Topic: This place is very clique-ee
Jules0565's photo
Sun 03/15/09 09:43 AM

Car accident??? Oh no! When did this happen?? I have been absent for a few months. I hope you're ok!!

This was about a month and a half ago --

That surely WAS a bad day, Lex. Thankfully you survived. (you had a poem to write) hehe. Seriously though..I'm sorry you had to go through such a mess.

SitkaRains's photo
Sun 03/15/09 09:46 AM

Or am I the only one to notice this?

There are cliques everywhere. I think a person has a couple of choices whether they want to be bothered by them,join them or just go on their merry way. Me, I am doing the latter, I don't run in cliques nor will I be a part of one.

BonnyMiss's photo
Sun 03/15/09 09:46 AM

Or am I the only one to notice this?

Hello, try sending out invites to to people to join your "friends " list, failing that just jump right into the forums, it has worked for some. Oh, and avoid Mirror......... laugh

Redshirt's photo
Sun 03/15/09 11:01 AM

Or am I the only one to notice this?

Oh no...another "Clique Thread". Whither or not some want to admit it they do exist here. As for me...don't belong to any and have no desire to be part of one.

no photo
Sun 03/15/09 11:04 AM
I think that everybody should just say hi!!drinker

TJN's photo
Sun 03/15/09 11:08 AM
Clique Clique Clique Clique Clique Clique Clique Clique Clique
Clique Clique Clique Clique Clique Clique Clique Clique Clique

Yes it does appear to be sorta Clique'ee

zanne46's photo
Sun 03/15/09 11:19 AM
My head is pounding.....will get back to this one later..

have a great day everyone...:smile: flowers

Totage's photo
Sun 03/15/09 11:21 AM

Or am I the only one to notice this?

scared Your headline is scary. scared

no photo
Sun 03/15/09 11:22 AM
U can join my PERV "clique" if ya want!!!bigsmile

penlgrif's photo
Sun 03/15/09 11:25 AM

I've been commenting on the cliques here for ages.

It used to be a lot worse, back when the site was newer and smaller and some of the real old-timers resented it when anybody other than themselves posted anything. They developed an entitlement attitude, complained ceaselessly about how "This is not MY JSH anymore," and eventually they went extinct.

The few real cliques we have now are smaller but maybe more vociferous, in terms of the forums. They like to post long threads about nothing, six or seven of them posting the same things over and over, and they make a concerted effort to ignore any non-cliquers who try to join in.

They're easy to spot and easier to ignore.

We have so many new people, people who are actually trying to communicate and get to know the terrain here. I would much rather deal with them than read the same old boring clique-o-rama trashola that the few truly cliquish cliques put out there.

Lex...I have to hand it to you. Your command and usage of the language is extraordinary! I love words like vociferous. Nice to see that type of word being used! Thanks!

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 03/15/09 12:20 PM

It may appear that way but I think it is more the friendships formed by those who are on here at the same times as the others.

Hummm guess it all depends how one looks at it for it is no different here then it is in real life.

People tend to hang out with those they have things in common with. We all have certain friends in life we are real close to and those we speak to occasionally.

At times those that feel left out would not feel that way if they interacted with others more and got to know them.


no photo
Sun 03/15/09 12:45 PM

Lex...I have to hand it to you. Your command and usage of the language is extraordinary! I love words like vociferous. Nice to see that type of word being used! Thanks!

Thank you!

I believe that effective language is a huge thing when one is trying to communicate -- here, in the forums, all we really HAVE are our words -- so I try to make mine clear and comprehensible; although I do like to toss out some big words every now and then to confuse people, and see if anybody is paying attention.

Duffy's photo
Sun 03/15/09 12:51 PM
hey so what if some of us OP's ramble on about the same old crap. we are just communicating...

cliques? um well they have their place.

so all u clickers out there unclick, and b more friendly to the NP' people...

personally, i have posted on this site for a long time, and there r a few that could made me feel more welcome, well they thought i was WACO in the beginning, but they have come to be my friends..

don't take it personally. it is all the power of the typed word...:banana: :banana: :banana:
vociferous duffypitchfork

Atlantis75's photo
Sun 03/15/09 12:52 PM

Hi there! By the way.. is my poem finished yet? lol flowerforyou :wink:

Not quite -- the car accident put a bit of a crimp in my plans. Not to mention in my back....!

Sorry to hear that LexFonteyne, I wish you to get better!

penlgrif's photo
Sun 03/15/09 12:58 PM
Edited by penlgrif on Sun 03/15/09 01:05 PM

Lex...I have to hand it to you. Your command and usage of the language is extraordinary! I love words like vociferous. Nice to see that type of word being used! Thanks!

