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Topic: Jesus, Mary, uncle Joseph In Britain - Found First Church
norslyman's photo
Sun 03/15/09 11:00 AM
Were the Druids pagans and early Britons a bunch of savages? Certainly not! They were part of the "Lost Tribes of Israel" and helped lay the fertile ground from which the First Church sprang.

This history also speaks to the fact that "Israel" is not one tiny Middle East country, but includes Britain & USA - the modern superpowers that recieved Yahweh's Blessings and shaped the entire world - until recently that is.

Tradition has it that Joseph was accompanied by a young boy (Jesus) numerous times in his trips to the Tin Mines of Britain. After his resurrection, Joseph brings a band of the first disciples to the very same Island. Safe from the intense Roman persectution.

Ancient documents carefully preserved, and others recently recovered from dusty, long-forgotten archives referring to that epochal year, record him [Joseph] as having been cast upon the seas with a few faithful companions (Mary) by their remorseless enemies, in an open, oarless boat without sails, on an ebbing tide over which they drifted far from the shores of their shadowed Judean homeland, to which they would never return.

The only man who the Sadducees dared not oppose was Joseph, the uncle of Jesus, known scripturally and in secular history as Joseph of Arimathea. He was the protector of that valorous little band of disciples during the perilous years following the crucifixion, the indefatigable head of the Christian underground in Judea, and the guardian of Christ's only earthly treasure, - His mother.

In actuality, Joseph of Arimathea was the Apostle of Britain, the true Apostle first to set up Christ's standard on the sea-girt little isle, five hundred and sixty-two years before St. Augustine set foot on English soil. He, with twelve other disciples of Christ, erected in England the first Christian church above ground in the world, to the glory of God and His Son, Jesus Christ.

Joseph of Arimathea was a man of refinement, well educated, and one who possessed many talents. He had extraordinary political and business ability and was reputed to be one of the wealthiest men in the world of that time. He was the Carnegie of his day, a metal magnate controlling the tin and lead industry which then was akin in importance to that of steel today.

He is reputed to have owned one of the largest private merchant shipping fleets afloat which traversed the world's sea lanes in the transportation of this precious metal. In St. Jerome's translation, Joseph's official title is given as 'Nobilis Decurio'. This would indicate that he held a prominent position in the Roman administration as a minister of mines.

According to the Talmud, Joseph was the younger brother of the father of the Virgin Mary. He was her uncle, and therefore a great uncle to Jesus. Chiefly from the secular reports we learn that Joseph was a married man and his son, Josephes, left a mark of distinction in British history. It is quite obvious that the husband of Mary died while Jesus was young.

Under Jewish law such a circumstance automatically appointed the next male kin of the husband, in this case Joseph, legal guardian of the family. We know that Joseph never forsook his nephew. He stood by Him as a bold, fearless defender at the notorious trial, and defied the Sanhedrin by going to Pilate and boldly claiming the body when all others feared to do so. It is commonly taught that Jesus was poor and of obscure relatives. His relationship with the affluent Joseph of Arimathea proves otherwise. In His own right He was a property owner but long before He took up His mission He forsook all material wealth.

That such a trade (tin) existed is too well attested to need proof. Herodotus as early as 445 BC speaks of the British Isles as the Tin Islands or Cassiterides. Pytheas (352-323 BC) mentions the tin trade, attest the trade, and tin is still mined there today. Lord Avebury and Sir John Evans held the opinion that the trade existed as early as 1500 BC, and Sir Edward Creasy in his History of England writes: "The British mines mainly suppled the glorious adornment of Solomon's Temple".

Joseph of Arimathea was an uncle of the Virgin Mary, being the younger brother of her father. He gained his wealth as an importer in the tin trade, which existed between Cornwall and Phoenicia. On one of his voyages he took Our Lord with him when a boy. Our Lord either remained in Britain or returned later as a young man, and stayed in quiet retirement at Glastonbury. Here he erected for himself a small house of mud and wattle. Later Joseph of Arimathea, fleeing from Palestine, settles in the same place and erected a mud and wattle church there.

Tradition holds that Joseph's mud and wattle church was

replaced with Lady Chapel. The only writing to survive the

abbey's destruction is located in the wall of Lady Chapel. It

seems to give silent testimony to the presence at Glastonbury of

the mother of our Lord.

Any treatment of Glastonbury would not be complete

without the mention of the legendary King Arthur. Tradition

has it that Arthur was a relative of Joseph of Arimathea,

and that the Knights of Arthur's Round Table were also all

Joseph's relatives. I haven't seen verification for the

Knights, but there is plenty of evidence linking Arthur to

Glastonbury, and Joseph.

