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Topic: Jesus, Mary, uncle Joseph In Britain - Found First Church
norslyman's photo
Wed 03/18/09 10:20 AM
Why does everybody always think of Jewish blood when speaking of Israel? Judah is only 1/12 of the 12 tribes!!! That is why they call the them the lost ten tribes. They migrated North and for the most part lost their identity.

It is well known that there are ancient Tin mines in Britain. How do you think the Iron Age came about? Joseph of Arimathea had a vast fleet of ships!! No traveling problem at all. You could hug the coast most of the way - didn't even need a large open ocean going ship. Look what the Vikings did with their ships.

Miles, I have no doubt that the early Briton church was quickly corrupted by Knights Templars and other groups. Just as most of the church has been. The crusades were directed from Rome, not Briton. They used them the same way Replicans use the Religious Right to fight Iraq war.

I was speaking of the famous Roman persecution under Nero of the early church. I'm confused about your comments about Babylon and Yashua's death there? Are you talking about the Judah's captivity in Bablylon during Daniels time? The 10 northern tribes went into Assyrian captivity first as far as I know. Then Judah and Benjamin fell to Babylon - and eventually returned to rebuild the temple. There is little record of the other 10 tribes ever returning, so where did they go?

Milesoftheusa's photo
Wed 03/18/09 10:45 AM
Edited by Milesoftheusa on Wed 03/18/09 10:48 AM

Why does everybody always think of Jewish blood when speaking of Israel? Judah is only 1/12 of the 12 tribes!!! That is why they call the them the lost ten tribes. They migrated North and for the most part lost their identity.

It is well known that there are ancient Tin mines in Britain. How do you think the Iron Age came about? Joseph of Arimathea had a vast fleet of ships!! No traveling problem at all. You could hug the coast most of the way - didn't even need a large open ocean going ship. Look what the Vikings did with their ships.

Miles, I have no doubt that the early Briton church was quickly corrupted by Knights Templars and other groups. Just as most of the church has been. The crusades were directed from Rome, not Briton. They used them the same way Replicans use the Religious Right to fight Iraq war.

I was speaking of the famous Roman persecution under Nero of the early church. I'm confused about your comments about Babylon and Yashua's death there? Are you talking about the Judah's captivity in Bablylon during Daniels time? The 10 northern tribes went into Assyrian captivity first as far as I know. Then Judah and Benjamin fell to Babylon - and eventually returned to rebuild the temple. There is little record of the other 10 tribes ever returning, so where did they go?

I was speaking that after Yahshua's death the church that was in Babylon did not suffer.

When Nero destroyed the Temple it was well known that babylon was a place of safety.

peter addresses the brethern in babylon.

James addresses the 12 tribes in his writings.

If he did not know where the other 10 tribes were why would he address the 12 tribes?

The lintage of David as a king was never to faulter. In modern day Iraq and elsewhere that the Persian Empire encompassed are many cities named after it would seem David's Descendents.

If we look at why Persia would have such high regard for the Israelites we need look no futher than the Magi.

They came at his birth and announced him as King and refused herod's order which would of meant thier death if caught but instead go back to Persia where they came from.

So Yahshua and his disciple's hence the Israelites would of been held in high regard throughout Persia who gave them protection and safety.

I believe this is why we see cities named for David's lintage. The Tribe of Judah was or had become sacred to the Persian Kings and thier Religion Zorasterism where Mithra was believed to be reborn over and over.

The Magi were Priests.

Looking at this it is quite easy to see that the 10 lost tribes would go where they were welcome and Peter and the other Apostles like James Knew they were in Babylon. Where it says a assembly is set up and not in hiding.

For this to happen in the Persian Empire and make a truce with Rome they could not enter Babylon says much about The whereabouts and safety of the 10 tribes.

It is even rumoured today that in the Bagdad museum was a Hebrew Bible that was stolen that came from these tribes...Blessings...Miles

norslyman's photo
Wed 03/18/09 03:08 PM
Very interesting. Was not aware of some of this history. I did know that the Magi were more likely priests. Interesting that a place of captivity would become a place of refuge.

