Topic: Answer the ? with another ? - part 3 | |
Do you really think I would, either way?
you would, wouldnt you??
Do you really think I'd invite over the competition?
theres competition?????
why so competitive?
Aren't all men?
no, do they have to be?
When there's beautiful women around, shouldn't they be?
Does anyone really think The_Pete_Man would stoop to anything as low as competition?
Is there really a chance you wouldn't with love on the line?
If it was true love would there be a need for competition?
only if its NOT true love isn't it competition?
Do you think, Lee, I might be thinking exactly the same thing?
would that really win the ladies heart?
Could it be that I just don't want love that I would have to compete or fight for, partly because I can't reduce women to the status of tropies?
Would you believe if I told you that I believe you when you say that?
good answer..........dont you think that if two people like each other, they only have eyes for each other?????????
Would you agree that anything less is ultimately just settling?
would that only be like or would it be love?