There is little doubt among those who have looked at the evidence, that England was the Cradle of Christianity, having been established by Jesus' uncle Joseph of Arimathea, along with many of the Lord's disciples, shortly after the Resurrection.

AndyBgood's photo
Sun 03/15/09 11:07 AM

The Druids are not Hebrew at all????

Where the HECK did you get this from? Are you confusing Druids with the Hebrews found in Ethiopia? I have to ask where you got this tidbit of information from because I smell BS!yawn

The Druidic culture had NOTHING to do with Israel, the Jews, or Jesus. Their religion was WAY WAY WAY (AND I MEAN VASTLY) different from the religions of Rome, Israel, Europe, and everyone else for that matter. There are NO similarities to any other religion.

I think you are a few thousand miles off course here....

AndyBgood's photo
Sun 03/15/09 11:11 AM
Also England was not the Cradle of Christianity, ROME was! The Roman Catholic Church was founded by Constantine. Rome could not conquer the Celts which meant that the island of England was divided in half roughly. The Druids were slaughtered by English Christians and likewise took on the Vikings and got their asses handed to them by the Norsemen and had to pay annual tribute to them for YEARS! The English Church started a war they lost and were lucky the Vikings didn't do to them what they had done to the Druids!

norslyman's photo
Sun 03/15/09 11:55 AM
Hurray for the Norse! :tongue: Just kidding. Good thing THEY converted eh.

No. Britain was the TRUE cradle of Christianity. Rome was and is the center of the false Church. They control the history books.


Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given you, as I said to Moses." Joshua 1:3

What do the names: Joshua , Jesus , Hesus , Hu Gadarn , Hu the Mighty, Yeshua, have in common? They are all the names given to the same biblical Joshua who took the Israelites into the Promised Land. The eradicating of the knowledge of Joshua and the Israelite colonization of the British Isles has led to the longest enduring Holocaust, throughout Europe, which has not been properly recorded in history.

More Israelite blood has been shed over the identity issue than Jewish blood shed during the Second World War. The knowledge of who the druids were is a major key to solving a historic puzzle. The Druidic priesthood was established in Ireland and Britain, by Joshua of the Old Testament.


Historical Record

Hu Gadarn, the Joshua of the Old Testament, came to Britain in the early to mid 1300's B.C.

"A fragmentary Welsh record, called the Welsh Triad, reads as follows: 'First was the race of the Cymry, who came with Hu Gadarn to Yns Prydain.' Hu came from the 'land of summer' -- a land located somewhere in what later constituted the realm of Constantinople (the capital of the eastern Roman Empire). ...

Who was Hu Gadarn? Gadarn is a Welsh word. It means 'the mighty.' Hu was a short form of the Old Celtic name Hesus... . Hesus is the Celtic -- and also the Spanish -- pronunciation of Jesus. ...

Jesus was merely the Greek form of the Hebrew name Joshua. Hu or Hesus the Mighty was Joshua the Mighty, the great general who led Israel into Palestine. And the Welsh Triad records that in his later years he also settled Israel peaceably in the British Isle. From there, for trading purposes, they spread to the coasts of the continent..." (Compendium of World History, by Herman L. Hoeh, Vol. II, page 49-50, 1969, printed in the U.S.A.)

"The educational system adopted by the Druids is traced to about 1800 B.C. [editors note: should be mid 1300's B.C.] when Hu Gadarn Hysicion (Isaacson), or Hu the Mighty, led the first colony of Cymri into Britain from Defrobane, where Constantinople now stands. In the justly celebrated Welsh Triads, Hu Gadarn is said to have mnemonically systematized the wisdom of the ancients of these people whom he led west from the Summerland.

He was regarded as the personification of intellectual culture and is commemorated in Welsh archaeology for having made poetry the vehicle of memory, and to have been the inventor of the Triads. To him is attributed the founding of Stonehenge, and introduction of several arts including glass-making and writing in Ogham characters. On Hu Gadarn's standard was depicted the Ox; in this possibly may be discovered the origin of the sobriquet, 'John Bull'.

Hu established, among other regulations, that a Gorsedd or Assembly of Druids and Bards must he held on an open, uncovered grass space, in a conspicuous place, in full view and hearing of all the people." (Celt, Druid and Culdee, by Isabel Hill Elder, page 53, The Covenant Publishing Company, London, 1973.)

