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Topic: Globalization?
Fanta46's photo
Fri 04/27/07 05:22 PM
Im doing an essay on how it has affected Americans as a whole and
personally, I need and would appreciate your input by telling me how,
(in a good or bad way) Globalization has has affected you.

A Definition to follow:
Globalization is the process by which national and regional differences
are rapidly declining through out the world because of increasing
cultural, economic and political interactions.

All Past events, current situations, or future plans are needed, and
whether or not you think the process is good for you!

Fanta46's photo
Fri 04/27/07 05:25 PM
? Everyone is affected......

daniel48706's photo
Fri 04/27/07 05:27 PM
to be honest I have not given it much thought though I should. I will
have to look into it and think about it before I can make a reply.

daniel48706's photo
Fri 04/27/07 06:06 PM
come on folks wheres your opinions? lol...
We have already discussed war, terrorism, polotics, rosie o'donnel even.
What's your intake on globalization? It would definitely help me to get
an opinion if I could hear yours.

Redykeulous's photo
Fri 04/27/07 06:21 PM
Ok, I'll take a wild stab here. There are so many aspects to the
question of globalisation, it would be much easier to focus on some
smaller part of it but that sort of defeats the 'big picture' affect,
doesn't it. mm - ok I'll just throw out some random stuff that is
running through my mind.

There seems to be quite a bit of concern, in this country, mostly
within the middle class. The majority of that concern deals with jobs.
Our jobs that are being 'farmed out' through new global technologies and
networking, to other countries for less pay. Has anything like this
ever happened before? Of course, it's a natural progression within
developing countries. You need only look at America. There was a time
the majority of citizens, 'the middle class' did hard manual labor, coal
minors, lumber jacking, foundary, sweat shops, railroads etc. As our
country grew in strength and power, the blue collar worker became middle
class, why, because with our power came more trade agreements, which
meant we could now afford to pay for imported goods, and that included,
imported immigrants to do much of the hard labor, thereby, creating a
working poor class. Keep looking at this, we went from a labor force to
a working labor force, to technology, to service. Ok, just guessing at
the actual names & sequince. The point is that we've been globalizing
for many, many years, it was just at an unequal rate as we only
'globalized' with those agreed upon by our government. mmm - freedom?

Back to the point. Globalisation is/will indeed take many of the jobs
being done here in the U.S.. We have to begin to see this as a natural
progression and find out what follows. This is the only way to prepare
the general public, the middle class, for what is going to happen. We
can not loose good paying jobs in mass, without having an agenda in the
public mind of what will replace it. This agenda is how universities
will determine what degrees to offer, how to council students and
prepare them with job skills that will keep them in the middle class.

This is just one aspect I see that 'requires' attention, and soon.

Is this what you were looking for?

It's time we, this government, admitted what globalization is, and how
it is and will affect the economy of this country. If they do not, if
we don't get plans in the works for what the next step is, we stand to
loose our status within the world community. We must continue to
advance and education at this point is more than just necessary, we have
to see it as mandatory, or we, as a nation, will fall into the missing
in action catagory.

Fanta46's photo
Fri 04/27/07 06:25 PM
All of that is a part of globalization, daniel, loss of textile jobs,
electronics, maybe you lost a job, or you have an opinion on customer
services being discussed by someone in a foreign country, or maybe you
married someone you would otherwise never had met. Maybe it opened doors
in your life or closed them. maybe you work for BMW, or Toyota, or a
company that makes parts for them? Just a story,
I have one here, At lunch on day shortly after 9-11, we went to Pizza
Hut, Everyone was real patriotic at the time a nation united, and on all
the tables there were little American flags.
As we sat there waiting on the pizza, I noticed on the lil American
flags the print, "made in China!" I felt disgust, violated, thats how I
felt, and that is globalization, as are many things, like there used to
be a lot of Textile jobs here in N. C. that supported generations of
American families. Now they are made in China or some where else, maybe
your family was one of these families. It could have opened doors for
you, or closed them. See what I need, I could write my essay without
yalls input, but I thought it would give a broader scope if I got little
stories from different perspectives, good and bad.

