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Topic: falling in love "n internet"?
tessa68's photo
Mon 02/09/09 06:58 AM
is it hardly possible to happen?and why?

no photo
Mon 02/09/09 07:01 AM
I know you can fall for someone on easy to do with hopes and dreams, kind words, romance....but meeting face to face will tell the real to try to keep the emotions calm until you meet, as some are not the people they portray themselves to be on here....which causes me to question some of the true reasons people are here....after all...if you meet someone...aren't they going to figure you out eventually?...jmo....flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

no photo
Mon 02/09/09 07:12 AM
love on the internet is as real as a Hollywood blockbuster film

no photo
Mon 02/09/09 07:13 AM
Edited by FrothGiant on Mon 02/09/09 07:14 AM
yes it is possible , I witnessed it many times when I ran some msn chatrooms . I also know of people that have continued to chat online until they could meet face to face and they are still togther and some have moved across country to be with the one they love but for most it is the first face to face meeting that will tell if it's to be or not

no photo
Mon 02/09/09 07:14 AM

yes it is possible , I witnessed it many times when I ran some msn chatrooms . I also know of people that have continued to chat until they could meet face to face and they are still togther and some have moved across country to be with the one they love but for most it is the first face to face meeting that will tell if it's to be or not
We also have a couple on here that just married in October...SWEET!

no photo
Mon 02/09/09 07:15 AM

I know you can fall for someone on easy to do with hopes and dreams, kind words, romance....but meeting face to face will tell the real to try to keep the emotions calm until you meet, as some are not the people they portray themselves to be on here....which causes me to question some of the true reasons people are here....after all...if you meet someone...aren't they going to figure you out eventually?...jmo....flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

And, this is what is so perplexing to me. Of all places, with all the anonymity and physical protection of online, WHY LIE???? There is NO SAFER place to be yourself and be rejected or know you can back out before ever meeting someone.

But, too, the proof really is in the real life getting-to-know someone because even if they are a fine person in real life, there can be so many oddities and idiocynracies that don't translate from any online experience. It can all look good "on paper", but one on one really tells how people mesh and if the "falling in love" can really occur.

prisoner's photo
Mon 02/09/09 07:17 AM
:smile: Can't Help Falling In Love by Elvis Presley be seeing you

misstina2's photo
Mon 02/09/09 07:19 AM
I guess I'm a dreamer I believe love can be found anywhere:heart:I think perhaps being able to email with someone that you can express yourself with words that you might not say in person creating a deep connection before even meetingflowerforyou the anticipation of meeting someone can be quite exciting as well even if its just a friendflowerforyou

no photo
Mon 02/09/09 07:26 AM
yes love can be found via the internet...and so can friends be found. In any case it would beatscared hanging out in libraries, laundramats, and the grocery store..tongue2

no photo
Mon 02/09/09 07:35 AM

yes love can be found via the internet...and so can friends be found. In any case it would beatscared hanging out in libraries, laundramats, and the grocery store..tongue2

Libraries are wonderful places, though.

PATSFAN's photo
Mon 02/09/09 07:37 AM
noway NFWnoway

FearandLoathing's photo
Mon 02/09/09 11:40 AM
Edited by FearandLoathing on Mon 02/09/09 11:43 AM
Unlikely, but possible...not very possible, but it does happen (though rarely).smokin

Just for kicks...

Injected with a poison!

scoundrel's photo
Tue 02/10/09 03:04 PM
Edited by scoundrel on Tue 02/10/09 03:04 PM
Love via the internet?

Failure of relationship potential to be realized is often linked to failed communication.

So...if you're looking to find love via the web, then KEEP the communication medium in place after meeting up. No sense snatching a person away from the very place where they shine and then b!tching about them being different. Duh.

(And it IS real. I hooked up intranet in my home, years before the marriage fell apart. It reopened communication in ways that was needed, and made a good difference.)

no photo
Tue 02/10/09 06:54 PM

is it hardly possible to happen?and why?

