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Topic: How often have you said...
Marley's photo
Fri 02/13/09 06:50 PM
...please let this be the one.

jvlgrl09's photo
Fri 02/13/09 06:51 PM
I say that at the beginning of every relationship. Trying to find a new guy gets harder and harder every time I have to do it.

whatssuup's photo
Fri 02/13/09 06:52 PM

Only once............ and I was wrong

PATSFAN's photo
Fri 02/13/09 06:53 PM

Only once............ and I was wrong


SweetnFunny's photo
Fri 02/13/09 06:53 PM

...please let this be the one.

Every time I buy a powerball ticket. laugh

RKISIT's photo
Fri 02/13/09 06:53 PM
everytime i play lotto so twice a week:smile:

Single0925's photo
Fri 02/13/09 07:00 PM
Almost daily!!!!!!

moonlight_ride62's photo
Fri 02/13/09 07:05 PM
never again...I can do it all on my own

livelife68's photo
Fri 02/13/09 07:09 PM
I stay away from statements like that...learned the hard way ohwell

ljcc1964's photo
Fri 02/13/09 07:09 PM
Everytime I eat a cheese puff. This time, please.....let this be the magic cheese puff.......please......

cottonelle's photo
Fri 02/13/09 07:11 PM

...please let this be the one.

Every time I buy a powerball ticket. laugh

you stoled my answer. now edit that post so i can have my answer back....NOW!!!!!!

michiganman3's photo
Fri 02/13/09 07:33 PM
Not anymore.

longislandangel's photo
Fri 02/13/09 07:38 PM
I admit to three times. Wrong, wrong, and wrong again. Now I just leave it in the hands of the love gods. What is meant to be will be.

no photo
Fri 02/13/09 10:52 PM

...please let this be the one.

None so far.

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 02/13/09 10:55 PM
Yea but he writes me but doesn't sign his name.

FearandLoathing's photo
Fri 02/13/09 10:56 PM
Once I think, but that was a really, really long time ago...and the number of illicit substances that were running through my blood stream probably coerced it. Now I just try and keep everything calm in this storm known as life.

Jimmy59's photo
Fri 02/13/09 10:56 PM
More times then I can count and I only have ten finger and toes AAAAHHHHHHHhhhfrustrated

no photo
Fri 02/13/09 11:03 PM

...please let this be the one.

I dont have a good answer but this question is the genesis of a new poem...thank you...

heartbreaker123's photo
Fri 02/13/09 11:12 PM

...please let this be the one.
i have to be honest,3x's the first one lasted over 20yr's then 2yr's and then a few mo's so now if the one who's been away for 18mo's he'll be here in 20day's so time will tell :wink: if it is meant to be it will i dont trip on it i just enjoy life and all my friend's and my side kick and best friend grson cowboy/biker:angel: in disguise no not really i am a :angel: just ask some of my friend's:banana:

davidben1's photo
Fri 02/13/09 11:17 PM

...please let this be the one.

these very words and wish can only blind self to seeing in advance what self is actually looking for, so of course much disappoinment would ensue???

is not a motive created in the heart that will not allow the eye's to see what does not match what it seek???

seeing easily who and what self seek is to not wish???

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