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Fri 04/27/07 06:26 PM
I will say currently in my dance I call my life the environment is the
big issue. April is autism awareness month so i will share my beliefs
and experience.
I am just a single mother with an amazing son who is autistic. I got the
heart shattering news when he was three. This was also around the time
the big issue with mercury and baby vaccinations were alleged to cause
autism. NO BUDDY! I knew then just with common sense if autism was
caused by the mercury in the baby shots then we ALL would be autistic. I
asked speciaists and plenty of pediatric doctors this question and each
one stood there stunned with my question but they all agreed with
this....if autism is caused by baby shots then we would indeed ALL be
autistic. Some say it is genetic. Perhaps. I say its environmentally
related or could be from all the preservatives we have in our food,
chemicals in our water systems, or even in the air we breath. President
Bush cast many of the clean water and air laws into the trash leaving
the big corporations to pollute our air and water. Thanks dubbya...I
sure appreciated that.grumble I have signed up for the studys that
are upcoming with the center for disease control dealing with parents
and the link to autism. 1 in 110 children will be diagnosed with autism.
In the eight years i have been blessed with my boy let me just say its
been a long and very difficult struggle but with the help of early
intervention, the doctors and specialists we have been blessed with and
the TEACHERS who have dedicated their lives and touched ours today my
boy reads, writes, talks and gets straight A's in school.
I say its time to really step back and look at global warming, pollution
and the impact its having on our wee ones.

Fanta46's photo
Fri 04/27/07 06:28 PM
I need a personal expierience you have had with

SarM86's photo
Fri 04/27/07 07:02 PM
I probably dont have much authority or enough knowledge to make my own
opinion about globalization. But there should be another term that
should be looked at in comparison with globalization. Thats called
outsources or offshoring. Everyone is effected by globablization
probably not directly but indirectly. Think about some of the items that
we buy. For example, viedo game consoles. They originated from Japan
(well some due) then that company has to decide if it wants to go
farther with it and expose it to the world. If it wasnt for the company
making the decision to send the "Wii" out of its origin. The US wouldnt
have such a great acess to it. Of course there is always loop wholes.
Just my opinion. Some what on beyond the immediate effect.

Fanta46's photo
Fri 04/27/07 07:08 PM
I know the whole world is affected by Globalization,
I want to know how it has personally afected your life..
Is that hard to understand, or has nobody a story? I wont use any names,
just examples....????

Did you lose your job?,,,and if so how???,,, How did you feel about
it?,,, Did it benefit you or hurt you????

Redykeulous's photo
Fri 04/27/07 07:24 PM
My personal experiences with globalization.

Don't laugh, this is true. I had a problem with a multi functional
printer. I was unable to figure it out from the manual because each
paragraph was written three diffent times in three languages. It was
apparent that who wrote it was not very well educated in the english
language. So I went to the suggested web site for contact information.
I called the 800 number, I got someone from another country, India I
think. So, it took me over two hours, mostly because I had to keep
asking him to repeat something, till I finally said, can we do this
through email. I figured I could understand the written word better and
also not tie up the business phone from client calls. Twenty minutes
later, discovered I needed to download a driver. The point - where's
the service provider for our technical questions? Another country?
Who's out of a job, some person here that could have helped me in 15
minutes. How much is businss loosing to these kinds of issues.
Another personal experience. The company I worked for needed someone
to write code in dot net. Looked for over a year. Not that there
weren't some who could, but they were so OVERWHELMED with work, they
couldn't even if we paid them triple. The thing is, it's a small,
really small, company and still flapping it's wings to take off from the
ground. A lot of this countries business get off the ground by
'bartering' for services. There was no way to barter for this one.
However, I discovered several overseas companies, ready, willing and
able to take on our project and complete it in a timely fashion. Yes,
the cost is much lower than here, but how does a small company 'barter'
for such services anymore? Not only that, even if we paid, you are
sending a virtually unprotected new program that your entire business is
based on through the internet. The program remains unfinished and I am
out of a job.
Point: WHO is responsible to see this coming. Why are the latest
computer languages and technologies not available to and being taught in
our universities? Our gaps in education are becoming bigger. Don't
bother with trivial explanations, it red tape, it's lazy unknowlegable
people at the business end of schools and in government that are not
allowing us to keep a foothold on the jobs of our middle class. After
all, other countries have no lack of people educated and well versed in
these "new" languages and technologies.

