of our person and still have a softer compassionate side... Nothing is black and white, the world and life has a lot of gray areas that we must acknowledge or it is "us" who is living in our own little world not those that prefer a little sugar coating... JMHO

And I DO have a soft and compassionate side. Otherwise I wouldn't be here looking to share it...

I'm just not gonna take any BS in the process.

As they say - "the best man wins"! One who can see that I am high spirited, slightly opnionated, witty, wise, occasionally crass, with a bullet-proof level of brutal honestly alnogside a HUGE heart, and one of which I give 100% of ME into a relationship worth building. I do not ask for what I do not offer. If I can't give it my all, there is no in-between... and I will not compromise that, nor will I accept any less.

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 03/22/09 02:47 PM
I don't disagree with you.. We all have our ways and we should be true to ourselves as long as we aren't hurting others in the process...

no photo
Sun 03/22/09 03:01 PM
No one should ever have to hold back or water down who they are just so they can get a date or two. Not only would it be dishonest, but you would also be selling yourself short in the process. That goes even when running the chance of hurting someone's feelings.

thekre8tv1's photo
Sun 03/22/09 03:03 PM

No one should ever have to hold back or water down who they are just so they can get a date or two. Not only would it be dishonest, but you would also be selling yourself short in the process. That goes even when running the chance of hurting someone's feelings.

AMEN! :angel:

thekre8tv1's photo
Sun 03/22/09 03:05 PM
P.S. I clock my coconut all the time, too :P

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 03/22/09 03:06 PM
Now that that is settled.. Welcome, good luck and have fun in the forums...

thekre8tv1's photo
Sun 03/22/09 03:07 PM
Thanks ~ and I am not here to hurt anyone either. I am not a malicious or vindictive person. I am rather opnionated, but not a total B**ch!!! flowers

krupa's photo
Sun 03/22/09 03:09 PM
Yep...and take it easy on us girly men shorty...hehehehehehe

I know, you are only six can't help it that you are short honey.


IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 03/22/09 03:13 PM

Thanks ~ and I am not here to hurt anyone either. I am not a malicious or vindictive person. I am rather opnionated, but not a total B**ch!!! flowers

I never thought you were... I've felt all that you've said here and in your profile and I do understand what our fellow M2 friends were saying, that's what my post was for...

You seem cool to me and the forums are very fun, the people here are great.. I've made a lot of wonderful friends here... flowers

thekre8tv1's photo
Sun 03/22/09 03:13 PM

Yep...and take it easy on us girly men shorty...hehehehehehe

I know, you are only six can't help it that you are short honey.


haaaaaaaaah! you got jokes!!!

a girlie man is under 5'8" and less that 150 lbs

the same ones that hit on me and want me to dominate them... usually more like 5"3-5'6" ~ at one time, it was amusing...
now - not so much - it's played.

simmer down their, soldier you only have an inch on me! lol

krupa's photo
Sun 03/22/09 03:20 PM
I am 12' tall when I need to be Baby.

I gotta admit...all this fiesty, high cheekbone , take no crap thing is probably gonna replace my Xena:Warrior Princess fantasy tonight.

Deal with it sister.

MeChrissy2's photo
Sun 03/22/09 03:21 PM

I am 12' tall when I need to be Baby.

I gotta admit...all this fiesty, high cheekbone , take no crap thing is probably gonna replace my Xena:Warrior Princess fantasy tonight.

Deal with it sister.

*hand over her mouth, refusing to say what she's thinking*smokin

krupa's photo
Sun 03/22/09 03:24 PM
You are next Chrissy patient....

thekre8tv1's photo
Sun 03/22/09 03:27 PM

I am 12' tall when I need to be Baby.

I gotta admit...all this fiesty, high cheekbone , take no crap thing is probably gonna replace my Xena:Warrior Princess fantasy tonight.

Deal with it sister.

ok I am literally ROTFLMAO!!! I don't knwo whether to be flattered or offended!blushing

krupa's photo
Sun 03/22/09 03:48 PM
Both Baby.....both....

Tazz42's photo
Sun 03/22/09 03:51 PM

Yep...and take it easy on us girly men shorty...hehehehehehe

I know, you are only six can't help it that you are short honey.


haaaaaaaaah! you got jokes!!!

a girlie man is under 5'8" and less that 150 lbs

the same ones that hit on me and want me to dominate them... usually more like 5"3-5'6" ~ at one time, it was amusing...
now - not so much - it's played.

simmer down their, soldier you only have an inch on me! lol

You could stack them.....:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: