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Topic: Long distance relationships
mariposakc's photo
Thu 02/26/09 09:44 PM

I have the emails an im conversation to show myself I 'm not delusional. If she suddenly decided to not be interested I can deal with that but to just drop all communication I just don't know it was like a kick to the teeth.

Put those teeth back on and find someone worthy of your time...take more time, and don't let one person jade your thoughts...we not all bad.

freeonthree's photo
Thu 02/26/09 09:45 PM

So not having luck here finding someone fun and cool to talk and spend time with I have tried eharmony - And success or so I thought; we chatted more and more she even sent me her number and we spoke on the phone then nothing its like being dropped off the face of the moon. So what now any suggestions?

I think a LDR can work if you have a good income and can afford what it takes to get her with you eventually. I tried one, then came to the realization that there's was no way we could ever financially pull it off. If you have a good income, I say go for it...

PacificStar48's photo
Thu 02/26/09 10:40 PM

So not having luck here finding someone fun and cool to talk and spend time with I have tried eharmony - And success or so I thought; we chatted more and more she even sent me her number and we spoke on the phone then nothing its like being dropped off the face of the moon. So what now any suggestions?

Have you Googled yourself and checked some of the sites that pass information out about people? Maybe she saw something there that scared her away? They are not always accurate and with as much Identity theft is going on out there I would at least check.

I refused to date a guy that they reported as still married until he showed me the divorce decree.

I don't know if it is the case in your situation but some dateing sights have been suspected of createing dead end romances just to get particularly appealing profiles on their base or persuade members to use their life coaches. A lot of the ones that let you post for free for so many days continue to post profiles they know are not going to be answered.

scoundrel's photo
Thu 02/26/09 11:06 PM
Perhaps the idea of a first face-to-face being in Vegas threw a bit of a reality chill on things.

Personally, I would rather have a first meet at the Grand Canyon, or Niagara Falls, or someplace worthwhile in the Book of Memoirs as the foundation point of a relationship.

Of course, I am quirky enough that it would be hilariously real to have a first meeting in Death Valley. If the relationship grows and succeeds to Forever After, then that's the cutest claim to fame and test of devotion. Heh heh heh.

HasidicEnforcer's photo
Thu 02/26/09 11:06 PM

Dude....I live in Texas...my woman lives and works in China....Going there next month for a visit...from my perspective...new york or California seem like they are just down the street. But, if you are with the right one....the distance is meaningless.

hear hear Krupa!

My man is in New York while I tend school in Kansas. And we never EVER go to sleep ANY night without a long ass 8 hour night time call and the weekends when my minutes are free ALL DAY AND NIGHT, we never hang up the phone!

At 9:35-10PM M-Th we are chatting on the phone as soon as I get out of class. 9 PM on Fridays cause I have no school.

I drove the 1400 miles out to go see him and can't wait to go do it again in March! (We spent Valentine's Day together for our first meet!)

I love him and I know he loves me and this works for us while we both get our sh!t together so we can focus on us. I have about 9 more months of school and he is busting his ass to get financially stable enough to come join me down here for a bit and help be my rock while I finish. Then it's off to North Carolina together to start our lives fresh without family around to nag us. (Mine is here, his is in New York. Scratch that, my lil sis lives in NC as does his older bro. So we will have one sibling each instead of an entire family)

LDRs can work if the two people are committed to it.

There is a much stronger need for trust in an LDR, as you can not "watch" the other person or get "word of mouth" of their activities, but if you love them and trust them, you shouldn't need to.

I never question him and he never questions me. We took 3 months to build up that trust. 4 months into this relationship and we are still as much in love as the first day we started chatting right here on the forums, playing jokes on each other and just enjoying ourselves.

Yeah, it can get hard. There are times when I wish he was here, sleeping next to me (my meds give me insomnia a LOT) or times when I will make a kick ass pasta sauce and I KNOW he would love it, but he is in New York.

You have to just have faith that when the right love comes, you will know what to do.

I wish you the best of luck in your relationship and just hang in there, hon. LDRs are f*cking TOUGH, but they are worth it in the end if the love is there and it is true.

Trust me.

DTHRomeo's photo
Thu 02/26/09 11:16 PM

So not having luck here finding someone fun and cool to talk and spend time with I have tried eharmony - And success or so I thought; we chatted more and more she even sent me her number and we spoke on the phone then nothing its like being dropped off the face of the moon. So what now any suggestions?

Once i thought it could work

Now i'm not so sure


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