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Topic: Man Law! - part 41
myssfytz's photo
Wed 03/04/09 07:44 PM
A byt yeah.

Wednesdays seem to have a trend going as well, today we saw about 150 patients.But it was a nice n steady flow, not all at once til after nmy lunch at 1pmish when everyone and their mother came in for xrays.

But we rocked and rolled and got 'em done.So no matter.

My neice and her b/f from vT are flying in tomorrow for a wk.Mom will be here Sunday for a few days.

Howve you been ? Work picking up yet ? Hows Aaron doing with work ?

AaronzDad's photo
Wed 03/04/09 07:48 PM
Aaron is being made shift manager but doesn't know what the pay increase is - if ANY

Work is still dreadfully slow. I had a couple calls today and one was pretty nice so that helps morale but morale doesn't pay the bills ya know?

other than that it's pretty much same old crap here

I'm sick and tired of winter but again that's nothing new

Glad to hear things are settling in for ya.

Anything else new or exciting?

myssfytz's photo
Wed 03/04/09 07:56 PM
Tell him I said congrats.Pay increase or not, still nice to know he's moving up.And yeah, I know $$$ talks.

Im gonna win the lotto Saturday.So no more $$$ worries for me or mine !!!

Yeehaw !!!

I did, however, fry myself last wknd at my pool here.Accidentally bought sun accelerator instead of suncreen.And well, it accelerated alright !!!

So my front half is fried and my back side is as white as paper.


Quite uncomfy I must say.

Next time I will def. be more careful.It hurt like hell.Today is first day Ive felt normal again.Well, normal for me ya know. :)

And work is taking our lyl byt of o.t. away but we still gotta work Sat.So theyll give us a day off during the wk and have us work a Sat that wk.Sux, but we still have our jobs. :)

Life is as it will be.

AaronzDad's photo
Wed 03/04/09 08:02 PM

The way the economy is headed anyone working full time is lucky I think.

So where's the pics of Myss at half-and-half? THAT has gotta be something to see!

And why were you laying in the sun so dang long anyway?? Don't you know better than that? Even with a sunblock you gotta be careful

myssfytz's photo
Wed 03/04/09 08:12 PM
True.My mom's costume shop she worked at in Miami shut down recently after being around for about 30 something years.It sux.Not sure what shes gonna do at all.Shes got that house in KY to pay on the line of credit against the house in Miami.So, Im worried about her next move.

No pics.Sawry.Too painful to even wanna remember AT ALL.could barely walk to bathroom even when I held it in as long as I possibly could.That BADD.

Only out there for about 1 1/2 hrs.Not long.I know how long I can stay out w/o burning.

What I DIDNT realize is that it was accelerator and not sunscreen I kept putting on.

Until I came inside and showered and said " WTF" as I looked in the mirror at myself and all its red and whiteness. LOL

Hate to cut this short but I gotta crash.Im off next wk til Monday the 17th for vacate.Ill be in and out as I can.Reply and Ill reread it tomorrow after work when I come home.

Hope you have a great night playing your puter games and cursing at the screen !!!

Take care AD.

Til next time.

Hiya Dozz, P, Earth,Chev,Star,Z,Misty,Catch,JT,Scorp amd Skyy.

See ya soons !!!

Goodnight and Sweetdreams to you all !!!

And to Dozz, Id like some flavored coffee please.

AaronzDad's photo
Wed 03/04/09 08:22 PM

G'nite Myss! Have a great vacation!

I'm headed outta here soon myself.
See ya folks!

if there's anyone else actually around...

Wed 03/04/09 08:52 PM
I was then got a phone call ! Good night Myss sorry I keep missing you lately . Have a wonderful vacation ya lucky ! AD you know I keep hopeing for you !And PAT too . I'm underemployed so still battleing too . It sucks .Take care and see you later !

EarthSprite's photo
Wed 03/04/09 09:31 PM
Night everyone...waving

no photo
Thu 03/05/09 01:31 AM

Thu 03/05/09 07:02 AM

no photo
Thu 03/05/09 09:53 AM
Good Morning and happy Thurday. waving

no photo
Thu 03/05/09 02:17 PM

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Thu 03/05/09 02:49 PM
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

I got a job!!!! I start 15 March at the helo hangar in St. Paul as a Supply Technician.

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

no photo
Thu 03/05/09 03:09 PM
Good deal Sky!drinker drinker :banana: :banana: :banana:

no photo
Thu 03/05/09 03:59 PM
congrats sky I wish you the very best and hope it turns out well for you

no photo
Thu 03/05/09 04:06 PM
Hey Dozzer!drinker

no photo
Thu 03/05/09 04:07 PM
how are you today Mr polson

no photo
Thu 03/05/09 04:08 PM
Wow! Why so formal?

I am doing fine. Getting ready for a heavy day of smoking tomorrow.

no photo
Thu 03/05/09 04:10 PM
mmmmmmm smoking

I dont think you are a smoker so I am gussing it is the good kind of smoking

what side of beef are you smoking

no photo
Thu 03/05/09 04:13 PM
A few pork roasts. For a poker party on Saterday. When did you start monitoring the no posting?

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