Druidic History Edited by Rome

Hu Gadarn invented the writing method of Ogham script placed on sticks. Benedictine Monks made sticks with Ogham script and spread them throughout the lands they travelled, centuries later, trying to confuse future historians. The history of Europe was edited and the knowledge of Israelites coming to Britain and Ireland was modified and removed as seen fit by the Catholic monks. The identity of Irish and Scottish ethnic origins was lost to any but astute historians.

"Irish history is the only literature which specifically connects Israel with its past. ... And in Ireland the Catholic monks did their best to make it appear that Ireland was not settled by Hebrews at all, but by Magog! ...

...How Confusion Arose in Irish History

The Domestic Annals were artfully expanded to make it appear that Irish history commenced centuries earlier than it did in fact. The task of the monks was rendered easy by an unusual circumstance. ... Each of these factors made it easy for certain later monks, who followed the Septuagint, to alter and expand the official record." (Compendium of World History, by Herman L. Hoeh, Vol. I, pages 415-417, 1969, printed in the U.S.A.)

"...[they] suspect that these histories have, over the centuries, been doctored by the 'Romanophilic' monks, who copied them as a part of a general policy of putting the ancient Britons in a bad light." (The Holy Kingdom, by Adrian Gilbert, Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett, Corgi Books, 1999, page 213.)

"The fact is, Rome began early to covet Ireland. Once they got possession, it was necessary for them to destroy the influence of Jeremiah." (The Ten Lost Tribes, Rev. Joseph Wild, D.D., 1883, London: Robert Banks, Printer, Racquet Court, Fleet Street, E.C.)

"But if some day the secret archives of the Vatican are opened, new interpretations are conceivable and, above all, new facts may be brought to light." (Sails of Hope, Simon Wiesenthal, MacMillan Publishing Co., Inc, New York, 1973.)

The first church set up outside of Judea, was established by Joseph of Aramathea (Christ's uncle), in Glastonbury, England, about four years after the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Joseph of Aramathea was the wealthiest (Jewish) man in the Roman Empire, second only to Caesar. He was a friend of Caesar and owned tin mines in Britain. Joseph's influence took Christianity to Britain, in the first century A.D., long before Christianity flourished in Gentile Asia Minor, under the Apostle Paul.

The Apostles followed their Master's directive to go to the lost sheep of the House of Israel,first. Salvation is of the Jews, first. The tribes of Israel are next, and the Gentiles are sprinkled in, until the Millennial rule of Christ begins. Then, and only then, is the commission to "go ye unto all the world" really fulfilled. Christianity is for Israelites.

In the mind of the Vatican, the year 2000 is to begin the millennial rule of the Vicar of Christ, not Jesus Christ Himself. The year of repentance is to prepare the world for the institution of a new world order, under the influence of the Catholic Church. It is too bad if you are Protestant, even worse if you are Jewish or a Seventh Day Sabbath keeper.

The Significance of Joshua in Britain

What scripture says: " Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given you, as I said to Moses." Joshua 1:3 Never before has there been a historical link which so dramatically sets the British peoples apart from the rest of the world. The presence of Joshua in Ireland and England, makes the British inheritors of the title: 'a chosen people', of the Bible historical account.

The history of the British Isles can now be rewritten to re-establish the national inheritance of the Celtic and Anglo-Saxon peoples with that of the chosen people of the Bible.


The fact that Joshua was in Britain, is the missing link between the Identity Movement and the British peoples. Wherever Joshua placed his feet , became the soil of the Hebrews, known as Israel. The British Isles are the inherited lands of the Tribe of Ephraim, and a refuge for the Houses of Israel and Judah. Who can deny it? It comes from the mouth of the Almighty God of Israel.

Further reading and research :

Compendium of World History , by Herman L. Hoeh, 1969, Vol. I and II, printed in U.S.A.

The Ten Lost Tribes, Rev. Joseph Wild, D.D., 1883, London: Robert Banks, Printer, Racquet Court, Fleet Street, E.C.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sun 03/15/09 12:11 PM
Edited by Milesoftheusa on Sun 03/15/09 12:12 PM
How do you see see passages?

1 Peter 5:12-14

12 By Silvanus, a faithful brother unto you, as I suppose, I have written briefly, exhorting, and testifying that this is the true grace of Yahweh 13 The Assembly that is at Babylon , elected together with you, saluteth you; and so doth Marcus my son.