I still contend that the lost 10 tribes would be a pretty sizeable # of people, and not likely to be found all in one spot. They would be spread over a wide area. Zebuluns flag symbol is even a ship isn't it? Would indicate they were a seafaring people and who knows where all they ended up?

Have you ever heard of this author? This is where I'm getting most of my info. Good website: www.biblestudysite.com


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E. Raymond Capt (M.A., A.I.A., F.S.A. Scot.) was a Biblical Archaeologist and his many works support the great historical truths contained within the Bible. He gives much technical information in an easy to understand format for the layman. It is refreshing to see science and archaeology studied and presented by a Christian scholar as opposed to the heathen that are so very prevalent in the field now.

The Abrahamic Covenant (Highly Recommended!) by E. Raymond Capt. An Interesting historical evidence tied in with Biblical prophecy regarding God's covenant people. Follows the migrations of the Ten 'Lost' Tribes of Israel. We can only find this book at (The Shepherds Chapel) Book store

Study in Pyramidology: Another extensive work by E. Raymond Capt covering the spiritual aspects and prophecy revealed in the construction of the great Pyramid at Giza. Covers God's plan for humanity architecturally embodied in it's construction. (Approx. $15)

Great Pyramid Decoded: This is a fascinating book which details very specific weight, volume, mass, perimeter, and interior measurements of the great pyramid in relation to the earth, solar system, stars, and events in time. (Approx. $8-$9)

Lost Chapter of Acts of the Apostles: You will notice that the end of the book of Acts does not end with "Amen" in your Bible. Learn of the missing 29th chapter that was discovered in the Sonnini manuscript. It has 26 verse and ends in "Amen." It speaks of Paul's travels and the final history of Pontius Pilate. Does the 29th chapter belong in Act's? You decide for yourself. As with all writings outside of the King James Bible, caution should be used when reading them. (Approx. $6-$7)

Jacob's pillar: Learn how the stone pillow of the Patriarch Jacob traveled from the wilderness of Luz to it's place under the Coronation chair where every English Royal was crowned. (Approx.$4)

Petra: Learn of the lost city called 'Selah' and 'Mt. Seir' in the scriptures, and of it's 'High Places' spoken against by God as places of the worship of other gods. God's prophecies regarding Petra have of course come to pass. Packed with pictures! (Approx.$8)

Stonehenge and Druidism: Tells of the famous rock circle in the Salisbury plain of England, how it was built, and the astronomical design of it. Also traces the Celtic Druids back to the ten lost tribes of Israel. (Approx.$5)

Traditions of Glastonbury: (Highly Recommended!) Where was Jesus between the age of 12 and 30? This book documents the travels of Jesus and Joseph of Arimathea in England. As with most all of Capt's books, this one is packed with pictures. (Approx.$8-$9)

Missing Links Discovered in Assyrian Tablets: Loaded with maps, pictures, and illustrations! By the deciphering of the discovered ancient Assyrian Tablets (clay writing pads) we learn of the different names affixed to the Ten Tribes by their captors and deporters (the Assyrians), and with this key we can literally follow their migrations across the earth by the archaeological remains of their civilizations as they moved North and West into their future promised land - Europe and eventually the Americas.

Where did the Ten Tribes of Israel disappear to? This book gives solid support for the wanderings and the destinies of God's covenant people. Don't wonder any longer. This book is excellent and provides sound supportive evidence to back up its claim. We need more people like E. Raymond Capt who are not afraid to divulge the truth. (Approx.$17.00)

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 03/18/09 03:33 PM

Very interesting. Was not aware of some of this history. I did know that the Magi were more likely priests. Interesting that a place of captivity would become a place of refuge.

I still contend that the lost 10 tribes would be a pretty sizeable # of people, and not likely to be found all in one spot. They would be spread over a wide area. Zebuluns flag symbol is even a ship isn't it? Would indicate they were a seafaring people and who knows where all they ended up?

Have you ever heard of this author? This is where I'm getting most of my info. Good website: www.biblestudysite.com


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E. Raymond Capt (M.A., A.I.A., F.S.A. Scot.) was a Biblical Archaeologist and his many works support the great historical truths contained within the Bible. He gives much technical information in an easy to understand format for the layman. It is refreshing to see science and archaeology studied and presented by a Christian scholar as opposed to the heathen that are so very prevalent in the field now.

