Topic: What do you know of the oldest book of god. That of Abraham. | |
Here is the holy book that has been around the longest.
Perhaps if you start here and read them all you will understand more of the glory of god. and the wonders of his message. |
Mr. AB:
Just don't tell that the book of Abraham is the same as the genesis of the christian bible. |
I am not sure but I think Genesis is but a small part of the wisdom of
His Holiness Abraham. There is more. |
Please Sir tell me where I can find that book. I would like to read it
I am but a guide.
Ask one of your local rabbi's. They are, I am sure, well versed in the wisdom of Abraham. Independent investigation is the only true path to truth. |
I'll do it as soon as I meet one. Lol
You can find these texts on the web. Search for "Gnostic Abraham", or
"Gnostic Ibrahim", and try "Oral Tradition Abraham", "Kabbalah Abraham". Lots of fun stuff. Some of it is clearly 'doubtful', some of it is very insightful. |
There are also pieces of Abrahams wisdom in the Koran. The spelling of
his name my be slightly different with an I instead of an A. |