14 Greet ye one another with a kiss of charity. Peace be with you all that are in Messiah Yahshua. Amen.

James 1:1-9
:1 James, a servant of Elohim and of the Master Yahshua our Messiah
2 My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;

3 Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.

4 But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of Elohim, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

6 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.

7 For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.

8 A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.

9 Let the brother of low degree rejoice in that he is exalted:

I know the British Israelism therory has been around a long time.

But why?

Does scripture point to it?

Peter knew of brethern in Babylon. They seem to not be able to come to Jerusalem as hearing of the Messiah I would guess they would.

James makes a point to address his letter to the 12 tribes.

He not only directs it to them but also gives faith and hope to them.

As also admonishing them in the way of the Messiah.

Deducting from scripture I can not see the Lost 10 tribes being lost at all.

King Davids linage of Royalty was to live on.

If you check you will find many descendents of David's with thier names as cities in Iraq.

This certainly would fullfill the royalty aspect as i would believe a city is named after a King...Blessings...Miles

norslyman's photo
Sun 03/15/09 07:17 PM
Well, I don't think they were lost to Yahweh. But I do think they forgot their own heritage. Mannaseh means "forgetting" I believe.

Judah & Benjamin went into Babylonian captivity and many returned to the homeland of Israel, but the northern 10 tribes went into Assyrian captivity. And then continued to migrate north afterwards.


We have brought you through this group of words to show that ish in Hebrew means a man. Now take the Hebrew word which is translated covenant, which in its original form has no vowel, but which in its Anglicized form retains the vowel i to preserve the y sound, and we have Brith, which joined with ish is Brith-ish, and means "A covenant man." Today the BRITISH people, or men of the covenant, are called Britons, and are dwelling in the British Isles!!!

We are told that the people of Waels call themselves, in ancient Welsh, "Bryth y Brithan," or Briths of Briton," which means "The Covenanters" of "the land of the Covenant." The first form of this phrase is almost vernacular Hebrew.

It is also unmistakably recorded in British history that the earliest settlers in Wales and southern England were called Simonii. They came by the way of the sea in the year 720 B. C. At this time there was the great­est influx of the Tuatha de Daanan to Ireland, and this synchronizes with the deportation of the Israelites of the commonwealth of Ephraim to Assyria, and the flight of Dan and Simeon from the seaports and coast country of Palestine. That Simonii is the plural of Simeon we need scarcely mention.

But all evidences of the fulfillment of this prophecy are not philological, for Isaiah, still addressing the Israelites who dwell in the islands, predicts the follow­ing: "For thy waste and desolate places, and the land of thy destruction [the destruction of their identity], shall even now be too narrow [pressed, straightened] by reason of the inhabitants, and they that swallowed thee up [the Assyrians] shall be far away.

The children which thou shalt have, after thou hast lost the other, shall say again in thine ears: The place is too straight [small, crowded, cramped] for me; give a place to me that I may dwell," (Isa. 49:19-20).

Here are a people called Israel who are living in the isles of the sea. They have lost one company of people, and yet their children say that the place is still too small, cramped and crowded, because there are too many inhabitants for such a small country. Conse­quently they ask the Mother Country to give them a place also. Or, according to Leeser's translation, they say, "Make room for me to dwell," and the Mother Country must do it, because it is she to whom the Lord has given the desolate heritages of the earth.

Mark this! It is also said of the mother country, or Mother Israel, that she "lost" her first children before other of her children asked for territory in which to dwell.

England is the only country on the face of the earth where these conditions obtain. Her first child was called New England, but she LOST it, and now it -- together with that which, for various reasons, has been annexed -- is called The United States of America.

Dragoness's photo
Sun 03/15/09 07:23 PM

Also England was not the Cradle of Christianity, ROME was! The Roman Catholic Church was founded by Constantine. Rome could not conquer the Celts which meant that the island of England was divided in half roughly. The Druids were slaughtered by English Christians and likewise took on the Vikings and got their asses handed to them by the Norsemen and had to pay annual tribute to them for YEARS! The English Church started a war they lost and were lucky the Vikings didn't do to them what they had done to the Druids!

This is not accurate.

norslyman's photo
Tue 03/17/09 09:36 AM

Also England was not the Cradle of Christianity, ROME was! The Roman Catholic Church was founded by Constantine. Rome could not conquer the Celts which meant that the island of England was divided in half roughly. The Druids were slaughtered by English Christians and likewise took on the Vikings and got their asses handed to them by the Norsemen and had to pay annual tribute to them for YEARS! The English Church started a war they lost and were lucky the Vikings didn't do to them what they had done to the Druids!

