Topic: The Hypocrisy of the Religious Right and the war on Drugs
BrandonJItaliano's photo
Sat 03/07/09 12:08 PM
"Why is Marijuana illegal? Doesnt the idea of making nature against the law, seem a little paranoid. It grows naturally and has 1000 different uses, all of them positive. To make anything that grows naturally against the law is a slap in the face of your own god, its saying he made a mistake putting it here on the earth that he created, for man to use as he sees fit"---BH

TBRich's photo
Sat 03/07/09 12:16 PM
I think it has to do with the human rights violations of poor peasants made to live like slaves on a plantation growing it. What makes you think everything in Nature is good for you, a lot of Nature would probably enjoy eating your skinny a$$.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 03/07/09 12:20 PM
:smile: Religious right aint nuthin but bunch of hypocrites:smile:

browns8127's photo
Sat 03/07/09 12:21 PM
yep who needs morals and values. society is so much better today without them

Totage's photo
Sat 03/07/09 12:33 PM

"Why is Marijuana illegal? Doesnt the idea of making nature against the law, seem a little paranoid. It grows naturally and has 1000 different uses, all of them positive. To make anything that grows naturally against the law is a slap in the face of your own god, its saying he made a mistake putting it here on the earth that he created, for man to use as he sees fit"---BH

Then cocaine should also be leagalized

TBRich's photo
Sat 03/07/09 12:38 PM
Every one complains about how bad Cr@ck is, but without it where would I be finding $5 DVD players? Huh, ever think about that?

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 03/07/09 12:39 PM

"Why is Marijuana illegal? Doesnt the idea of making nature against the law, seem a little paranoid. It grows naturally and has 1000 different uses, all of them positive. To make anything that grows naturally against the law is a slap in the face of your own god, its saying he made a mistake putting it here on the earth that he created, for man to use as he sees fit"---BH

Even an atheistic society has a right (or at least the power) to make laws to protect it's citizens.

When it comes to the use of any mind altering drugs (and that would include alcohol), I think society has a right to demand that people do not do certain things whilst under the influence. Driving a 2-ton vehicle around on public roads is the most obvious example. But I think we'd like our bank tellers and accountant to be somewhat sober when doing their jobs as well. We'd also like to have our doctors sober when operating on us. Ironically they have access to drugs legally. laugh

But I'm in total agreement with you in matters of private locations. I think you should be able to do pretty much whatever you want on your own property.

I don't think that laws should try to protect people from themselves. But I could see a law preventing a pregnant woman from doing any type of drug. After all, whatever drugs she's taking (including alcohol) will naturally affect her fetus as well.

So I think there are rational reasons for a society to want to control certain drugs.

About the only thing I could help with there is to say that I personally think that alcohol is worse than marijuana. It's clearly not good, yet we allow bars to exist on just about ever corner.

So there is a huge hypocrisy associated with that.

I think it's a tough political question even when religion and moral values are tossed aside. There are still practical consequences of allowing these drugs to be used in a public setting.

I would personally outlaw alcohol and just do away with drugs altogether. laugh

But that was already tried during the prohibition and it couldn't be made to work.

davidben1's photo
Sat 03/07/09 12:41 PM
to preach refrain as morals is to create human weakness so devastating it destroy's entire civilizations.

to teach refrain is to convince an entire spieces it is inferior and has no common sense, so none shall be found.

to treat as a child, create nations of children.

norslyman's photo
Sat 03/07/09 12:52 PM
It's all about the CIA controlling the gobal drug market and keeping the prices higher by making it illegal. Many fortunes were made during prohabition days.

Pot alone could help turn our economy around. It has many uses as food, fuel, fabric. Think how many people could be put to work. Would make much more sense so use it than corn as alternative fuel.

ThomasJB's photo
Sat 03/07/09 01:00 PM
Edited by ThomasJB on Sat 03/07/09 01:00 PM
Would the legalization of drugs put us at war with drug lords? Would our next war be against drug lords? They would be next modern day "Reds".

Filmfreek's photo
Sat 03/07/09 01:05 PM
Edited by Filmfreek on Sat 03/07/09 01:06 PM
Amsterdam seems to be doing well. Very low crime rate. Steady economy. Booming tourism market.