The Abrahamic Covenant (Highly Recommended!) by E. Raymond Capt. An Interesting historical evidence tied in with Biblical prophecy regarding God's covenant people. Follows the migrations of the Ten 'Lost' Tribes of Israel. We can only find this book at (The Shepherds Chapel) Book store

Study in Pyramidology: Another extensive work by E. Raymond Capt covering the spiritual aspects and prophecy revealed in the construction of the great Pyramid at Giza. Covers God's plan for humanity architecturally embodied in it's construction. (Approx. $15)

Great Pyramid Decoded: This is a fascinating book which details very specific weight, volume, mass, perimeter, and interior measurements of the great pyramid in relation to the earth, solar system, stars, and events in time. (Approx. $8-$9)

Lost Chapter of Acts of the Apostles: You will notice that the end of the book of Acts does not end with "Amen" in your Bible. Learn of the missing 29th chapter that was discovered in the Sonnini manuscript. It has 26 verse and ends in "Amen." It speaks of Paul's travels and the final history of Pontius Pilate. Does the 29th chapter belong in Act's? You decide for yourself. As with all writings outside of the King James Bible, caution should be used when reading them. (Approx. $6-$7)

Jacob's pillar: Learn how the stone pillow of the Patriarch Jacob traveled from the wilderness of Luz to it's place under the Coronation chair where every English Royal was crowned. (Approx.$4)

Petra: Learn of the lost city called 'Selah' and 'Mt. Seir' in the scriptures, and of it's 'High Places' spoken against by God as places of the worship of other gods. God's prophecies regarding Petra have of course come to pass. Packed with pictures! (Approx.$8)

Stonehenge and Druidism: Tells of the famous rock circle in the Salisbury plain of England, how it was built, and the astronomical design of it. Also traces the Celtic Druids back to the ten lost tribes of Israel. (Approx.$5)

Traditions of Glastonbury: (Highly Recommended!) Where was Jesus between the age of 12 and 30? This book documents the travels of Jesus and Joseph of Arimathea in England. As with most all of Capt's books, this one is packed with pictures. (Approx.$8-$9)

Missing Links Discovered in Assyrian Tablets: Loaded with maps, pictures, and illustrations! By the deciphering of the discovered ancient Assyrian Tablets (clay writing pads) we learn of the different names affixed to the Ten Tribes by their captors and deporters (the Assyrians), and with this key we can literally follow their migrations across the earth by the archaeological remains of their civilizations as they moved North and West into their future promised land - Europe and eventually the Americas.

Where did the Ten Tribes of Israel disappear to? This book gives solid support for the wanderings and the destinies of God's covenant people. Don't wonder any longer. This book is excellent and provides sound supportive evidence to back up its claim. We need more people like E. Raymond Capt who are not afraid to divulge the truth. (Approx.$17.00)

:smile: Thats not historically accurate.:smile:

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 03/18/09 03:42 PM
where did the OP source come from?

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 03/18/09 03:45 PM

where did the OP source come from?
:smile: Someones overactive imagination:smile:

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 03/18/09 03:50 PM
ok...i was trying to find his source of this

Dan99's photo
Wed 03/18/09 03:54 PM
Thankfully Christianity is now dying out in Britain. Another hundred or so years and most of the churches will have crumbled away.

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 03/18/09 05:41 PM

ok...i was trying to find his source of this
flowerforyou There is no reputable scholarly source for this because it isn't trueflowerforyou

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 03/18/09 05:47 PM
the only things i found says....theories, legend, etc

wasn't sure where he got the article. i wanted to see it for myself

norslyman's photo
Wed 03/18/09 06:08 PM
Nobody ever thought the city of Troy was real either until one determined archealogist found it. I saw a really good documentary on the History Channel. E Raymond Capt is a scholar and and archealogist! A real life Indiana Jones. Very reputable.

I couldn't even find my original article, this one is good though. Contains some history of early battles fought against Rome.

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