This is not accurate.

This is the history Rome wants you to believe. But it is true that Rome could not conquer Briton. They were far from a bunch of savages, they defeated the best troops in the world, a superpower verses a tiny island nation! This was "Braveheart" x 10. They really were the "Defenders of The Faith" - their Faith gave them incredible bravery and courage.

That is why Yahweh picked this little island as the cradle for the young church. Safe from the persecution the rest of the Church was suffering. Why do people think Rome wanted to stamp them out so badly? Wasting their best troops in the process. Surely there were easier targets for expanding their empire? It was about stamping out Christianity.

ThomasJB's photo
Tue 03/17/09 10:37 AM

Any treatment of Glastonbury would not be complete

without the mention of the legendary King Arthur. Tradition

has it that Arthur was a relative of Joseph of Arimathea,

and that the Knights of Arthur's Round Table were also all

Joseph's relatives. I haven't seen verification for the

Knights, but there is plenty of evidence linking Arthur to

Glastonbury, and Joseph.

There is little doubt among those who have looked at the evidence, that England was the Cradle of Christianity, having been established by Jesus' uncle Joseph of Arimathea, along with many of the Lord's disciples, shortly after the Resurrection.

King Arthur had never been proven to be anything more than myth. If he did exist and was related to Joseph it would be very distant. The time of the legends of Arthur are from around 600AD.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Tue 03/17/09 11:41 AM
Edited by Milesoftheusa on Tue 03/17/09 11:57 AM
The church was not suffering after Yahshua's death in Babylon. The Romans and the persians had a peace agreement that they would not go past Babylon/ Bagdad. The Assembly was thier Peter wrote to them. They could of fled thier and i would guess many did. The British with thier white Anglon Heritage wants to take on this role. The Tribe of Israel was not white anglo saxons. Marriage outside the tribes were only done in extreme conditions which would carry on thier Hebreic roots. This therory would go along with the Knights Templor protecting and fighting for Jerusalem against the Arabs. Yet you will not find any call to arms in the NT. or if you go on to Johns Disciples Polycarp or his pupil Polycrates. The writings were being sent to these people in Babylon. To think they took them and thier descendents participtated in the crusades slaps Yahshua's words in the face.

If you go to the huge churches in England they had or were the ones to start the steps up to a Assembly hall. .At the bottom of the steps was a pole on each side of the steps.

This was for a warning to the Heritics who would not accept the pagan Rituals and the name JC or Iosus. The church would hold services while the heretics were tied to poles outside with wood and straw beneath them.

After the service the priest would give them one last chance to repent and accept the churches doctrine. If they did not the church members would surround the heretics and sing songs while the Priests lit the straw and as the heretics screamed in agony the church sang thier songs in a circle around them.

Many had this fate done to them. These are the ones who would of possibly of been the lost tribes as they would never accept the pagan Easter for Passover or the Pagan Christmas for the Feasts of the 7th month. Trumpets, Atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles along with the last great day.

The maccabbees suffered similur fates as they tried to protect the temple.

At times Israel the 12 tribes really 13 did go off to other beliefs but Yahweh always brought them back through discipline.

To say the lost tribes participated in these atrocities when others were being killed for the true words of the scriptures is heretical in itself.

Look up some of the great churches on the web in and around London and you can still see the heads of those who refused to kneel down to a monachry of Paganism.

The wooden poles i spoke of as a deterent to the heretics the heads of the burnt bodies were put on them for all to see your fate if you went against the throne.

Yahweh would never condone any such actions as these and the religious elite want to trick you into believing this British Israelism myth as they believe they are the true church of today and plan on it comming to pass.

In Rev. We are warned about the Seat of Satan in pergamos.

Pergamos had a great temple of Zues in it and a statute of Zues being put in the Temple in 165BC and claiming Zues as the Son of Yahweh is what started the Jewish revolt back then.

Now in rescent years The Throne of England has bought the Temple of Zues and has it Reconscucted in England.


The seat of Satan is alive and well. Look around you and see the mother church sprung an offspring more powerful than her to take and become that seat that the Great Whore of the Earth Rides on with the kings of the earth. Blessings...Miles

AndyBgood's photo
Tue 03/17/09 12:01 PM
Do any of you really know ANYTHING about druidism? They are Animistic which means they worship spirits and gods (plural). Their faith practices are nothing like Christianity. You folks are comparing Apples and Oranges. Christianity invaded England through FRANCE! It was missionaries from Europe that brought Christianity to England but only Southern England adopted it at the time. It was the English conquest of Scotland and Ireland that brought Christianity to them and it came at a terrible price to the Druids who refused to get on the band wagon. The true cradle of Christianity was ROME! You also are conveniently ignoring that the Eastern Orthodox Christians started the same time when Rome was split into the east and west.

