Topic: veiws on the military...?
txmomof2's photo
Tue 03/03/09 08:05 AM

Lives lost are hard for anyone rather they be innocent or guilty. But just think what our lives would be like if we did not have those men and women defending our freedom.

Terrible. I'm grateful they do what they do. Very much so. I know I couldn't... especially now that I have my son.


prisoner's photo
Tue 03/03/09 08:10 AM
:smile: i hate the fact that just because someone is in the military our brilliant "Society" labels them a "hero" as in any field,there are dirtbags in the military be seeing you

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 03/03/09 09:05 AM

:smile: i hate the fact that just because someone is in the military our brilliant "Society" labels them a "hero" as in any field,there are dirtbags in the military be seeing you

there are "dirtbags" in everything....doesn't lessen those that are good

prisoner's photo
Tue 03/03/09 10:05 AM

:smile: i hate the fact that just because someone is in the military our brilliant "Society" labels them a "hero" as in any field,there are dirtbags in the military be seeing you

there are "dirtbags" in everything....doesn't lessen those that are good
:smile: no it doesn't lessen those that are good but i do think our "Society" thinks that ANYONE who serves in the military is a "hero" and that is just NOT the case be seeing you

no photo
Tue 03/03/09 10:07 AM

:smile: i hate the fact that just because someone is in the military our brilliant "Society" labels them a "hero" as in any field,there are dirtbags in the military be seeing you

there are "dirtbags" in everything....doesn't lessen those that are good
:smile: no it doesn't lessen those that are good but i do think our "Society" thinks that ANYONE who serves in the military is a "hero" and that is just NOT the case be seeing you

I'm living proof of that

krupa's photo
Tue 03/03/09 10:50 AM
I support our troops. Just not the war.

I served so, I am fine with my stance.

As far as bad @ssed......stand at the grave of a soldier, marine, airman or tell me who is more bad @ss. (Sorry bro. but that question don't fly with me)

no photo
Tue 03/03/09 03:27 PM
Nothing is more bad@ss than watching our field artillery take out an entire grid square in 30sec. Then again, nothing is more bad@ss than watching that USAF fighter drop a laser guided bomb on the target. Then again...nothing is more bad@ss than watching the Marines sweep an entire village under heavy fire and not lose a single guy. Then again.........a TOMAHAWK Cruise Missle being lauched from a USN ship is pretty bad@ss too.

See where this is going?
Air Assualt, Hooah.

TJN's photo
Tue 03/03/09 03:31 PM
Edited by TJN on Tue 03/03/09 03:32 PM
Army Airborne Engineers!!!
All The WAY

Seakolony's photo
Wed 03/04/09 06:54 AM
Dad and two Uncles - United States Marine Corp Vietnam
My cousin - Airforce deceased Desert Storm
Brother-in-Law, Stepbrother, 2 Cousins - Navy
Grandfather - deceased Seabee Navy WWII
Grandfather - Deceased Korean War Army

no photo
Wed 03/04/09 05:55 PM

Army Airborne Engineers!!!
All The WAY

Airborne Engineers ? missed that one. I seem to be in the wrong MOS or the right MOS at the wrong time.

TJN's photo
Wed 03/04/09 05:59 PM

Army Airborne Engineers!!!
All The WAY

Airborne Engineers ? missed that one. I seem to be in the wrong MOS or the right MOS at the wrong time.

FT Bragg, NC was there for 6 years.

no photo
Wed 03/04/09 06:03 PM

Army Airborne Engineers!!!
All The WAY

Airborne Engineers ? missed that one. I seem to be in the wrong MOS or the right MOS at the wrong time.

FT Bragg, NC was there for 6 years.

As PsyOps, we were airborne. What was your MOS?

TJN's photo
Wed 03/04/09 06:05 PM
Edited by TJN on Wed 03/04/09 06:06 PM

Army Airborne Engineers!!!
All The WAY

Airborne Engineers ? missed that one. I seem to be in the wrong MOS or the right MOS at the wrong time.

FT Bragg, NC was there for 6 years.

As PsyOps, we were airborne. What was your MOS?
12C 20th ENG BGD
Smoke bomb hill

army2be08's photo
Sun 03/08/09 09:53 AM
lol my best friend is a marine...i almost did that. but i chose army instead. i leave on the 18th...and our ACUs looks sexy as hell

army2be08's photo
Sun 03/08/09 09:55 AM
so thats just goes for marines? or all? cuz i think army and marines uniforms are the only ones that look good...

army2be08's photo
Sun 03/08/09 10:01 AM
ur army huh? good **** man i leave 4 basic on the 18th.

army2be08's photo
Sun 03/08/09 10:02 AM
ill be leaving for FT. Benning GA for basic and AIT on the 18th...

Fade2Black's photo
Wed 03/18/09 12:10 PM

Lives lost are hard for anyone rather they be innocent or guilty. But just think what our lives would be like if we did not have those men and women defending our freedom.

Terrible. I'm grateful they do what they do. Very much so. I know I couldn't... especially now that I have my son.

Agreed. And I happen to be 'seeing' one right now. He is far from being an asshole. He is a HERO! Just like my father was as a Navy Lt. Commander.

I LOVE military and will defend it to the death. Actually that will never happen for me, but they see it every single day. On BEHALF of me and mine and you and yours.

My ex husband was military, my father, 2 out of 3 bro-in-laws. I thank GOD neither of my sons chose that route but if they did I couldn't be prouder.

While we sit here commenting on their goodness, 'bad-assness' or any other "Ness" they are living in sh*t hole conditions and doing what we choose not to do. No holidays with their families when they are deployed and sometimes not even seeing their own children born.

(((((((((((((((((( GOD BLESS THE MILITARY )))))))))))))))))))))

74Drew's photo
Wed 03/18/09 12:14 PM
Edited by 74Drew on Wed 03/18/09 12:16 PM

what do you think about the war and which branch is the "hottest" or most "badass"?

i was army infantry. to me, with the exception of rangers and spec. forces, i thought everyone else was just plain weak.

it could be the brain washing though.

. . .

FreeToB's photo
Wed 03/18/09 12:15 PM

Don't forget military woman. Some of us are bad ass, and some are hot (to a guy) I hope.

Each service has wimpy jobs and hard core 'Hooah' jobs.

The war - depends on which one. We have a few going on, and in different theaters of operation.

Afghanistan - that one makes sense, but it isn't be fought as it should.

Iraq - How the hell knows.

Drugs - again, not being fought as it should. and then, we have the

UN's wars - we shouldn't even be in the United Nations
