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Topic: overwhelming frustration
7z3r05's photo
Tue 02/17/09 11:49 AM
ok i am in the process of learninng 'eruption' on my guitar and am halfway thru it and i got to a point where i cant play and im about to throw my guitar through the only window in my apt. Whats the most difficult song uve learned to play and on what innstrumnt?

no photo
Tue 02/17/09 11:52 AM
Meatloaf quote: Sonny! That's no way to treat an expensive musical instrument!

DragonFlyTat's photo
Tue 02/17/09 11:52 AM
Does the computer count?

7z3r05's photo
Tue 02/17/09 11:54 AM

Does the computer count?
sure. LAY IT ON ME.

lilith401's photo
Tue 02/17/09 11:56 AM
When we say we are starving we are often just hungry, as we are rarely to the point of true hunger we exaggerate emotions.

Patience is rarely tested as well, so we end to exaggerate its implementation.

Breathe.... this is a little thing.

Peccy's photo
Tue 02/17/09 11:56 AM
Conga Machine on the drums

michiganman3's photo
Tue 02/17/09 11:58 AM
I just started learning to play the Doumbec(smaller Middle Eastern drum) and it has been frustrating. I've been playing the conga drums for 15 yrs and have a good time with them.
But teaching my hands/fingers to do something different when I feel like I should just be able to whip it out drives me crazy.
So I just keep practicing best I can.

izzie's photo
Tue 02/17/09 11:58 AM
minuette in second clarinet part memorised

(sorry i cant spell worth a damn today! )

7z3r05's photo
Tue 02/17/09 11:59 AM

Conga Machine on the drums
Whoa that IS hard.

no photo
Tue 02/17/09 11:59 AM

I just started learning to play the Doumbec(smaller Middle Eastern drum) and it has been frustrating. I've been playing the conga drums for 15 yrs and have a good time with them.
But teaching my hands/fingers to do something different when I feel like I should just be able to whip it out drives me crazy.
So I just keep practicing best I can. just said "whip it out"...

PATSFAN's photo
Tue 02/17/09 12:00 PM
Ahh nevermind the guitar, did you take your exams today?

no photo
Tue 02/17/09 12:02 PM

ok i am in the process of learninng 'eruption' on my guitar and am halfway thru it and i got to a point where i cant play and im about to throw my guitar through the only window in my apt. Whats the most difficult song uve learned to play and on what innstrumnt?

Years ago, I wrote a song called "Bombs on Planes" which has a really weird staccato synthesizer part in the middle. I could never really get it quite the way I wanted it, though. I was using an old Sequential Circuits Pro One and it just wouldn't go "grainy" enough.

RKISIT's photo
Tue 02/17/09 12:03 PM
subdivisions by rush ,on the drums:smile: of course i'm no neil peart...but then again it's neil peart and then everyone else:smile:

7z3r05's photo
Tue 02/17/09 12:05 PM

Ahh nevermind the guitar, did you take your exams today?
Yeah. i got the first two out of the way. Not sure how i feel about the calc but anthropology was easy enough. Macroec is at 6 and i should be cramming but instead im venting my frustration with my guitar. Thanks for remebering!

michiganman3's photo
Tue 02/17/09 12:07 PM

Yeah, like this.


Seakolony's photo
Tue 02/17/09 12:07 PM
Never got into the instrument things, but a few my friends have completely gotten frustrated while learning difficult songs.

I really get frustrated when my drawings, photography, or poetry gets stuck or doesn't quite capture what I wanted to. On occassion, but throw it out the window?? Probably not. :smile:

7z3r05's photo
Tue 02/17/09 12:07 PM

subdivisions by rush ,on the drums:smile: of course i'm no neil peart...but then again it's neil peart and then everyone else:smile:
Neil is a god amongst men. hands down. I tried learning yyz but had to put it down. I couldnt deal with the 3/16 or whatever ridiculous time it as in.

RKISIT's photo
Tue 02/17/09 12:08 PM
oh and i always seem to mess up on chiquitita by ABBA on the keyboards:smile: i don't know why but i do:smile:

ljcc1964's photo
Tue 02/17/09 12:09 PM

ok i am in the process of learninng 'eruption' on my guitar and am halfway thru it and i got to a point where i cant play and im about to throw my guitar through the only window in my apt. Whats the most difficult song uve learned to play and on what innstrumnt?

Blackbird....on the guitar.

Sadly...I can't remember how anyway.

7z3r05's photo
Tue 02/17/09 12:10 PM

ok i am in the process of learninng 'eruption' on my guitar and am halfway thru it and i got to a point where i cant play and im about to throw my guitar through the only window in my apt. Whats the most difficult song uve learned to play and on what innstrumnt?

Years ago, I wrote a song called "Bombs on Planes" which has a really weird staccato synthesizer part in the middle. I could never really get it quite the way I wanted it, though. I was using an old Sequential Circuits Pro One and it just wouldn't go "grainy" enough.

GOD i hate it when that happens!

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