Topic: can you tell me
joshie88's photo
Thu 02/05/09 07:42 PM

:laughing: CAUSE YOU HAVEN'T MET MEEEEEE YET! :banana: slaphead
because you look like my mom and and smell like her to close your arms

joshie88's photo
Thu 02/05/09 07:43 PM

i know whats wrong with me i say you can talk to me about any of your problems i need to stop saying that because then they cry on my shoulder you wanna dry that off for me when your done
Your suppose to fix all that.laugh laugh
i try but it never helps guess i got to start givin some sex huh
If that fixes it your off easy. Whats the problem.
her mom was a crack hoe her dad in prison for murder and she walk wit a limp and wanted me to fix that HOW!!!!!

Down2earthdebbie's photo
Thu 02/05/09 07:47 PM

:laughing: CAUSE YOU HAVEN'T MET MEEEEEE YET! :banana: slaphead
because you look like my mom and and smell like her to close your arms

joshie88's photo
Thu 02/05/09 07:51 PM
baby thats just more ta love ya know woohooo Pillsbury

Down2earthdebbie's photo
Thu 02/05/09 07:55 PM

baby thats just more ta love ya know woohooo Pillsbury
Well I LIKE my muscles! :wink:

Cristina4fun's photo
Thu 02/05/09 07:55 PM
Just my guess, but if that interaction is anything like normal for you, let's just say you shouldn't wonder anymore, it's pretty much in black and white.

EtherealEmbers's photo
Thu 02/05/09 10:25 PM

i know whats wrong with me i say you can talk to me about any of your problems i need to stop saying that because then they cry on my shoulder you wanna dry that off for me when your done

If you think that's the only thing wrong with you in order for you to attract that type of girl, you've got a lot of growing up to do. flowerforyou

74Drew's photo
Sat 02/07/09 03:03 AM

y do i always get stuck with the crazy depressive cracked out girls that need a lot of help and counseling???????????????

dude, quit hogging all my women.

Mr_Music's photo
Sat 02/07/09 06:06 AM

y do i always get stuck with the crazy depressive cracked out girls that need a lot of help and counseling???????????????

You mean there's other kinds? huh

Krimsa's photo
Sat 02/07/09 06:10 AM
I don’t know. I seem to be a sociopath magnet. That’s why I am learning to LOVE being single, that’s for sure.

You need to do some soul searching and figure out HOW YOU attract women of this designation. That is assuming you are not exaggerating their short comings. You have no one to blame but yourself.

no photo
Sat 02/07/09 06:11 AM

y do i always get stuck with the crazy depressive cracked out girls that need a lot of help and counseling???????????????

You mean there's other kinds? huh

Yes. There are.

Mr_Music's photo
Sat 02/07/09 06:13 AM

y do i always get stuck with the crazy depressive cracked out girls that need a lot of help and counseling???????????????

You mean there's other kinds? huh

Yes. There are.

HUH! Well, whaddya know about that! Learn something new every day, I guess.

no photo
Sat 02/07/09 06:14 AM

y do i always get stuck with the crazy depressive cracked out girls that need a lot of help and counseling???????????????

You mean there's other kinds? huh

Yes. There are.

HUH! Well, whaddya know about that! Learn something new every day, I guess.

Well, at least the cracked out part anyhow.....:laughing:

Drago01's photo
Sat 02/07/09 06:15 AM
I noticed a long time ago, If im dating a certain kind of woman, I tend to start meeting others of that very same kind of woman. So if this, in any way, relates to you, then break the mold and get happy.

Krimsa's photo
Sat 02/07/09 06:15 AM
yawn Well what do you know, another battle of the sexes thread.

joshie88's photo
Tue 02/10/09 08:52 PM
i just want someone that is not a crazy crackhead that's got her life together and not into the teenage kid crap like drinking smoking party s. im done with that im about to be 21 and i need to settle down before i get into drugs again. im not going back down that road that's why i am where i am now.

no photo
Tue 02/10/09 09:38 PM

y do i always get stuck with the crazy depressive cracked out girls that need a lot of help and counseling???????????????

It's a well known fact that we find people at our own level of health. That being said, I attract people with bipolar disorder or who are tweekers. The difference?

One takes a medication to get here from there.
One takes a drug to get there from here.

no photo
Tue 02/10/09 09:48 PM

y do i always get stuck with the crazy depressive cracked out girls that need a lot of help and counseling???????????????

It could be because there are a titanic number of cracked-out, bi-polar, manic-depressive girls who need to go through shock therapy out there.

torance09's photo
Tue 02/10/09 09:57 PM
wow thats pretty crazy.ha I couldnt tell you exactly why but maybe you should just randomly pick a girl.Someone that you wouldnt normally choose and see that maybe she could be what your looking for.Dont judge a book by its cover...You never know what your missing out on.

Just a piece of advise that I was given

Krimsa's photo
Wed 02/11/09 05:27 AM

i just want someone that is not a crazy crackhead that's got her life together and not into the teenage kid crap like drinking smoking party s. im done with that im about to be 21 and i need to settle down before i get into drugs again. im not going back down that road that's why i am where i am now.

It sounds to me like you are a recovered addict yourself and went through rehab? That was the sense I was getting from your posts. That means that YOU need to take the bull by the horns here and break free of the crowd that you are currently involved with and seek others (both male and female) who are ether not users/alcoholics or are also post recovery just as you are now. Getting on a soap box and complaining will not help the situation and former addicts will call you on that behavior.