Topic: Crossing the Event Horizon- Grand Unified Field Theory
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Fri 02/06/09 07:34 PM

In fact, I welcome any theory, no matter how wild about any kind of new technology that is capable of creating these complex and perfect designs in the middle of the night in the middle of pouring rain, right next to a secure communications government facility without anyone seeing anything.

I welcome any wild theories or proof of the who might be the pranksters who have unlimited funds and have nothing better to do than to design and create these designs in fields all over the world.

I welcome any theories of motives these prankster might have or who might be behind it and why.

Three drunken Irishmen with ropes and tamping boards or crazy college students ain't gonna cut it.

I want a logical reasonable workable theory with suspects and motive and opportunity.


If not, then I propose that it comes from intelligent life forms from another dimension with advance technology.

no photo
Fri 02/06/09 07:37 PM

Ive seen some pretty amazing crop circles done with common items and a little time and intelligence.

You want aliens, I can send you a dvd with nude aliens for $99.95 if you cash this check for me.

Define "a little time."

I am not talking about a few. I am talking about many complex designs, that when examined, could not have been done by humans stomping around in the field with sticks.

no photo
Fri 02/06/09 07:52 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 02/06/09 07:54 PM
Seriously, to you alleged 'scientific' minds who would ridicule and poke fun at my hypothesis of intelligent beings from another dimension (or 'aliens' if you want to call them that) being responsible for some or most of these crop circles either put up or shut up.

I want a serious theory of how this is being accomplished and by whom that explains how it is done without anyone seeing or hearing anything, even when it is done right next to a government communications facility.

If you insist that it is being done by pranksters with ropes and sticks, in every case, then who are they or who do you think they are, and why would they spend their time doing this, and if they are being paid to do it, then who is paying them to do it and why. And if it is mere humans doing it how can they do it at night, and in the pouring rain or without being caught?

I'm anxiously waiting.

Seriously, I am open minded. I want reasonable, logical and believable answers.

creativesoul's photo
Fri 02/06/09 08:30 PM
Cockroach whisperer...

There is much to be learned while we exist. We all have our own ideas of what warrants belief in a concept or notion. I meant no breach of peacefulness within you.


no photo
Fri 02/06/09 08:48 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 02/06/09 09:01 PM

Cockroach whisperer...

There is much to be learned while we exist. We all have our own ideas of what warrants belief in a concept or notion. I meant no breach of peacefulness within you.


What a bunch of insincere crap. You either have something better to offer or you are just blowing smoke.

You said:

"Personally, I feel that anyone who believes that crop circles exist as a result from aliens visiting us has much to learn about proof, and even more about research. "

I don't think you have done any research into crop circles and I don't think you even watched the video posted in this thread.

I don't know what is making the crop circles. I only have my theory. I don't know anyone who has a better idea or any evidence.

If you have done more research than I have into this subject then I am quite certain that you would have come up with something better than pranksters with a rope and a tamping board.

I really am interested in some real ideas and theories that make logical sense. Have you got any to offer?

creativesoul's photo
Fri 02/06/09 08:59 PM

no photo
Fri 02/06/09 09:08 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 02/06/09 09:09 PM
Then I take it you don't.

I am open for any wild imaginative ideas. Make something up. Speculate. Get seriously creative...creative. But it should be at least reasonably believable.

The problem with nay-sayers is that they don't even try to imagine solutions. People don't use their imagination.

They grasp at the first idiotic explanation that comes down the pike that stays within their comfort zone and they don't investigate if it is even possible for someone with ropes and a tamping board to actually create a giant complex geometric design in a few hours, in the middle of the night in the pouring rain without being noticed.

Just because a few guys gave it a try and got on the news... well that's enough to make everyone feel a lot better; and now they can go back to their hum drum lives without having to think about it anymore.

creativesoul's photo
Fri 02/06/09 09:18 PM
Follow this...

"Fundamental principle of division... In a boundary, is the possibility of infinite division, and thus infinities and finite structures are complimentary..."

The guy is a kook!!!

The only solution possible for an infinite division is zero. Nada... Zip... Nothing... A big fat goose egg.
A solution for infinite division does not exist because the solution itself does not. The guy's entire proposition is based upon nothing.

Do you believe in nothing?

Hello, reality is calling and it would like for you to acknowledge it...

no photo
Fri 02/06/09 09:26 PM

Follow this...

"Fundamental principle of division... In a boundary, is the possibility of infinite division, and thus infinities and finite structures are complimentary..."

The guy is a kook!!!

The only solution possible for an infinite division is zero. Nada... Zip... Nothing... A big fat goose egg.
A solution for infinite division does not exist because the solution itself does not. The guy's entire proposition is based upon nothing.

Do you believe in nothing?

Hello, reality is calling and it would like for you to acknowledge it...

I did not ask for your opinion of the guy. The discussion here is about crop circles.

But at least you made an effort to watch part of the video.

Thats a start.

no photo
Fri 02/06/09 09:32 PM
The guy's entire proposition is based upon nothing.

No, I believe it based upon infinity.

creativesoul's photo
Fri 02/06/09 09:41 PM
Edited by creativesoul on Fri 02/06/09 09:46 PM
Perhaps you were focusing upon crop circles, however, I have no reason to believe that they are proof of anything. Therefore, I have stated my thoughts upon that matter already.