TV is not a good history teacher. I studied Medieval European History in depth enough to know you folks are WRONG WRONG WRONG!

Ultimately the Birthplace of Christianity was JERUSALEM! The REAL cradle was the area we call Israel and Palestine. Three crusades failed to hold it for the Church and why did they want Jerusalem so bad?

UM... DUH... It was the seat of Christendom and considered the Holy Land for a reason! it was more than the Birth place of Jesus...

Do any of you even have a concept of what "the Sacrificial King" was and who came up with that concept?

Let me help aim you in the right direction...
It was druidic...

Milesoftheusa's photo
Tue 03/17/09 01:18 PM

Do any of you really know ANYTHING about druidism? They are Animistic which means they worship spirits and gods (plural). Their faith practices are nothing like Christianity. You folks are comparing Apples and Oranges. Christianity invaded England through FRANCE! It was missionaries from Europe that brought Christianity to England but only Southern England adopted it at the time. It was the English conquest of Scotland and Ireland that brought Christianity to them and it came at a terrible price to the Druids who refused to get on the band wagon. The true cradle of Christianity was ROME! You also are conveniently ignoring that the Eastern Orthodox Christians started the same time when Rome was split into the east and west.

TV is not a good history teacher. I studied Medieval European History in depth enough to know you folks are WRONG WRONG WRONG!

Ultimately the Birthplace of Christianity was JERUSALEM! The REAL cradle was the area we call Israel and Palestine. Three crusades failed to hold it for the Church and why did they want Jerusalem so bad?

UM... DUH... It was the seat of Christendom and considered the Holy Land for a reason! it was more than the Birth place of Jesus...

Do any of you even have a concept of what "the Sacrificial King" was and who came up with that concept?

Let me help aim you in the right direction...
It was druidic...

I agree with Jeusalem. Which began just as Salem but it has always been a city sought after. That in itself says where many religions sprang from or found to be Holy a special place on earth.

Sacraficial king. I am not sure about the Druids but i do not know that much about them either but they did have a knowledge of the stars that seemed to be universal around the world..

How did that happen?

The 1st sacraficial king i am aware of would of been Horus of Egypt where we get the All Seeing Eye from

TBRich's photo
Tue 03/17/09 01:29 PM
Anyone who knows history knows that it was the other way around; the Jewish tribes were nomad "savages" well behind the culture of most of the rest of the world.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Tue 03/17/09 01:56 PM

Anyone who knows history knows that it was the other way around; the Jewish tribes were nomad "savages" well behind the culture of most of the rest of the world.

I have to disagree way before Yahshua when Israel had entered the promice land the persian writings speak of them. I have books of this fact and they called them Yahweh wisdom. They spoke of the great knowledge this people had recieved of thier diety. Blessings...Miles

AndyBgood's photo
Tue 03/17/09 05:23 PM
Among the druids it was a belief that the fertility of both the people and land were tied directly to the strength of the ruler.
With this it was the duty of the druid king to mate and breed with as many women as he could. Conversely there were three things that would end his reign resulting in his sacrifice to the gods, famine, he could not get any women pregnant that year, or his reign lasted thirteen years when his reign ended for another king. No druidic king lasted longer than 13 years.
It may have been good to be king but at the end of thirteen years it suddenly sucked!

The druids had some extremely odd practices. One was a ceremony that the king was expected to participate in annually. Word of warning, this will offend more sensitive natures!

Part of the king's religious duties was to mate with a white mare. Yes he was expected to do the worm with a white female horse. This was done in front of the whole community. The horse was then killed and made into a stew the king had to eat. Like I said, I warned you this was sick by our standards. NOW GRANTED this may have been a myth created by Christians but so far modern research seems to point to the fact that druids did follow this practice as well as other acts of human sacrifice. A famous victim of this was the famous Bog Man who was found almost perfectly preserved in an Irish Peat Bog. At first he was thought to be a murder victim until recent pathology suggested otherwise. Druidic sacrificial victims mostly were strangled like the Bog Man was.

