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Topic: another belief in god question
davidben1's photo
Wed 03/11/09 07:50 PM
Edited by davidben1 on Wed 03/11/09 07:51 PM

know what???? i'm tored of the bs..... i have prayed and prayed for someone (sometimes selfish i admit) but nothing... funny thing is i felt an urge to go to my old hand old (a bar) and went and was told of many miracles from non=believers to make you say wtf?????

i'm still struggling but i'll be damn if anyone takes my beliefs away

there is no need to give away any belief, or forsake any belief, only add to it, as the perception walk down the road each second, into a different reality, into different environment, and a belief clutched as defense against self harm, in this life or the next, will erase any seeing as you say, that many "professed" non-believer's, see much more that many professed do???


other's are more important than any belief to them, as the parts of any belief, that self hold to, are the parts that tell and make self feel secure, and that itself is good, and will be spared from some disastor???

is this not for self???

this being the only part of any belief, that focus and train the eye's of self on self???

this which is as driving while inspecting oneself in the mirror, and why it was once said, the greatest commandment of all those ever spoken, was to love thy neighbor as thyself???

so if anything is believed, that seperate self from the innner confidence to do this, then is has but fallen to fear, making one cling to self preservation as a lifeboat???

rightfully and understandably so, since it is preached forth from most every podium of this green earth, as some good thing of god, but then words said to be of god also, were to lay down one's life for a friend???

does not belief itself, and how it save self, most stop this from happening, as the belief is supreme, for self preservation reasons most???

but just the same, if one really believe there is a god, and it love all unconditionally, then nothing can feel nor know this feeling in all confidence for itself, until it first believe this same thing called god's love, unconditionally love's each other thing on this green earth, and this remove any qualifier, which be any blame???

a tuff swallow indeed, but if belief is more important than people, what thing is there called love???

and certainly nothing exist that heard of god, did not also hear, that god was love.

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 03/11/09 07:51 PM
why is it so hard for people to let others believe what gets them through the f*ing day without someone dumping on them???? don't you think everyone has enough of it in the world as it f*ing is??

Seamonster's photo
Wed 03/11/09 07:51 PM

davidben1's photo
Wed 03/11/09 07:53 PM

why is it so hard for people to let others believe what gets them through the f*ing day without someone dumping on them???? don't you think everyone has enough of it in the world as it f*ing is??

nice to hear you speaking forth your true heart...

the chains of religion will never allow this, and why all is being forced to drop it off, and remove this covering and protection of self, called belief to save but self alone.


Seamonster's photo
Wed 03/11/09 07:54 PM

why is it so hard for people to let others believe what gets them through the f*ing day without someone dumping on them???? don't you think everyone has enough of it in the world as it f*ing is??

I like you.

Why you angry?

This is a fourm for people to express their feelings and ideas about religion or lack there of.

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 03/11/09 07:55 PM

why is it so hard for people to let others believe what gets them through the f*ing day without someone dumping on them???? don't you think everyone has enough of it in the world as it f*ing is??

I like you.

Why you angry?

This is a fourm for people to express their feelings and ideas about religion or lack there of.

I have my own reasons and they are mine alone....no one elses. i can more than hadle my own. i have a problem with anyone (whatever belief) judging right or wrong)

davidben1's photo
Wed 03/11/09 09:04 PM

why is it so hard for people to let others believe what gets them through the f*ing day without someone dumping on them???? don't you think everyone has enough of it in the world as it f*ing is??

I like you.

Why you angry?

This is a fourm for people to express their feelings and ideas about religion or lack there of.

I have my own reasons and they are mine alone....no one elses. i can more than hadle my own. i have a problem with anyone (whatever belief) judging right or wrong)

in greater reality, nothing can be made to feel wrong by another's words, less the words heard by itself, were one's self had already heard from itself, and denied them to itself at some point.

no photo
Thu 03/12/09 01:33 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 03/12/09 01:35 AM

I really don't care what anyone thinks anymore

I care that everyone has the freedom of thought and can basically think what they choose. That is what makes this an interesting world. I would hate to live in a world where we all thought the same exact thing and were like the borg on Star Trec.... one mind.

But the truth is, once you are comfortable with what YOU believe, it really does not matter what anyone else believes. Truly.


no photo
Thu 03/12/09 06:18 AM

For me, it is not a matter of why I believe in God. It is more why not believe in God?

Why not believe in an invisible, 900-foot-long, vibrating mosquito hovering 12 feet above me every minute of my life? I have seen just as much evidence for the existence of God as I have seen for the mosquito.

I just don't understand what makes a person tick who has no belief in a supreme being. If you have no creator, and you have no afterlife, why exist?

We have the unique ability to determine for ourselves what the purpose of our lives should/will be. It strikes me as a bit lazy, irresponsible, and pass-the-buck to try to foist this off on anyone/anything else.

If it were proved to me that there is no God, I would most definately jump off a cliff.

I find that sad, actually. A final proof of the non-existence of God is the most mentally liberating thing I can imagine.

I have no problem with atheists and such, but I would like to know what motivates them to live.

Life. Real, normal, day-to-day life. And hopes and dreams and ideas and work and people and learning and music and books and activities and all sorts of stuff. This is enough for me -- sometimes it's more than enough. I don't need ancient legends and myths to build a life upon.

If I could figure that out, it would make a great self help book. If I am just going to turn back into dust, and nothing more what is the purpose? Why care about anything?

No atheists would buy that book -- we already have our answers to those questions. "Purpose" and "care" can be entirely self-generated, self-formulated.

Like someone who spends there whole life trying to explain why the bible is false, and then they die....what would the purpose of that be?

If that was what that person wanted to do with their life, then so be it -- it's not my job to judge or to try to persuade anyone what to believe or not to believe or how to live.

For me, that sort of life WOULD be a waste -- but only because I don't see any real point in spending much time on this whole issue -- it's a done deal, a proverbial dead horse, as it were.

I could be wrong, and I'm the first to admit it. But I have yet to see Point One in favor of there being any sort of God at all; and, until I do, I'm going with the big mosquito.

That can't reflect on why they wrote a thousand page book on the non-existance of god, cuz they are dead. So why write it in the first place? Just some nagging questions I have.

Why write it in the first place? I don't know -- to make money? To convey ideas? To question the accepted ways of thinking? Could be lots of reasons. Does it even matter?

Me, personally, I would love to be able to believe in a God. I think it would be nice if such a being DID exist. I just haven't seen anything to support the idea, though -- so I'm officially an atheist till further notice.

no photo
Thu 03/12/09 07:15 AM
Nice reply Lex.

Why not believe in an invisible, 900-foot-long, vibrating mosquito hovering 12 feet above me every minute of my life? I have seen just as much evidence for the existence of God as I have seen for the mosquito.

Mosquito joke:

Q: What did the giant mosquito say to his mate when they landed on the Texan's arm?

A: "Shall we eat him here, or take him with us?"

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