Topic: Nuclear Iran? | |
This topic is posted for anyone who would like to see Iran get the bomb.
It is an excerpt from an interesting article and I've included a link to the whole thing, which is much more complex than just the excerpt. If anyone has comments on this I'd be interested in hearing them. "The following is adapted from a speech delivered on February 13, 2007, in Fort Myers, Florida, at a Hillsdale College National Leadership Seminar on the topic, “National Security: Short- and Long-Term Assessments.” “The skirmishes in the occupied land are part of a war of destiny. The outcome of hundreds of years of war will be defined in Palestinian land. As the Imam said, Israel must be wiped off the map.” So rants Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. It is understandable why Ahmadinejad might want an arsenal of nuclear missiles. It would allow him to shake down a constant stream of rich European emissaries, pressure the Arab Gulf states to lower oil production, pose as the Persian and Shiite messianic leader of Islamic terrorists, neutralize the influence of the United States in the region—and, of course, destroy Israel. Let no one doubt that a nuclear Iran would end the entire notion of peaceful global adjudication of nuclear proliferation and pose an unending threat to civilization itself." End of excerpt... here is the link if you want to ready the whole thing. |
maybe we should just have world wide nuk sites all around the world say
every 1000sq miles in this area set aside an area and every country that has nuks sets up a silo with a multiple warhead on it then if one has an itchy trigger finger they are in range of everyone else and then when it happens it will only be a short period of suffering and misory instead of maybe a couple degades b4 the anilation actually happens hey it is a thought no matter how stupid it is at least its an idea better than no idea even if it just scare some into thinking but hey what do i know |
I don’t know what the answer is, but do we really want to live in a
world where we invade every country that we think might be a threat? Where does the paranoia stop? |
it doesn't thats the point
invade other countries no...i'm tired of the fighting...but do we want
nukes in the hands of leaders who will no doubt use them? |
let me see
hhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmm who has used them in the past hhhhmmmmmmmmmmm i wonder do we want them in the hands of those that have prolonged a war just to get to use them hhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmm |
who would that be?
Adj4u your post confuses me ![]() |
the only country to use them
was the united states and truman has been accused of extending wwII to use them to intimadate the world powers with them |
Yes the United States used them to end the war that we were losing I
believe. Accusations always fly during conflict, that was the 1st and last time nukes were used. |
if you think united states was losing maybe a history
read is in order japan tried to surrender when the soviets invaded manchura and truman would not let them not sure of the exact ordre of events but was on either history channel or discovery that truman wanted to use the atomic blast to put fear in the minds of those that would oppose the united states |
I have read the history...never have i heard anything of the sort. We
did not even want to enter that war...until we were attacked by Japan. |
adj4u wrote:
“and truman has been accused of extending wwII to use them to intimadate the world powers with them” Yes, I listened to a program about that some time ago. It’s sad but certainly appears to be true. We had virtually won the war against Japan, and Japan was actually negotiating their surrender. There are records that indicated that Truman purposefully held up the negotiations for the sole purpose dropping the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The reason he wanted to drop them was to intimidate the Russians (Soviets U.S.S.R.) I don’t know whether it’s historically true, but the show was very convincing. If it is true that’s unbelievably depressing to think that a human being who held the position of president of a free country could actually drop atomic bombs on people just to intimidate another country. It’s unfathomable for me to even imagine that. Yet the report was very convincing. And no, we definitely weren’t losing the war with Japan! Like adj4u said, the Japanese were negotiating surrender and Truman was stalling them for political reasons associated with Russia (the Soviets at that time, the U.S.S.R) |
I don't place any confidence in anything i read from the past simply because people like to twist things around to suit themselves but theres a link to what i've found on it. |
and yes I was wrong about the U.S losing to Japan...we were apparently
losing but I still feel we were justified in dropping the bombs. I had family that were in some of their concentration camps....horrible what i was told about it. |
Steve wrote:
