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Topic: Man Law! - part 41
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Sun 03/01/09 07:03 PM
I am a bbq addict. And there ain't no 12 steps!

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Sun 03/01/09 07:08 PM

Cool! Up in Fargo?

In Moorhead (across from Fargo) and near Melrose, and at Camp Ripley. I'm going to Fargo, though; they have plain Doritos in North Dakota!

Ow, ow, ow ... I got my books for the next term (starts tomorrow). For one class I've got: "Intelligence Analysis" "CIA SpyMaster" and "Wizards of Langley" I love this stuff!!! :banana: :heart: love smitten

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Sun 03/01/09 07:13 PM
Those sound like interesting books. Are they actual case based, or, proceedures?

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Sun 03/01/09 07:19 PM
"CIA SpyMaster" is about George Kiservalter, the top CIA Case Officer, who handled Penkosky and Popov. "Intelligence Analysis" is procedure and"Wizards" is about the CIA in general.

A future class is "SpyCraft" zbout the tools of the trade.

In History of U.S. Intelligence, we got to talking about when we translate something a little bit off. I got the most embarassing mistake, although not dangerous. The banner was supposed to be "Welcome to Peace and Comfort" instead, I offered "Peace and Intercourse"

Nop grade in Psych yet, but I'm expecting an "A"

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Sun 03/01/09 07:23 PM
Hmmm, might have to hit the library.

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Sun 03/01/09 07:25 PM
Lirary is the best use of public money the government spends.

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Sun 03/01/09 07:26 PM

I am a bbq addict. And there ain't no 12 steps!

Why would you want one?!? Some addictions shouldn't be cured.

Cured - mmmm - ham.

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Sun 03/01/09 07:45 PM
Pork loin!

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Sun 03/01/09 07:46 PM

I make the best ribs. People pay me to make ribs.

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Sun 03/01/09 07:48 PM
I usually smoke meats. I did a couple of gigs before I moved out. My Smoked turkey is MM GOOD!

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Sun 03/01/09 07:49 PM
How far are you from Fargo? LOL

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Sun 03/01/09 07:50 PM
A LONG ways! laugh laugh laugh
And I require a two week notice!

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Sun 03/01/09 07:52 PM
Last night (dinner & theater) was very nice. I ordered the cheapest meal on the menu, it was $25, so no side dish or drink.

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Sun 03/01/09 07:53 PM

A LONG ways! laugh laugh laugh
And I require a two week notice!
Wow - whaqt do you do in the 2 weeks' build up time?

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Sun 03/01/09 08:00 PM
Just to make sure I have all the ingredients. The turkey needs to thaw. Then a nice dry rub or marinade for atleast 12 hours. Make a mop,for cooking. Soak the wood chips for a good smoke. Then depending on the flavor, smoking for up to 12 hours. Its a work I enjoy.

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Sun 03/01/09 08:01 PM
it's almost turkey season. you won't have to thaw one

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Sun 03/01/09 08:03 PM
I have had wild turkey. Not a fan.

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Sun 03/01/09 08:05 PM

I have had wild turkey. Not a fan.

I thought it tasted pretty good, although I prefer JD.

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Sun 03/01/09 08:10 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

I can see why Bob likes ya!

buttons's photo
Sun 03/01/09 08:11 PM
wheres AD?laugh

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