There are people on this site that I admire, especially when they show their strength of character under adversity, or are particularly open and honest about something important going on in their lives. More often than not, being on this side of the monitor means to recognize that it's really my place to be a friend, but I will say that I've surprised myself more than once about feelings for people here, both positive and negative. The only real test of anything that migrates from the internet superhighway to a two lane town in Ohio though is face to face, and over time.

pgh82nyc's photo
Wed 02/11/09 02:42 AM
Edited by pgh82nyc on Wed 02/11/09 02:43 AM
Its definitely possible. I met this woman online, and we hit it off really quickly. we talk to each other almost every day (via IM). But I would be crazy to think that we have something without meeting face to face. until I meet this person, I'm keeping myself in check.

So yes its possible, but you have to meet in person.

papersmile's photo
Wed 02/11/09 03:16 AM
I believe it can, and does, happen. It certainly did for me. Without any doubt at all, I loved my partner before I met him.

I think it depends on how wide your definition of love is. If you've got 'love' and 'relationship' all neatly defined in a tiny little box and can't see any other angles besides all the pre-conceived ideals you hold, then I doubt falling in love in non-conventional ways will work for you.

no photo
Wed 02/11/09 04:43 AM

is it hardly possible to happen?and why?

Its possible if you interact not only by yourselves, but with others, on boards such as this, so you can observe the way each is with others and how they respond spontaneously. For many months or years. Frequent phone contact, IMs, emails, and sharing of mutual videos and photos helps, too....a long with sending snail mail and care packages. Occasional visits by yourselves and with groups of friends helps the process. It still won't be fully real till you have spent substantial face-to-face time together.

no photo
Wed 02/11/09 04:44 AM
Other than that, it is most likely infatuation.

Dan99's photo
Wed 02/11/09 05:18 AM

I believe it can, and does, happen. It certainly did for me. Without any doubt at all, I loved my partner before I met him.

There is the proof, yes it can happen.

But the odds of falling in love with someone online and it continuing into a real life loving relationship are not massively high. I have seen many an online couple who profess undying love for eachother fail, because they eventually find out that the love they felt was not real. Sometimes after meeting each other, but usually before this meeting has ever happened.

The distance factor that is often involved makes meeting up more difficult, and it makes things a lot more difficult in general. So it takes two particular type of people, or a particularly strong bond, for the relationship to be maintained.

I met my girlfriend online, but we never really did the online romance thing. There was plenty of flirting and a mutual attraction and everything, just we never took things past the friendship level. Then we met eachother, as friends, we hit it off, and the rest is history. We have been in a relationship for almost two years now and in about 6 months we will be living together. Marriage and a family will follow at some stage too. So thats further proof you can at least meet the love of your life online.

Fade2Black's photo
Wed 02/11/09 05:23 AM

I believe it can, and does, happen. It certainly did for me. Without any doubt at all, I loved my partner before I met him.

There is the proof, yes it can happen.

But the odds of falling in love with someone online and it continuing into a real life loving relationship are not massively high. I have seen many an online couple who profess undying love for eachother fail, because they eventually find out that the love they felt was not real. Sometimes after meeting each other, but usually before this meeting has ever happened.

The distance factor that is often involved makes meeting up more difficult, and it makes things a lot more difficult in general. So it takes two particular type of people, or a particularly strong bond, for the relationship to be maintained.

I met my girlfriend online, but we never really did the online romance thing. There was plenty of flirting and a mutual attraction and everything, just we never took things past the friendship level. Then we met eachother, as friends, we hit it off, and the rest is history. We have been in a relationship for almost two years now and in about 6 months we will be living together. Marriage and a family will follow at some stage too. So thats further proof you can at least meet the love of your life online.

Agree with both Paper and Dan. There are many stories with many different outcomes.

Hey Dan .. good times @ the Dublin House eh? drinks

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