Thank you!

I believe that effective language is a huge thing when one is trying to communicate -- here, in the forums, all we really HAVE are our words -- so I try to make mine clear and comprehensible; although I do like to toss out some big words every now and then to confuse people, and see if anybody is paying attention.

:thumbsup: ....sits bolt upright when she spies another person who likes big words........!

no photo
Sun 03/15/09 12:59 PM

Hi there! By the way.. is my poem finished yet? lol flowerforyou :wink:

Not quite -- the car accident put a bit of a crimp in my plans. Not to mention in my back....!

Sorry to hear that LexFonteyne, I wish you to get better!

Thank you!

It seems to be getting better -- still not where I'd like it to be, and I probably won't be playing hockey anytime soon, but it could be worse....

Duffy's photo
Sun 03/15/09 01:08 PM
hey, i had a car accident, and i would like to tell u about it, so that u r aware what can happen...if u let ur guard down..

i just bought my little piece of miserable schick, for that is what saturns r, when i was taking it over to Farmer's to be inspected, when i was stopped at a stop sign. that was the best thing i ever did was get car insurance before i got the car....but i did not get uninsurance motorist...or all the other stuff...just wa minimum...big mistake...

anyhow, the woman in a big dodge van, honked and rammed was 5:00 PM and because i am a slow bird...i had my foot planted firmly on the she did not push me into rush hour one ace in the hole. i believe god was watching that day...

i pulled off the road, and she came screaming up to my car window with her cell phone in hand. she gave me her insurance card, through my slotted window, and went back to take a pix of my license which was her big mistake. so i took off with her insurance card, and she was fast enough to jump back in her dodge van full of children, and proceed to chase me all over LTC....location of this incident, and what is worse we went by the police 2x....then, i was running out of gas, so i stopped, and here she comes again. "u have my card, and i can't drive without it", she screamed and she was right about that...but being scared, i took off, and hid for an hour....then, i returned the card, back to her agent who worked just down the street. he yelled he did not care about her or the card. but i found out she had liability, but that was all she had. whoopee.. 3 days later she still would not answer her phone to tell the claim's adjuster she had done this dastardly dead. and that was the other smart thing i did, i called the claim's people right away, and told them the story. well, that generated a dozen letters from the claim's adjuster, and 20 phone calls to my verizon cell, and on and on and on. after i got tired of it all, and did not communicate for a few days, they closed the case.
and the claim's adjustor quit. then, when it was determined i had whiplash, and needed medical treatment they were less than friendly. and when i requested an MRI, after reading how this particular insurance company denies those claims, i was lower than whale chit.

the point here is that this particular company(i will name it at the end) is higher than a cat's back, and lord help u if you get hit by them. and forget about settling unless u come to the arbitration table with about 35k of medical bills, and then they will talk to you. but they will deny deny deny, and that is not a river in Egypt.


markecephus's photo
Sun 03/15/09 01:37 PM

"Birds of a feather, flock together"

That old adage is true. It isn't some great big conspiracy. It is simply, that these forum posters, most of them..have been here for a while. These people are considered "family" and this is their place to meet, and enjoy each other. Yes, i would say there are certain groups..and with certain interests..but they are all friends to me. My suggestion, would be to jump in, get in the conversations, rub some elbows and have fun with it.

Everybody is different, and some groups form, strictly on likeness..I mean...if you're not a nascar fan...then you're not a nascar fan..and you may not want to hear about all...

I'm just saying...stick around..find what interests you, and get to know these might just find, that most of them are pretty cool!

welcome to the forums!

penlgrif's photo
Sun 03/15/09 01:39 PM

"Birds of a feather, flock together"

That old adage is true. It isn't some great big conspiracy. It is simply, that these forum posters, most of them..have been here for a while. These people are considered "family" and this is their place to meet, and enjoy each other. Yes, i would say there are certain groups..and with certain interests..but they are all friends to me. My suggestion, would be to jump in, get in the conversations, rub some elbows and have fun with it.

Everybody is different, and some groups form, strictly on likeness..I mean...if you're not a nascar fan...then you're not a nascar fan..and you may not want to hear about all...

I'm just saying...stick around..find what interests you, and get to know these might just find, that most of them are pretty cool!

welcome to the forums!

<<<Sticks out an elbow....rub, rub, rub........LOL!!!

Jess642's photo
Sun 03/15/09 01:40 PM
hahahahaa Mark!!!!!! So that's why I have a clique of one? huh

To the OP.......If the need to be part of a clique is there, then it will appear clique-ish...(is that a word?)...with no need for your own 'group'...then everyone is your clique !

(Or no one):wink: