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Topic: I see the bad moon arising.
no photo
Sun 03/22/09 07:49 AM
I see trouble on the way.

What do you do if you KNOW a friend is heading for disaster, but they are hell bent on the present course?

Sun 03/22/09 07:50 AM

I see trouble on the way.

What do you do if you KNOW a friend is heading for disaster, but they are hell bent on the present course?

Hand them a DETOUR sign???

bgeorge's photo
Sun 03/22/09 07:53 AM

I see trouble on the way.

What do you do if you KNOW a friend is heading for disaster, but they are hell bent on the present course?

unfortunately there's no way to head them sucks to watch...

Mr_Music's photo
Sun 03/22/09 07:55 AM
All you can do is tell them. It's not your fault if they don't heed your warning.

I do this frequently, and by the time anybody realizes I'm right, it's already too late.

grneyedldy1967's photo
Sun 03/22/09 07:55 AM
Try to talk to them and reason with them.. if that does not work then I hope the mistake they make isn't life altering and that they learn a lesson from it when they realize they screwed up and should have listened to you!

no photo
Sun 03/22/09 07:55 AM

I see trouble on the way.

What do you do if you KNOW a friend is heading for disaster, but they are hell bent on the present course?

unfortunately there's no way to head them sucks to watch...

I don't think I'm going to watch. I suppose I'll just go about my business and be there to help pick up the pieces after the train wreck.

no photo
Sun 03/22/09 07:57 AM

All you can do is tell them. It's not your fault if they don't heed your warning.

I do this frequently, and by the time anybody realizes I'm right, it's already too late.

And along with that...IF you value that friendship, you stick around to help pick up the peices... If doing things their own way bugs you too much...dump 'em. You can't MAKE anyone behave the way you want them to...

Filmfreek's photo
Sun 03/22/09 07:58 AM
It depends on the individual and the situation.

If they are stubborn, just ride it out, and let them learn from it.

If they are easily persuaded, try to talk them out of it.

bgeorge's photo
Sun 03/22/09 08:00 AM

I see trouble on the way.

What do you do if you KNOW a friend is heading for disaster, but they are hell bent on the present course?

unfortunately there's no way to head them sucks to watch...

I don't think I'm going to watch. I suppose I'll just go about my business and be there to help pick up the pieces after the train wreck.

then they're lucky to have you for a friendflowerforyou

evilbabe277's photo
Sun 03/22/09 08:00 AM

I see trouble on the way.

What do you do if you KNOW a friend is heading for disaster, but they are hell bent on the present course?

It hurts us being their friends but sometimes you just have to let them make their mistake and learn the lesson.. Then be there for them to help when its all said and done


motowndowntown's photo
Sun 03/22/09 08:01 AM
As a friend I'd probably warn him and hope he didn't get hurt too badly. As a typical man I'd then probably sit back laugh and buy him a beer afterwards.

no photo
Sun 03/22/09 08:04 AM
The sad part in this conundrum is my friend is hiding the "situation." This tells me they are aware the present course is unwise and do not want to hear reality.

boredinaz06's photo
Sun 03/22/09 08:07 AM

I see trouble on the way.

What do you do if you KNOW a friend is heading for disaster, but they are hell bent on the present course?

if They're HELL Bent on the Present Course Let Life Kick Em in the Teeth!!! then Play Dentist Afterwords.

no photo
Sun 03/22/09 08:07 AM

The sad part in this conundrum is my friend is hiding the "situation." This tells me they are aware the present course is unwise and do not want to hear reality.

All you can do is talk to them about it. Then, if they still choose that course, lend them a hand back up when it comes crashing down.

You can lead a horse to water...

no photo
Sun 03/22/09 08:09 AM
Keep your eyes and heart and arms open for the fallout if nothing else prevents it all.

no photo
Sun 03/22/09 08:10 AM

The sad part in this conundrum is my friend is hiding the "situation." This tells me they are aware the present course is unwise and do not want to hear reality.

All you can do is talk to them about it. Then, if they still choose that course, lend them a hand back up when it comes crashing down.

You can lead a horse to water...

You can also lead a horticulture...but you can't make her think...:wink:

bgeorge's photo
Sun 03/22/09 08:10 AM

The sad part in this conundrum is my friend is hiding the "situation." This tells me they are aware the present course is unwise and do not want to hear reality.

ya think???

BertDCaveman's photo
Sun 03/22/09 08:11 AM
A friend is someone that bails you out of jail. A true friend is sitting next to you in jail.

Hope the both of you have bail money

elwoodsully's photo
Sun 03/22/09 08:12 AM
Edited by elwoodsully on Sun 03/22/09 08:17 AM
I have stood firm directly in the face of his destruction. Our friendship took some lumps, but it survived for a while. Sadly, when I was not around, due to getting relocated by the army, he went back down that same path. His dumb ass is now doing 40 to life in prison. frustrated surprised

Smiggers's photo
Sun 03/22/09 08:15 AM
Edited by Smiggers on Sun 03/22/09 08:26 AM
This reminds me of a friend of mine.
My honesty was not accepted well and it forever
damaged the friendship. My advise is to just let
it be. You will be damned if you do and damned if you
don't. The fact that I was right (in the end) I think even made it worse.
Let people make thier own mistakes and just be a good friend
and be there to pick up the pieces after. I wish I had taken that course. :wink:

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