Another thing that seemed to be common among Druids was the practice of sacrifice always being done near water which was considered a gateway between worlds. The concept of Avalon A.K.A. The Island of Mist is attributed to the druidic version of Avalon. Many druidic religious centers were near or over water using a pier like walkway that extended over bogs and other bodies of water. The druids were big on sacrifice in a lot of ways.

Also Druids were forced to practice at night to avoid persecution from Christians. They had night rituals and day rituals. they worshiped all aspects of life and the universe around us. they also believed in lost and hidden lands.

A lot of times people confuse Celtic religious practices with Druidic and they had their own flavor of druidism that was similar but it had some radical differences like lacking a sacrificial king.

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 03/17/09 05:27 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Tue 03/17/09 05:30 PM
laugh What a crock of B.S.laugh

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 03/17/09 05:29 PM

Were the Druids pagans and early Britons a bunch of savages? Certainly not! They were part of the "Lost Tribes of Israel" and helped lay the fertile ground from which the First Church sprang.

This history also speaks to the fact that "Israel" is not one tiny Middle East country, but includes Britain & USA - the modern superpowers that recieved Yahweh's Blessings and shaped the entire world - until recently that is.

Tradition has it that Joseph was accompanied by a young boy (Jesus) numerous times in his trips to the Tin Mines of Britain. After his resurrection, Joseph brings a band of the first disciples to the very same Island. Safe from the intense Roman persectution.

Ancient documents carefully preserved, and others recently recovered from dusty, long-forgotten archives referring to that epochal year, record him [Joseph] as having been cast upon the seas with a few faithful companions (Mary) by their remorseless enemies, in an open, oarless boat without sails, on an ebbing tide over which they drifted far from the shores of their shadowed Judean homeland, to which they would never return.

The only man who the Sadducees dared not oppose was Joseph, the uncle of Jesus, known scripturally and in secular history as Joseph of Arimathea. He was the protector of that valorous little band of disciples during the perilous years following the crucifixion, the indefatigable head of the Christian underground in Judea, and the guardian of Christ's only earthly treasure, - His mother.

In actuality, Joseph of Arimathea was the Apostle of Britain, the true Apostle first to set up Christ's standard on the sea-girt little isle, five hundred and sixty-two years before St. Augustine set foot on English soil. He, with twelve other disciples of Christ, erected in England the first Christian church above ground in the world, to the glory of God and His Son, Jesus Christ.

Joseph of Arimathea was a man of refinement, well educated, and one who possessed many talents. He had extraordinary political and business ability and was reputed to be one of the wealthiest men in the world of that time. He was the Carnegie of his day, a metal magnate controlling the tin and lead industry which then was akin in importance to that of steel today.

He is reputed to have owned one of the largest private merchant shipping fleets afloat which traversed the world's sea lanes in the transportation of this precious metal. In St. Jerome's translation, Joseph's official title is given as 'Nobilis Decurio'. This would indicate that he held a prominent position in the Roman administration as a minister of mines.

According to the Talmud, Joseph was the younger brother of the father of the Virgin Mary. He was her uncle, and therefore a great uncle to Jesus. Chiefly from the secular reports we learn that Joseph was a married man and his son, Josephes, left a mark of distinction in British history. It is quite obvious that the husband of Mary died while Jesus was young.

Under Jewish law such a circumstance automatically appointed the next male kin of the husband, in this case Joseph, legal guardian of the family. We know that Joseph never forsook his nephew. He stood by Him as a bold, fearless defender at the notorious trial, and defied the Sanhedrin by going to Pilate and boldly claiming the body when all others feared to do so. It is commonly taught that Jesus was poor and of obscure relatives. His relationship with the affluent Joseph of Arimathea proves otherwise. In His own right He was a property owner but long before He took up His mission He forsook all material wealth.

That such a trade (tin) existed is too well attested to need proof. Herodotus as early as 445 BC speaks of the British Isles as the Tin Islands or Cassiterides. Pytheas (352-323 BC) mentions the tin trade, attest the trade, and tin is still mined there today. Lord Avebury and Sir John Evans held the opinion that the trade existed as early as 1500 BC, and Sir Edward Creasy in his History of England writes: "The British mines mainly suppled the glorious adornment of Solomon's Temple".

Joseph of Arimathea was an uncle of the Virgin Mary, being the younger brother of her father. He gained his wealth as an importer in the tin trade, which existed between Cornwall and Phoenicia. On one of his voyages he took Our Lord with him when a boy. Our Lord either remained in Britain or returned later as a young man, and stayed in quiet retirement at Glastonbury. Here he erected for himself a small house of mud and wattle. Later Joseph of Arimathea, fleeing from Palestine, settles in the same place and erected a mud and wattle church there.