“I don't place any confidence in anything i read from the past simply because people like to twist things around to suit themselves but theres a link to what i've found on it.” Well, presidents themselves like to twist things around to suit themselves. And those are the things that actually get recorded into history as the ‘official record’. So I’m sure that Truman’s story is not going to say that he was stalling a surrender just to drop the A-bomb. Here’s snippet from the site you provided a link to” “This is what the Americans President Truman, Secretary of War Stimson and Gen. Marshall knew the day before the first atom bomb fell on Japan. Confronted by an enemy leadership that was self-deluded, neither prepared to surrender nor to negotiate seriously, the Americans decided that the only way to end the war quickly would be to use overwhelming force: nuclear weapons.” So the official story is that the enemy (the Japanese were self-deluded, neither prepared to surrender nor to negotiate seriously) That’s Truman’s side of the story. The accusation is that the Japanese were prepared to surrender, and all they were asking was that their Emperor be spared his life and placed only under house arrest. They asked this because the Japanese viewed their Emperor almost like a god. That simple request was what Truman claimed to be (Not seriously ready to negotiate a complete unconditional surrender) At least that’s how the accusation goes. Adj4u DID SAY that it was an accusation. Not a proven fact. I can only tell you that I heard the same accusation. I know it was on NPR radio where I heard it. Possibly on “All Things Considered” but I can’t be sure about the exact program. I remember listening to the program sometime last summer. You might be able to find it on an NPR archive site, and actually listen to it. I think it was like an hour long. It was pretty convincing, but then it’s all hear-say to me. I have no clue whether it’s true or not. But the accusation has been made. I do know that. I hope it isn't true! That would really be sad. |
yes it would be...who knows what happened for sure
it was a costly war for everyone |
Steve wrote:
“and yes I was wrong about the U.S losing to Japan...we were apparently losing but I still feel we were justified in dropping the bombs. I had family that were in some of their concentration camps....horrible what i was told about it..” Yes, I agree that the war was horrible. Most wars are. And I certainly hope that we were justified in dropping the bombs. I certainly didn’t mean to sound like I’m supporting the accusations against Truman. I have no clue whether or not they are true. I only know that the show was convincing (assuming that all the supposed ‘facts’ they claimed to be stating were true). I mean, there were citing memos and documents of conversations that Truman was having with his staff. I imagine a lot of important people monitor those shows and if those memos were bogus someone would complain about them. So I have no clue. I’m merely confirming that the accusations were broadcast on NPR radio. I vividly remember listening to that show. But I can’ t even recall the name of the man or group that was making the accusations. I just know that the show was broadcast on NPR radio when I heard it. I can’t even remember precisely which show, but I’m thinking it was most likely “All Things Considered”. And that doesn’t imply that the accusations are true, but it does seem to imply that they must have had at least some merit because NPR doesn’t normally broadcast completely crackpots. |
So I'm reading this as a mixed response. partly anti-American in
rhetoric and spirit, partly apathetic (oh my nothing can be done), partly skeptical (anything I read in print may be a fabrication and biased and probably is). I'm very surprised. As an American I have this take. Nuclear proliferation is not a good thing generally. Its better to reduce the amount of countries who have the capability rather than to increase it. Nuclear weapons in the hands of religious fanatics is worse than in the hands of stable governments. I also think people here should take the time to think about how much the government and our stable lifestyle has helped to enhance your lives personally. We have many fundamental freedoms and capitalistic and economic opportunities which make for nice lives. We generally share values for truth and integrity. We try to export our best values to the rest of the world. Strong values and a good work ethic makes this country important morally as well as militarily and economically. We benefit the world in myriad ways. Contrast this with exporting of terrorist support to countries around the world and trying to destabilize regions. If you can still be unbiased in favor of America, or you still prefer to run your own country down (speaking to Americans here) I have to be disappointed in you. Show a little gratitude for those who have worked hard through their lives to make your homeland pleasant. Have a little respect for your ancestors. |
Never under any circumstances would I run my country down..I'm very
proud to be an American...we have our problems yes but it's my country and i'd fight to the death for it. |
Steve wrote:
“Never under any circumstances would I run my country down..I'm very proud to be an American...we have our problems yes but it's my country and i'd fight to the death for it.” Neither would I, but right now America’s number one enemy is holding the office of the President! That’s not running down America! That’s just a fact. Talking about accusations that were made against Truman isn’t running down America either. Even if they were true, the American people didn’t have anything to do with it. It also wouldn’t mean that any of our soldiers had ever done anything wrong. It would have simply be one person in a public office doing a terrible thing. The vast majority of Americans disprove of the policies of our current president. Acknowledging that fact is not running the country down. On the contrary it’s a compliment to the country as a whole. |