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Topic: Weaving a tangled Web of deceit...
Peccy's photo
Thu 03/19/09 09:40 AM

It behooves me that people will actually lie to a person they plan on meeting. Is building a false image of yourself in someones mind really going to be excusable when you actually meet?

Well this guy I met..... After a few monthes of talking He flew down and then I flew up..
He pretended to be a one woman kind of guy and his front was amazing..
Then after meeting his family etc.. We went to his place..
WOW a batcholor pad on the farm ha ha ha'' He even had a bed in the back of his truck and lap tops in every roon..
He had women all over the states that he would fly to see.. with mapped out cities on the wall and files of each stored on his laptops..
Yikes!shocked (sorry guys if that is you)
lol........no I just have one woman. can you say playa'?"

no photo
Thu 03/19/09 10:41 AM

It amazes me hw many people do lie about themselves I can never understand it. eventually you may want to meet them and then what? your supposed to say "oh that's okay? Sorry I have walked away from women and left them standing there scratching their heads as to why.

As for my profile its accurate. I even updated it yesterday about the additional weight I gained.. Funny thing too. But thats a temporary thing . BUT its still there for now..frustrated frustrated frustrated

ee gads.. hide the twinkies!!!laugh
it was little debbie nutty bars and red vines and pecan sandies..lol so all the junk like that is gone and I will lose those few lbs in a week or 10 days..it was seven lbs in a month and thats not good I try to eat healthy so I slipped up this last month.. back to my plan...

FreeToB's photo
Thu 03/19/09 11:02 AM
I took a little heat for my post yesterday about a basic distrust of what people say online. And I admit that I have been fooled...UNTIL I met them. In person it takes less than 5 minutes to determine how big a liar someone is. 5 seconds for the obvious ones like "athletic". lol

The question is: Is it worth a shot?

I trust my judgement and I do ask questions and answer them...except for my finances...or lack thereof. And I can take care of myself.
I would not, like the girl in another post did, go out on a boat ride alone with anyone that I didn't know. Common sense.

Anyone thats genuine will not mind that you ask hard questions, or even for proof of what they say. It's not only aggravating, this can be dangerous.

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 03/19/09 11:04 AM
pitchfork Im not even humanpitchfork

SitkaRains's photo
Thu 03/19/09 11:58 AM
I have the problem of my height... I have a serious neck injury from years ago and well with the compression fractures I shrink till I go back through rehab. When I do I am back up to 5 ft. 1 before rehab I can shrink as small as 4ft 10 and 1/2. I hate it and I tell people right up front. I also have been told I am taller than what I state since I have long legs for my height. I now carry a small tape measure with me.

The biggest thing I have found men lie about it their height. I do have a couple of great friends that are female that will NOT tell a guy what they weigh they just respond with enough.. Me I don't care I tell it like it is good, bad, or indifferent.

One thing, I have used over and over is the Webcam and voice chat. I insist on it. I also watch for body language very close during that time.

I never insisted on the voice at the same time till I had a guy have his brother webcam with me and try to fool me. He just looked really uncomfortable so I called him. Well the guy answered his Cell lo and behold it wasn't the guy on the webcam I was looking at...rofl rofl

bottom line trust but verify...

The one thing I don't believe in unless you have big bucks is the online background checks they are too spotty and often wrong. There is one out there that has me owning property in Salem OR. Well I haven't owned the peice of property since mid 90's. Yet it still shows up. When and if I choose to do a back ground check I use a reputable detective agency and spend the bucks, I also feel if I have to go to that length they are probably not dating material for me.

TBRich's photo
Thu 03/19/09 12:00 PM
My main lie is to say i am 5'8" when I am really 5' 7", so I consider it a small one.

FreeToB's photo
Thu 03/19/09 12:08 PM

My main lie is to say i am 5'8" when I am really 5' 7", so I consider it a small one.

haha Your "main lie"? Go post in the honesty thread dude! laugh

TBRich's photo
Thu 03/19/09 12:21 PM
I am shocked and appalled!!! I don't think I lie a lot, besides around the house, but I know I tend to tell everyone that I am 5'8"; at least I admit it, I am only 5'7"! I am the shortest person out of all my friends, my best buddy and I waist and leg measurements are the exact opposite. And I do not consider myself to be short. Short People got no reason to live, what a wonderful world. Why don't you admit to one of your lies?

lovethelord's photo
Thu 03/19/09 06:06 PM

I am shocked and appalled!!! I don't think I lie a lot, besides around the house, but I know I tend to tell everyone that I am 5'8"; at least I admit it, I am only 5'7"! I am the shortest person out of all my friends, my best buddy and I waist and leg measurements are the exact opposite. And I do not consider myself to be short. Short People got no reason to live, what a wonderful world. Why don't you admit to one of your lies?

now now boys!!!
We all know about lieing on the dating sites..
For you guys who love the sexy stories in the sex threads.. hello?? some of the women are really men!!! Think!think think think

AngieH79's photo
Thu 03/19/09 10:40 PM

no photo
Thu 03/19/09 10:49 PM
Well I thought I was actually going to meet someone online.
So I figured they would find out soon enough, so why lie.

Now I know I could lie through my teeth, and no one is ever going to know any different.

Actualy there are 3 women on this site that have met me, work with me and ah, um........one deactived, one signed up and never came back, the other one doesn't come around any more. So I guess you can't really ask them.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 03/19/09 10:56 PM

It behooves me that people will actually lie to a person they plan on meeting. Is building a false image of yourself in someones mind really going to be excusable when you actually meet?

My point exactly. I would not want to meet someone who has lied to me.

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 03/19/09 10:58 PM
Regardless there will always be those that will try to deceive others. For what every reason is unknown maybe they do it in order for others to like them.

Either way it is very deceiving when you meet them and that person is nothing as they say they are. Myself for those that I have actually met it has been very pleasant and in fact they looked just like the picture they had posted. They were honest in fact about themselves.

Besides I'm a talker always asking questions and very seldom forget the answers others give me.bigsmile

To me if you come right out and ask them and they hesitate you might want to think twice about them. I'm one you ask me something I will tell you I have nothing to hide no past drama that will sneak up and create problems later. I try to always be open minded about life and to trust those I talk to that they will in fact be honest with me as well.

longhairbiker's photo
Thu 03/19/09 11:00 PM
I have no time for deceit. But I have experienced it. You know- showed up and she's not 40 or 140 pounds. She's 60 and 300 pounds. I ask "Why did you lie to me"? She says "Because I'm lonely". Sorry. Trust gone. Bye.

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