Topic: President Obama's Nowruz message | |
And yes, I'm annoyed that the IHT can't spell. |
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Sat 03/21/09 11:44 AM
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Wow, I am out of touch. I didn't realize the I-told-ya Kocka-may-mee was still in charge. And, gee.... he doesn't buy Obama!!! |
This is why I laughed at the idea of just sitting down and talking with Iran. It's never going to just happen as Obama has hoped. While there was outrage about McCain requiring preconditions for a talk and everyone saying Obama was better for being willing to just sit down, guess what Iran just did to us? Obama just put the ball in their court and set a precedent that will bite him in the ass.
Wow, I am out of touch. I didn't realize the I-told-ya Kocka-may-mee was still in charge. And, gee.... he doesn't buy Obama!!! Hmm....Khamenei demands changes. |
We are the Great Satan.. All the ass kissing and goodwill gestures Obama puts forward will be rebuffed and mocked by the Iranians. All he is doing is weakening our position in the eyes of the muslim fanatics, and they will in turn, reply in the only way they know how..
Bloodshed and Carnage... |
Fuming Over Obama Saying Nice Stuff To Iranians, Chief Neocon Lets Slip It’s About Regime Change
Sunday, March 22, 2009 It didn’t take too long for Murdoch’s chief neocon propagandist, William Kristol of the neocon comic ‘The Weekly Standard’, to pen his response to President Obama’s televised offering of a tentative hand of peace. According to Kristol, Obama didn’t offer the Iranian people ‘liberty’ nor ‘freedom’ nor ‘democracy’ nor ‘human rights’. The reason for that is because Obama doesn’t have it to offer. Every where else the neocons have talked about giving people these things has turned to utter disaster. Why would Obama offer more of the same to Iran? And does Kristol really expect the Iranian people to welcome the US and their allies after having seen what they have done to Afghanistan and Iraq? Liberty? Freedom? Democracy? Human Rights? Kristol has no idea what the words even mean. Kristol goes on: Indeed, “the United States wants the Islamic Republic of Iran to take its rightful place in the community of nations.” Note: “the Islamic Republic of Iran.” Does Obama routinely refer to Pakistan as the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, its formal name? Of course not. But Obama goes out of his way to mention (twice) “the Islamic Republic of Iran.” He’s kowtowing to a regime that is anything but republican, implicitly forswearing any plan–any hope–of regime change to free the Iranian people. Regime change? What regime change? Wasn’t it all about Iran’s so-called nuclear weapons program? Of course it’s about regime change. It has, for the Israelis and their neocon supporters, never ever been about anything else. Regime change in Iran means the Israelis get to have their Greater Israel sooner. Iranian support for Hezbollah and Hamas disappears and resistance by the Palestinians and the Lebanese to Israeli aggression all but disappears as well. Kristol exposes the neocon and Israeli fraud – it’s not about Iran’s nuclear weapons program at all; it’s all about regime change. |