Topic: Larry King: UFOs shutting down Military Sites
Atlantis75's photo
Sun 03/22/09 11:34 AM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Sun 03/22/09 11:34 AM
Is USA and the rest of the nuclear weapon owning nations are actually "nuclear neutered" by UFOs?" Is that why the big secrecy?

A bit old.from last year Summer.but if you didn't see this debate, it's worth to watch:

part 1.




AndyBgood's photo
Sun 03/22/09 11:59 AM
Here is the reality of UFO's and the threat they pose. Since they can travel space in ways we cannot they hold the high ground. Strap thrusters on a big enough rock and nudge it into earth's orbit and you got an effective planet killer without resorting to nuclear weapons and the resulting pollution. All our best nukes could do to stop an attack like that is NOTHING!

I think the reason why our government will not come clean is the panic that would cause because we could not stop extra terrestrials from wiping us out that way.

Worst still is the whole peace crowd against weapon development does not see that we may need to depend on a new super weapon to stop a earth killing asteroid (what a lot of scientists call "an extinction class event") from wiping us out. Hugs and rainbows will not make a huge asteroid change course.

If I was really evil and had space traveling capacities and I wanted to conquer the earth, putting a huge asteroid in orbit around the earth would be a viable threat for me to take total control of the planet. It would be a "do as I say or kiss North America good bye," as I nudged a huge asteroid into place to make good on that threat.

I personally think the ETs are waiting for them to make official contact so we DON'T start a war we would loose BADLY to. What sucks is that humans are too eager to start wars in the first place.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 03/22/09 12:03 PM

Is USA and the rest of the nuclear weapon owning nations are actually "nuclear neutered" by UFOs?" Is that why the big secrecy?

A bit old.from last year Summer.but if you didn't see this debate, it's worth to watch:

part 1.




shades Its the Draconians and their Zeta-clone servantsshades

Atlantis75's photo
Sun 03/22/09 03:56 PM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Sun 03/22/09 03:58 PM
If I was really evil and had space traveling capacities and I wanted to conquer the earth, putting a huge asteroid in orbit around the earth would be a viable threat for me to take total control of the planet. It would be a "do as I say or kiss North America good bye," as I nudged a huge asteroid into place to make good on that threat.

Being "evil" comes from lack of empathy , luck of understanding and fear of the unknown.

An alien race so advanced, that capable traveling light years have an entire different mindset and intelligence way beyond our thinking.
you must not leave out the fact, that our "evilness" comes from the behavior of trying to control plus add the ones I listed above.

The truth is, we are miserable little creatures that just can't get away from the fact that we are all the same and to tell you the truth..if i would be an extraterrestrial being, I would say the contact has to be put on hold. Fighting over oil and various other resources and mass killing people paints a picture of a being who is still not grown up enough.
We're getting close's our job to convince and if must- force- our governments to stop undermining, killing and waging wars with others for wealth and money, especially if this wealth and money is an illusion and short lived anyway.

no photo
Sun 03/22/09 04:15 PM
It's the Cylons!!! They have a plan!!! laugh

no photo
Sun 03/22/09 09:54 PM

It's the Cylons!!! They have a plan!!! laugh

The old Cylons Rocked!!!

Blaze1978's photo
Wed 04/08/09 12:28 AM

Here is the reality of UFO's and the threat they pose. Since they can travel space in ways we cannot they hold the high ground. Strap thrusters on a big enough rock and nudge it into earth's orbit and you got an effective planet killer without resorting to nuclear weapons and the resulting pollution. All our best nukes could do to stop an attack like that is NOTHING!

Something just occurred to me. We have always assumed UFOs are capable of interplanetary travel. It seems obvious that if they're here, then they must be.


Has no one ever considered the possibility that such an alien vessel might not travel through space at all? Maybe UFOs are capable of focusing wormholes at precise locations. Maybe...just maybe...they could direct such a phenomenon from their world to earth. If such is true, then UFOs may not be capable of interplanetary flight, as we've assumed, and may not even be built to resist the pressures of space.

Has anyone ever actually seen a UFO flying through space?

If my theory sounds farfetched, keep in mind their technology far surpasses what we're capable of, and their knowledge I think might disprove some of our theories about how the physical universe works...if we had all the answers, would it not be us in the saucerlike spacecraft and plotting domination of foreign worlds?

talldub's photo
Wed 04/08/09 12:33 AM
There are no aliens. The story was just invented to distract you from the startling fact that people aren't wearing enough hats.

Blaze1978's photo
Wed 04/08/09 12:36 AM

If I was really evil and had space traveling capacities and I wanted to conquer the earth, putting a huge asteroid in orbit around the earth would be a viable threat for me to take total control of the planet. It would be a "do as I say or kiss North America good bye," as I nudged a huge asteroid into place to make good on that threat.

Being "evil" comes from lack of empathy , luck of understanding and fear of the unknown.

An alien race so advanced, that capable traveling light years have an entire different mindset and intelligence way beyond our thinking.
you must not leave out the fact, that our "evilness" comes from the behavior of trying to control plus add the ones I listed above.

The truth is, we are miserable little creatures that just can't get away from the fact that we are all the same and to tell you the truth..if i would be an extraterrestrial being, I would say the contact has to be put on hold. Fighting over oil and various other resources and mass killing people paints a picture of a being who is still not grown up enough.
We're getting close's our job to convince and if must- force- our governments to stop undermining, killing and waging wars with others for wealth and money, especially if this wealth and money is an illusion and short lived anyway.

There are other forms of evil.

Greed being one.

If an alien force was determined to wipe us out, religion might also play a factor. But without an awareness of how an alien society works, and without any knowledge of what motivates an entirely foreign alien people, how can we just assume their social protocol mimick or mirror ours?

Their idea of good and evil could be very simplistic, in spite of their technology. Good might amount to, "we're going to wipe out all forms of intelligent life we find because we are the only ones worthy of existing."

Since anything alien is probably as different from us as we are from trees, how can one predict how the mind of an alien species would evolve?

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 04/08/09 06:31 PM
shades They are already amongst usshades

no photo
Wed 04/08/09 06:38 PM
Gotta love those little green men.

I'm not sure I believe in aliens. But what I do believe in?

* Sea serpents *