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Topic: Medicaid
Winx's photo
Wed 03/11/09 06:21 AM
Edited by Winx on Wed 03/11/09 07:09 AM

I couldn't live on $5000 a yr, let alone support a wife and 2 kids.


You probably would be homeless. Then you don't have an address to receive the Medicaid. That's what happened here.

Considering there are programs that address the homeless issue (low income housing, HUD, LIHEAP, and low income phone service) I don't see how one can feasibly say they're going to be homeless on $5000 a year.

On a case by case basis, circumstances warranting, HUD will actually pay a tenant's rent in full.

There is no excuse for being homeless. Those who are, chose to be.

Section 8/HUD has over a year waiting list in my city. So, yes, people can be homeless and not by choice.

They don't have homeless shelters in your area? There's one in my town of 65,000. Like I said, those who are homeless, chose to be.

Section 8/HUD has a 2 year waiting list here in South Dakota.

There are 3 homeless shelters in my city. One is for men only. They are small. They aren't safe places. Many families feel that it's so unsafe that live in their cars. Most mentally ill people won't stay in the shelters. They can't handle the crowds. The shelters are quite often at full capacity and have to turn people away nightly.

Staying in a shelter is still homeless, btw.

michiganman3's photo
Wed 03/11/09 07:10 AM
I understand that a good portion of the worlds population lives on less than 2 dollars a day. I have no idea how to live that kind of life or on that economy.

Between rent and utilities, food, I need about a grand a month.

As a society we have decided to provide for those that have less, the question is how much.

nogames39's photo
Wed 03/11/09 09:13 AM

I understand that a good portion of the worlds population lives on less than 2 dollars a day. I have no idea how to live that kind of life or on that economy.

Between rent and utilities, food, I need about a grand a month.

As a society we have decided to provide for those that have less, the question is how much.

I have not decided on that. I think they should just work harder. Like I do. May-be sleeping less. May-be not living beyond their means. May-be lowering their expectations on what they "deserve".

As a society? You mean, like a mob? Taking from a minority because a majority has decided so?

Winx's photo
Wed 03/11/09 04:47 PM

I understand that a good portion of the worlds population lives on less than 2 dollars a day. I have no idea how to live that kind of life or on that economy.

Between rent and utilities, food, I need about a grand a month.

As a society we have decided to provide for those that have less, the question is how much.

Actually how another part of the world survives on $2.00 a day doesn't even pertain to how we live here.:wink:

adj4u's photo
Wed 03/11/09 05:37 PM
penny wise dollar foolish

when everyone starts showing up in er rooms how much more will it cost than preventive treatment

even the dreaded insurance companies hmo's realize it is cheaper to prevent than it is to treat an illness

no photo
Wed 03/11/09 06:17 PM

Another entitlement program that needs to bite the dust in my opinion. There is a direct correlation between my income and my compassion for the "needy". They are both quickly dwindling at the same rate.

Boo- Your cynical comment is represenative of the ungrateful ilk. Not even remotely thankful for what has been "given" (more like stolen) to give to less than productive citizens. It's never enough. Just keep trying to steal what others have worked hard for. I don't even receive thank you for working, owning/operating businesses with employees, and supporting the non-producers. Just a demanding "gimme more". You want to feel real pain, I close my doors, get rid of my employees, and start suckling off the government teat as well. What will the likes of these "needy" do when the likes of me join their ranks? People like Winx who perpetually preach "fairness" and "equality"... better think a lot more about what is wished for.

This article is nothing but more smoke and mirrors. The politician or political party that gives away the most stays in power. What part of "there's no such thing as a free lunch" that isn't understood? Taxing hospitals? Insanity, and a nice little step towards "nationalization". I simply can't afford it anymore and neither can a "compassionate" government. The more I see articles I see like this, the more I pray for another (real) Great Depression and a 50.1% unemployment rate, bread/soup lines blocks long. Let the herd thin out naturally.

Not cynical bee, just really tired of the sound of whining...
I am very thankful I am not in a position to be forced to ask for help, and glad that if I was forced to that it would likely not be you I would have to face. No offense. It would be embarrassing already to have to be there. I am also grateful that I am not crippled or have any other disease that would force my having to be on assistance.

Praying for tragedy? Your attitude is so cold I just can't relate to it. I don't get a cold dead feeling when Winx talks about fairness and equality. Sorry don't know what else to say.

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