Tradition holds that Joseph's mud and wattle church was

replaced with Lady Chapel. The only writing to survive the

abbey's destruction is located in the wall of Lady Chapel. It

seems to give silent testimony to the presence at Glastonbury of

the mother of our Lord.

Any treatment of Glastonbury would not be complete

without the mention of the legendary King Arthur. Tradition

has it that Arthur was a relative of Joseph of Arimathea,

and that the Knights of Arthur's Round Table were also all

Joseph's relatives. I haven't seen verification for the

Knights, but there is plenty of evidence linking Arthur to

Glastonbury, and Joseph.

There is little doubt among those who have looked at the evidence, that England was the Cradle of Christianity, having been established by Jesus' uncle Joseph of Arimathea, along with many of the Lord's disciples, shortly after the Resurrection.

laugh What comic book did this come out of?laugh

AndyBgood's photo
Tue 03/17/09 05:57 PM

laugh What a crock of B.S.laugh

Sorry but my college texts are more of an authority of the subject since they were written by people who specialized in ancient European cultures. the Druids and Celts did things that appalled Christians. Why do you think they were wiped out? Because they were hedonistic barbarians?

Not. I have seen this stuff in more than one text book written by different authors. They had a proper civilized culture but it was very agrarian in a lot of respects. They still had some very freaky religious practices including orgies, extended feasting, the offerings of gifts, and also a broad variety of rites. they also practiced human sacrifice but not to the extent of the Aztecs.

Also another fact is that the genome of the indigenous people of the islands of Brittan have NOTHING in common with Jewish genetics! It has been checked.

Many of you folks are confusing the lost tribes of Ethiopia which were confirmed to be of Jewish descent and recently were welcomed by Israel as brothers. They have proof of their descent and science backed them up. There is also STRONG suggestions that the Lost Mines of King Solomon are in either Sudan or Ethiopia. Needless to say some of you folks are dreaming thinking that the druids have anything in common to Jesus or the jews or Christianity. They were Far too different and Jesus in that day didn't have the lifetime to go back and forth to Britain. Even with the fastest transportation it would have taken him months alone just to get to coastal France. So how did he get there and back so fast? Angelic Express? Not once in the bible is it ever mentioned that Jesus traveled the lands if Iberia (Spain), Gaul, (France), or the Britannia (England). These names would have been mentioned in the Bible since these lands were common knowledge in the Roman empire.

So there!:tongue: :banana:

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 03/17/09 06:28 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Tue 03/17/09 06:31 PM

laugh What a crock of B.S.laugh

Sorry but my college texts are more of an authority of the subject since they were written by people who specialized in ancient European cultures. the Druids and Celts did things that appalled Christians. Why do you think they were wiped out? Because they were hedonistic barbarians?

Not. I have seen this stuff in more than one text book written by different authors. They had a proper civilized culture but it was very agrarian in a lot of respects. They still had some very freaky religious practices including orgies, extended feasting, the offerings of gifts, and also a broad variety of rites. they also practiced human sacrifice but not to the extent of the Aztecs.

Also another fact is that the genome of the indigenous people of the islands of Brittan have NOTHING in common with Jewish genetics! It has been checked.

Many of you folks are confusing the lost tribes of Ethiopia which were confirmed to be of Jewish descent and recently were welcomed by Israel as brothers. They have proof of their descent and science backed them up. There is also STRONG suggestions that the Lost Mines of King Solomon are in either Sudan or Ethiopia. Needless to say some of you folks are dreaming thinking that the druids have anything in common to Jesus or the jews or Christianity. They were Far too different and Jesus in that day didn't have the lifetime to go back and forth to Britain. Even with the fastest transportation it would have taken him months alone just to get to coastal France. So how did he get there and back so fast? Angelic Express? Not once in the bible is it ever mentioned that Jesus traveled the lands if Iberia (Spain), Gaul, (France), or the Britannia (England). These names would have been mentioned in the Bible since these lands were common knowledge in the Roman empire.

So there!:tongue: :banana:
happy I wasnt talking about what you were saying Andy. happy I agree with youbigsmile

:banana: So there:tongue:

AndyBgood's photo
Tue 03/17/09 08:13 PM
Sorry, thought you were addressing me...

no prob. It did give me a chance to briefly show how different druidic culture was from judeo-christianic religions.

So something good came of this!:banana:

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