Topic: What was your most recent....
scorpio90's photo
Fri 02/27/09 02:51 PM
...crazy dream. Last night I dreamed Hitler was trying to teach a rottweiler to sit. The rottweiler wanted nothing to do with it.:tongue:

jtip1977's photo
Fri 02/27/09 02:54 PM
Last night I dreamt that me and my girlfriend were in a porn shop and my girlfriend was about to pay another girl $500 to have sex with us. Next thing I know, the kid woke me up. Dammit. I wanted to finish that one!!!

no photo
Fri 02/27/09 03:19 PM
Most recent that I remember is I was in a native village of cannibals.. And they were slinging people out on the rocks off shore then retrieving the bodies to cook. I was then told that I either eat with them and become one or that I would be eaten. And they showed me 3 things to choose from. One was a head with the brains cooked inside and a "turd" on top.. the second was part of a human leg. and the third was part of a spine that was coated with something.... I chose the spine.. and then I woke up.. and didn't wish to go back to sleep.. .. worse dream I have ever had....

catwoman96's photo
Fri 02/27/09 03:22 PM
i had a nightmare about a crazy attacking fish..(i dont remember this clearly)

and then i had a dream my boyfriend was cheating on me with some chic, and there was all this drama, and my heart was all brokenbrokenheart and then i woke up.

tonight im not gonna sleep and im gonna wear myself out so thatr dreams

EtherealEmbers's photo
Fri 02/27/09 03:29 PM
I had different weird dream two days in a row...

The 1st one:

I was using my little space heater to warm up my room, when I noticed smoke coming from it. I turned it off, but it wouldn't stop. I unplugged it from the wall, and it kept smoking and was very hot. I held it by the cord and the cord started retracting into the heater itself. I frantically asked my mom what I should do with it, and she said to throw it outside. I said, "But it's raining and it'll make it short out and catch on fire." She said it was ok because the rain would put it out. So I threw it out front, (we were in the house I grew up in) and it caught on fire and tumbled across the street to the neighbor's garage and caught it on fire. Soon papers were burning, the rafters caught on fire, and I ran across the street, grabbing the nearest water hose and put most of it out. Pretty sure I woke up after that.

The 2nd one:

I went out to my car, and realized I had my car and my old car as well (which has long been gone) and saw that it had been broken into. Not only were the two small triangular windows busted out, but my seats were shredded, along with other things in my car. Someone went to great pains to destroy the whole interior. I said, "This wasn't just a break-in, this was hateful. Someone really wanted to hurt me." After rifling through the car to survey the damage, I noticed a shredded newspaper with a frame on it.. I picked it up and stretched it out to notice it was a piece of artwork.. some kind of creased newspaper clipping... very old-fashioned and worth something. I thought it was strange that they left it for me. That's about all I remember.


EtherealEmbers's photo
Fri 02/27/09 03:31 PM

Most recent that I remember is I was in a native village of cannibals.. And they were slinging people out on the rocks off shore then retrieving the bodies to cook. I was then told that I either eat with them and become one or that I would be eaten. And they showed me 3 things to choose from. One was a head with the brains cooked inside and a "turd" on top.. the second was part of a human leg. and the third was part of a spine that was coated with something.... I chose the spine.. and then I woke up.. and didn't wish to go back to sleep.. .. worse dream I have ever had....

I'd love to hear an expert's translation on that one! very peculiar... *guards her spine*scared

joshyfox's photo
Fri 02/27/09 03:34 PM
The most recent crazy Dream I can remember lasted 3 seconds or at least 3 dream seconds.

It starred Doctor Who Holding a banana and Screaming up to the sky, "Noooooo!"

Then I woke up...