Topic: Ahmadinejad calls for new world order | |
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called for a new world order based on new ideas, saying the era of tyranny has come to a dead-end.
In an exclusive interview with Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB), Ahmadinejad noted that it is time to propose new ideologies for running the world. He said the time of tyrannical regimes is over and arrogant powers can no longer proceed with business as usual since their capitalism-based economies are collapsing. "Tyrannical regimes will not last forever and they will reach their end sooner or later," Ahmadinejad stated. The president said people across the globe are fed up with the slogans of the arrogant powers. He cited the widespread protests in countries like Iraq and Afghanistan, where he believes the major powers' policies are failing. "Any civilization or empire that wants to impose its ideas on others through the use of force will reach its end in the near future," he said. Iran can present new ideas and views, which the world will need in the future, he added. The Iranian president stated that Israel's defeat in its Gaza offensive was the beginning of a new order in the world. "Now they are in disarray and new developments are unfolding." Israel's 23-day offensive against Gaza, which ended on January 18, was condemned by the international community and caused divisions among major Israeli political parties. AR/DB/HGL§ionid=351020101 |
Edited by
Fri 03/13/09 11:51 AM
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called for a new world order OF CHICKEN MC NUGGETS based on new ideas, saying the era of TAKE YOUR MONEY WITH NO REFUND tyranny has come to a dead-end. In an exclusive interview with Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB), Ahmadinejad noted that it is time to propose new ideologies forTHE IDIOTS LIKE HIM running the world. He said the time of tyrannical regimes is over and arrogant powers can no longer proceed with business as usual since their capitalism-based economies are collapsing.CALL 911 "Tyrannical regimes will not last forever and they will reach their end sooner or later," JUST CALL 911Ahmadinejad stated. The president said people across the globe are fed up with MC DONALDS the slogans of the arrogant powers. He cited the widespread protests in countries like Iraq and Afghanistan, where he believes the major powers' policies are failing.THEY HAVE BURGER KING, NOT MCDONALDS "Any civilization or empire MCDONALDS that wants to impose its ideas on others through the use of force will reach its end in the near future," he said.MCDONALDS Iran can present new ideas and views, WENDYS which the world will need in the future, he added. The Iranian president stated that Israel's defeat in its Gaza offensive was the beginning of a new order OF MCNUGGETS in the world. "Now they are in disarray and new developments are unfolding."IN YOUR WALLET Israel's 23-day offensive against Gaza, which ended on January 18, was condemned by the international community and caused divisions among major Israeli political parties.MCDONALD ,BURGER KING , EWENDYS AND TACO BELL AR/DB/HGL§ionid=351020101 |
isn't this the same thing he's been spewing for years?
he's saying the same things as obama.
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Edited by
Fri 03/13/09 11:53 AM
..."Iran can present new ideas and views, which the world will need in the future, he added."
Let me guess... hmmmmm.... His first idea would to seperate men and women, next would to have women cover their faces, then, prayers would be mandatory 5 times a day - facing Mecca. No Thanks Mahmoud ... ![]() |
the interesting thing is, our bible tells us basically the same thing. it warns of letting women get to far ahead of themselves. the bible itself says that the man is the master and the woman must obey. tell me you would hate that situation. ha....
he's saying the same things as obama. ![]() ![]() ![]() Wha - wha - what?? THAT'S Plagiarism. Why he oughta be sued! But seriously, yes, it does sound like Obama. ![]() |
i bet they use the same speech writers.
Edited by
Fri 03/13/09 12:05 PM
the interesting thing is, our bible tells us basically the same thing. it warns of letting women get to far ahead of themselves. the bible itself says that the man is the master and the woman must obey. tell me you would hate that situation. ha.... Maybe we should put them in a steel-cage, let the two of them duke it out to be the beast of Revelations? I can deal with a woman that wants to be boss... just go get another one... ![]() Idiotic politicians and rulers, I cannot... ![]() |
i bet they use the same speech writers. ![]() ![]() U.S. taxpayers paying for it. |
the interesting thing is, our bible tells us basically the same thing. it warns of letting women get to far ahead of themselves. the bible itself says that the man is the master and the woman must obey. tell me you would hate that situation. ha.... ![]() |
the interesting thing is, our bible tells us basically the same thing. it warns of letting women get to far ahead of themselves. the bible itself says that the man is the master and the woman must obey. tell me you would hate that situation. ha.... well you misrepresent the scripture: Ephesians ch 5 20 Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; 21 Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God. 22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. 24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing. 25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; 26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, 27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. 28 So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. 29 For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church: 30 For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. 31 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. 32 This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church. 33 Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband. |
he's saying the same things as obama. ![]() ![]() ![]() Not true. ![]() |
the interesting thing is, our bible tells us basically the same thing. it warns of letting women get to far ahead of themselves. the bible itself says that the man is the master and the woman must obey. tell me you would hate that situation. ha.... ![]() Remember the men who wrote the bible started it with the woman being punished for her suseptibilty to being mislead. The whole bible puts women in a subservient role to men and an evil influence on men to boot. |
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the interesting thing is, our bible tells us basically the same thing. it warns of letting women get to far ahead of themselves. the bible itself says that the man is the master and the woman must obey. tell me you would hate that situation. ha.... ![]() Remember the men who wrote the bible started it with the woman being punished for her suseptibilty to being mislead. The whole bible puts women in a subservient role to men and an evil influence on men to boot. women are still succeptable to being misled. in fact, they are more succeptible to it these days than ever because they want to believe what people say if they say it just right to them, men have become very feminine and are succeptible to the same things now. the roman empire fell after women were given the right to their own dowry. man is a servant to money because women realized that money could get them things that they wanted. if women didn't want money, men would not slave for it. |
the words from the song "when a man loves a woman" comes to mind at the moment. i have personally watched men on this forum fall all over thereselves when one of these women flirt with them just a bit. these guys will even change their opinions on a subject to match the opinion of the woman that is flirting with him. that is power that has to be regulated. there are men that will absolutely dismiss truths because his woman told him to do so. the man can be headstrong in the truth about the subject and even surround himself with other guys with like minds, but if the woman wants him to, he'll look everyone of those guys in the eye and tell them they are nuts.
the interesting thing is, our bible tells us basically the same thing. it warns of letting women get to far ahead of themselves. the bible itself says that the man is the master and the woman must obey. tell me you would hate that situation. ha.... ![]() Remember the men who wrote the bible started it with the woman being punished for her suseptibilty to being mislead. The whole bible puts women in a subservient role to men and an evil influence on men to boot. women are still succeptable to being misled. in fact, they are more succeptible to it these days than ever because they want to believe what people say if they say it just right to them, men have become very feminine and are succeptible to the same things now. the roman empire fell after women were given the right to their own dowry. man is a servant to money because women realized that money could get them things that they wanted. if women didn't want money, men would not slave for it. ![]() |
*takes out her magic eraser*
you DO know i'm female, riiiight? |
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