Topic: Question for Christians
ofdrywit's photo
Thu 03/12/09 11:08 AM
i feel bad for you, with your selfishness and weakness. traumatized by a crucifix? wow, ur lame. i'm not even going to try to be clever and coy. get over yourself and your self-pitying progressive victimization. pansy.

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 03/12/09 11:10 AM
ofdrywit....not called for

Lynann....IMO - torture isn't the teachings of Christ

Lynann's photo
Thu 03/12/09 11:41 AM
thanks Yellowrose10

You and I have chatted on occasion and I respect you very much. Thanks for answering my question.

I hope others do too.

Filmfreek's photo
Thu 03/12/09 11:44 AM
I don't believe ANY form of abuse should be tolerated in ANY religion. No way, no how.

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 03/12/09 11:44 AM
lol lynann...not sure how well i answered it....but it's JMO

many organizations (not all) of many different things have corruption in them. greed, power, arrogance, etc IMO causes people to hurt others. it's mankind....not the beliefs

Lynann's photo
Fri 03/13/09 01:32 AM
Keep fighting the good fight...might be my last post...oh well....

steady94's photo
Fri 03/13/09 01:49 AM
has anyone seen the new bill maher film?

907daydreamer's photo
Fri 03/13/09 01:51 AM
Lynann, I have read a lot of your posts as I often lurk in the forums more than I actually post. I am always in awe of your intellect even if I don't agree with your views. Hell, half the time I can't even keep up and I find you a bit intimidating. If I am understanding your question correctly it is in line with the religious justification of punishing those whose views differ from your own...? Are you asking if Christians feel a need to repent or ask forgiveness for...say...executing a murderer...?

steady94's photo
Fri 03/13/09 01:53 AM
is chris angel the jesus of the 21st century?

TBRich's photo
Sat 03/14/09 11:05 AM
Interesting that Ratsinger's last job was as the head of what used to called the Inquistion. For an better understanding of se*x and religion, I would recommend the works of Havelock Ellis, I forget which specific book, but I used it as a reference in a paper where I supported the fact that the condom was the greatest invention of mankind, as it allowed him to control fertilization and thumb his nose at his g-d all at the same time. BTW, I got an A- on the term paper.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sat 03/14/09 11:17 AM
Edited by Milesoftheusa on Sat 03/14/09 11:20 AM
Can non believers support NAMBLA?

TBRich's photo
Sat 03/14/09 11:21 AM
What's MAMBA, a snake?

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sat 03/14/09 11:21 AM
yes it is . i edited it

davidben1's photo
Sat 03/14/09 11:23 AM
any belief is compatible with torture, if it make self think itself be most comaptible, and other's less compatible it seem, as anything making self deem itself wise and without inpunity, is but blind indeed, and anything it can be made to believe.

davidben1's photo
Sat 03/14/09 11:24 AM

is chris angel the jesus of the 21st century?

indeed a tell of what is to come, for many more than just one.

TBRich's photo
Sat 03/14/09 11:43 AM

yes it is . i edited it

Oh, LOL; I am sure you do not have to be a religious nut to support , just a nut.

davidben1's photo
Sat 03/14/09 11:53 AM
has anything heard chris angel take credit himself as better to be, as he only say one must come to believe, what is said to be impossible is but delimtied reality, and only fear for self block this coming to be, as a new era was always but new to old actuality, but man now is but pimitive you see, standing on a precipice of greater reality, what no eye hath left behind to be seen, buried deep in the earth hid intentionally, hidden until the perfect day in time you come to be, and only what fear for itself as better as vanity, fear weed out as the days unfold you see, no motive but for self uplifted to be, enter there you see, and leave further behind what can be believed, and but delimit all bliss and ever after epic happiness to be.


TBRich's photo
Sat 03/14/09 11:55 AM
Like many performers, Angel needs to keep the "suspension of belief" in his act; he knows he is a regular magician, but needs to people to think that maybe... Just like pro-wrestling tried to keep people guessing if it was real or scripted.

davidben1's photo
Sat 03/14/09 12:08 PM
christian angel is much more than a performer, as each thing is reality have greater meaning than a former, tell of more than but visibility, as behold did not old, always tell of soon coming reality???

davidben1's photo
Sat 03/14/09 12:11 PM
yes indeed, in days gone by reality unfolded but slow, but just as technology has increaed her flow, and indeed hastened all the pace, so doth new hidden reality trace and unfold as the equal it be so.