Maybe we could learn a thing or two from the Dutch.smokin

BTW...I've been there and not EVERY citizen smokes. On the contrary, MOST of the locals I talked to did NOT smoke. Go figure.

davidben1's photo
Sat 03/07/09 01:09 PM
to enforce refrain of all things that have the potenital to harm, simply lead to the creating of other things created to be used for harm.

to outlaw drugs is the same logic as trying to eliminate the common cold by making it illegal.

to ban drugs is to create a breeding ground of violence and death.

slavery to laws has destroyed all ancient civilizations with lack of courage and foresight, to see what motive it's own laws will produce within it's peoples.

self is a free moral agent, and if it wish to destroy itself, it is each one's own right to do so, or a society is soon enslaved in chains with a death grip, which will make many wish to destroy itself.

freedom prevent the very existence of any rebellion.

davidben1's photo
Sat 03/07/09 01:17 PM
Edited by davidben1 on Sat 03/07/09 01:20 PM
drug lords would be out of business with no law's to prohibit, as any drug user would make their own, and soon, even very soon, the mind would be freed from the deception that kills many, that is decieved into thinking it wants it, in the beginning, simply because it was labled as "off limits".

if the mind tell itself, too much food is off limit's, i will get fat, maybe even become obese, the brain will suck itself to the desire to eat more, and drugs are no different than any other thing the human brain encounter, as the brain is repeating the same process's over and over and over thru history, to teach human man the wisdom of how it actually work, and how to actually come to know HOW to live and create peace, and not strife and war and violence, by NOT listening to fear as the guide, but rather wisdom.

no photo
Sat 03/07/09 04:00 PM

yep who needs morals and values. society is so much better today without them
Is it immoral to drink alcohol?

BrandonJItaliano's photo
Sat 03/07/09 05:25 PM

yep who needs morals and values. society is so much better today without them

Hmmm, do u know the difference between the drugs in your medicine cabniet and the drugs on the street? I do its called TAXES, Morals and values have nothing to do with it

BrandonJItaliano's photo
Sat 03/07/09 05:30 PM
Edited by BrandonJItaliano on Sat 03/07/09 05:31 PM

"Why is Marijuana illegal? Doesnt the idea of making nature against the law, seem a little paranoid. It grows naturally and has 1000 different uses, all of them positive. To make anything that grows naturally against the law is a slap in the face of your own god, its saying he made a mistake putting it here on the earth that he created, for man to use as he sees fit"---BH

Then cocaine should also be leagalized

It was until the The Harrison Narcotics TAX Act, was passed on Dec 17, 1914. You can blame the signing on the lame ass American Journal of Pharmacy circa 1904 with there propoganda fill labels that stated "that most cocaine abusers were “bohemians, gamblers, high- and low-class prostitutes, night porters, bell boys, burglars, racketeers, pimps, and casual laborers.”

The Government has no buisness in peoples personal lives, i dont even like taking tylenol, i dont use ANYTHING myself, but i have no right to tell anyone else how to live there lives

no photo
Sat 03/07/09 05:43 PM
Well, I value my life, and so choose not to do drugs like cocaine. It can be very destructive.

I think its important to understand how drugs effect you both physiologically, emotionally, and psychologically.

Many many many studies, both with and without bias have found health related problem with any powerful stimulents.

It can cause death in people with heart conditions. Cocaine specifically has been shown to alter the structures of the brain and cause a build up of plaques that can be harmful to cognition, and these plaques have been linked to neural disease such as Parkinson's, and Alzheimer's.

An open and un-biased evaluation of marijuana has been conducted in many many countries, chronic use is typically seen as less of a risk to health then alcohol.

Politics is at the heart of the drug war, but not without some merit.

Crack is especially insidious due to extremely swift onset of physical addition and an increase in health related risks as well.

I think money should be spent understanding the way these drugs effect our brains and bodies, and on programs designed to help people get there lives back, not on keeping drug users in prison.

The war on drugs has been lost, its time to use some of those same counter insurgency tactics we have learned recently, to change this from a war to a reconstruction effort.

We need to bring THIS country back together, and try to understand those of us that are least privileged, try to help them not just get off drugs, but help in a way that can give them hope of having a normal life, something they do not need to seek escape from.