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Topic: Globalization?
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Sat 04/28/07 03:13 AM
What a coïncidence!

Glad it can be of some help.

Take care Fanta!

AdventureBegins's photo
Sat 04/28/07 09:36 AM
In order to give you input I would have to know what you are defining as

If it is some political way of saying we are giving away our industry to
other countries I have no input.

If the definition is about what is bound to happen in a small world.

We as a race are like a clutch of birds. We have grown to large for the
nest and instead of flying we jostle each other over the limited
resources available within the confines of the nest.

If we can't leave the nest we have no choice but to organize the nest to
the greatest benifit of all the occupants of the nest else we will kill
each other.

Like it or not we have a global economy now. I reckon its up to use to
make it work.

Or figure out how to leave the nest.

Redykeulous's photo
Sat 04/28/07 07:39 PM
Awe Voil, your written eloquence has outdone me again. You alway find a
way to say I mean so much better than I even think it.

does that make sence - but that was what I was eluding to, um, you know,
what you said. LOL!:tongue:

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