Many good things about globalization, it's just that right now, this
country is unprepared and is getting caught with our brains set on

armydoc4u's photo
Fri 04/27/07 07:32 PM
well by your definition i dont think this falls into it but it

political correctness in the world, i personally hate it, it bugs the
hell out of me to have our beliefs put under a microscope and scutinized
by forthworld countries that have no original thoughts ideas or
technologies, education, sanitation, etc etc etc... but yet theyre
supposed to be world experts on the US's moral structure in the world,
please, i dont think so- do i think that I/we're better than they are,
no i dont, but we dont live in the same world here as a lot of other
what has this Political cowarding to the other countries brought to our
land then? well, jobs have went to the way of the tumble weed(good
paying jobs), even tho the country is at 95 point something percent
employeed so the dollar is weaker. weve allowed ourselves to be bullied
so now our resolve is in question, weve been convinced that life is
cheapened so weve lost our moral fiber, weve allowed in(back in) the
ideas of some cultures that women are secondary humans so now our ethics
are more twisted than before. we are now in an instant gratification
world so our patience is limited.

i could probably go on for awhile but i think you see the train of
thought Im having. One world united by what- no thanks, i'd rather be
locked up in a cabin on the side of a hill somewhere in the middle of no

how has it effected me personally,,,
well my jeep cost more than it should have, so dod my house, i had to go
to war and not be allowed to fight the bad guys hiding in churches
(mosque) because it might be seen as religious fighting and thus the
cause of that was death to people i knew and loved as brothers.
sister lost an IT tech job to an overseas company, brother inlaw is
fighting what is appearing to be a losing battle at the automaker he
works for because they are being beat out of a market because of better
performance and cost, and ironically that company doesnt have a union to
steal its money.

could go on with this to, but this is just the heat of the moment off
the cuff stuff, if i sit and think about it more indepth i'l write more.


Fanta46's photo
Fri 04/27/07 07:35 PM
That works, Doc
Thanks I can use it..drinker

armydoc4u's photo
Fri 04/27/07 07:43 PM
jolly good mate, glad to help, i'll try thinking of a more well thought
out deal on globalization for you and send it to your mail.


Barbiesbigsister's photo
Fri 04/27/07 07:50 PM
Heres another one for you shugar.
Back when Ronald Regan was president and during his "reganomics" I was
employed with the VA Hospital back home. My job was working in radiology
and when that term ran out I transferred to the inpatient pharmacy.
While working for the VA hospital I read documents that would give some
nightmares. Documents from POW's and their statements in those papers,
studies conducted on veterans used as human guinea pigs. I spoke with
many veterans dying from agent orange, and took the time to enjoy
visiting with many of the old tymers in the nursing home section of our
hospital. Then one day my supervisor took me to the top of the hospital
and handed what i will call a "moon suit". I was then told my NEW job
description would be mixing up chemotherapy in the adjoining room. I
looked into that room and saw a few of my coworkers I thought had been
transferred to different departments. They were wearing the MOON SUITS
or hazmat suits you see today worn during toxic spills or
methamphetamine lab clean ups done by law enforcement. I was not at all
amused to hear after asking a ton of questions about the "new job
description" and what that chemotherapy powder/powders or liquid would
do to say little ol ME???? noway noway noway sick Infertility,
hair loss, vomiting, essentially the same effects as a cancer patient
going thru the chemo treatment. I saw a table with glass much like you
see at a buffet which these employees were mixing up this crap and was
told not to worry as "the exhaust fans suck the powders up and out of
the building". HUH?!noway noway Being blonde but NOT STEWPID I
realized that these loose powders were going where? right out into the
AIR we were breathing.noway noway noway noway OUTSIDE. IN THE
Instead of suiting up in my "moon suit" I promptly told my boss...thanks
but THATS NOT MY JOB DESCRIPTION. I lost my job the next day and they
called it REGANOMICS.
How did i feel about losing my job? ALIVE.flowerforyou

davinci1952's photo
Fri 04/27/07 08:03 PM
globalization has as its base the control of money dont you think?..if
the notion
is to have a level playing field where everything is equal (socialism,
then certainly globalization can only succeed with the elimination of
the power
of the middle class in has this affected me...

my money buys less these days than it did 40 yrs ago...

there are less options in employment now...low pay service industries
being dominant
and well paying heavy industry jobs all but gone..

because everything is much more expensive it is required for both
parents to work..40
yrs ago it was an option..hence the family unit has been decimated..

all volunteer groups from salvation army to local churchs now have to be
political first in nature rather than just a healthy gathering of people
trying to do good for the community.

schools have become factories that conform to a common baseline
requirement...which means creativity at any level is an oddity & not the
desired norm..

propaganda thru all forms of media have become a 24/7 reality...

globalization is a fancy word play to keep the people from realizing
that what is really happening is communistic, socialistic, or more
correctly a fascist dictatorship...

hold on to your hats folks...
huh grumble noway

no photo
Fri 04/27/07 08:37 PM
I work extensively with engineering talent. The company I founded years
ago, is well known in a small world-wide circle, for its unique
technologies, and its ability to implement them. I've had great success
in the past, created a niche and rode along with limited competition for

Now, I'm not talking about the steel industry, or commodity
manufacturing, we're talking very high technological content process
control and robotics, requiring top engineering talent to develop. And
yet, we are starting to meet more and more competition from Chinese and
Indian syndicates (mostly with Western backing and support). I never
thought it was going to strike so fast.

So here's a little background which starts explaining the push.

In 1985, the North America (U.S. and Canada) and China graduated the
same number of students with their first degree in engineering, at
approximately 85,000. Now at 75,000 per year, the graduation rate of
engineers in the N.A. is up from the mid-1990's low of 65,000, but far
below the over 200,000 per year (and growing) currently seen in both
China and India.

It's not only the demographics that are calling out for change. Current
estimates place the half-life of engineering knowledge—the time interval
in which half of what an engineer knows becomes obsolete—at between 2.5
and 7.5 years, with an average estimate of 5 years. Engineering
curricula are faced with the challenge of developing students who are
learners for life. And the newest technology areas—biotechnology,
nanotechnology, materials and photonics, information and communications
technology, systems engineering, and logistics—require bridging
disciplines in ways that challenge traditional discipline-centered

The message is clear: the time is now to revolutionize the engineering
curriculum, so that we are attracting (4 times more graduates) and
retaining top talent and producing globally competent and competitve

The alternative is outsourcing engineering in the same manner we've
beeen outsourcing manufacturing jobs of late. We all know there must be
a stop to the hemorrhaging.

Fanta46's photo
Fri 04/27/07 08:55 PM
Good for me Voil, Im in electronic engineering program now. An AAS
degree now but thats a plus for me and explains why I was approved for
I had to have my program approved by the Feds, to get my funding. At
school, there are only 3 people grad in the elect, engineer program, and
only 10 in my class. at the rate its going we will probably grad 5 from
my class. Granted we arent UNCC or WCU, but compared to other tech
programs at my school, that is low.
It is also one of the hardest which I expect is a big part of the
difference in participation. People get scared away by the Physics and
the heavy load of math. Even the eng, which surprised me. The Eng
courses run heavy in Research and reporting. They were added in the last
few years at request from corp. that said American schools turned out
good Engineers, they just couldnt write a professional research paper.

Fanta46's photo
Fri 04/27/07 08:57 PM
getting lazy eng is english

davinci1952's photo
Fri 04/27/07 09:21 PM
what a wierd story BBsis...vets as lab specimens...a shame grumble

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