Think about it logically...

If no one has witnessed the creation of them, then what warrants a belief?


It has been proven to be possible to create crop circles as I have mentioned. There is ample evidence. Until there is sufficient evidence to the contrary, I think that they are a hoax. Using your logic, I could have an equally valid argument should I attribute the circles to god.

"A" exists..

Therefore... "insert reason of your choice"... must be true???

You speak of reason and logic, do you know of either?

Regarding his delusional theory which I stated was based upon nothing...

No, I believe it based upon infinity.

What's the difference?

no photo
Fri 02/06/09 10:10 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 02/06/09 10:19 PM

Perhaps you were focusing upon crop circles, however, I have no reason to believe that they are proof of anything. Therefore, I have stated my thoughts upon that matter already.


Think about it logically...

If no one has witnessed the creation of them, then what warrants a belief?


People have witnessed strange lights in sky above the field... then the next day... the crop circle.

I did not say I believed aliens are doing it did I? Well maybe I did...(edit) but it is just my best theory.

I said that is my theory and it makes more logical sense than humans with ropes and sticks. It is clear to me that some advanced technology is involved. Do we have that kind of technology and if we do are we using it, and if so why? These are the unanswered questions.

But in either of these scenario's men with ropes and sticks is not a possible explanation for all of these circles and the men who did do a few of them finally did admit that they did not do all of them. I suspect someone put them up to it, but maybe not.

Why anyone would spend their time and resources doing it anyway for a joke does not make sense either.

It has been proven to be possible to create crop circles as I have mentioned. There is ample evidence. Until there is sufficient evidence to the contrary, I think that they are a hoax. Using your logic, I could have an equally valid argument should I attribute the circles to god.[

"A" exists..

Therefore... "insert reason of your choice"... must be true???

You speak of reason and logic, do you know of either?

No it has not been proven that it is possible to create crop circles of the magnitude that have been found in the condition they have been found in and under conditions of darkness and heavy rain that they were created in.

This has NOT be proven. The man made crop circles had damage to the crops, the others did not. The up-close examination of the two kinds of crop circles proved that they could not have been made in the same manner. No crop circle has been duplicated on purpose to match the ones that cannot be explained.

And unless you can prove that every crop circle was man made and then find the men who made them, there is no proof.

To attribute all crop circles to being man made by pranksters (with no motive) would be as silly as thinking that every murder in the city must have been committed by the same two men just because you found two men who did a few murders. Even copy cat murders have tell-tale signs that distinguish two different murderers.

Therefore I must reject that as a viable solution. Its just not possible and the evidence does not line up.

Regarding his delusional theory which I stated was based upon nothing...

No, I believe it based upon infinity.

What's the difference?

I would like to get into a deep discussion about infinity with you sometime but I don't think you would comprehend it.

Seriously. Its not an easy concept to grasp and you would not understand my type of logic concerning infinity and black holes and points and particles. While it would make perfect sense to me, it would not make any sense to you.

So I guess you can just call me a Kook too. I really don't mind.

bigsmile waving tongue2

creativesoul's photo
Fri 02/06/09 10:38 PM
Edited by creativesoul on Fri 02/06/09 11:09 PM
I asked the following...

If no one has witnessed the creation of them(crop circles), then what warrants a belief?

Your answer was...

People have witnesses strange lights in sky above the field... then the next day... the crop circle.

The above constitutes warrant for belief to you?

I did not say I believed aliens are doing it. I said that is my theory and it makes more logical sense than humans with ropes and sticks.

What? I do... I do not... I do... I do not...

If you do not believe your own theory, then why should anyone else?


These are the unanswered questions.

Ahhh... I see... an alien of the gaps?

I would like to get into a deep discussion about infinity with you sometime but I don't think you would comprehend it.

A deep discussion about nothing is not possible.


no photo
Sat 02/07/09 07:01 AM
A deep discussion about nothing is not possible.

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Of course its possible. While the existence of 'nothing' is impossible, a discussion about it is.

no photo
Sat 02/07/09 07:34 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 02/07/09 08:17 AM
As far as "belief" and theories are concerned:

In order to remain open for new information and possibilities I consider solutions and extrapolate ideas and call them "theories." Probably not very 'scientific' but its the best I can do being an artist rather than a scientist.

I am also an 'investigator.'

A theory, in my world means... this is probably the solution because it makes the most sense given the information I have and following a certain line of logic.

Witnessing something as it actually happens is not the only way to find or have proof. If it were, not many murders would be solved. Also, if witnesses were all that were required for proof of something, people would not still be in denial that UFO's actually exist and appear to be spacecraft of some unknown origin.

Crop circles have been looked at up close. No one knows how they could have been done by humans with no damage to the crops themselves and no foot prints leading in or out of the field. No one knows how they could have been done by humans in the middle of the night in such a short time without anyone having seen anything. No one has figured out how humans can create extremely complicated and accurate messages in the pouring rain in the dark. As far as I know, there is no equipment in use by humans that can create these crop circles.

To conclude that human pranksters are doing this is irresponsible. How can anyone be that gullible? To ignore they (crop circles) exist is the common practice of the media and the powers that be, who tell the media what not to make public. (It is the same thing with cattle mutilations, and I know this for a fact first hand, as a local Ellicott farm news paper owner, known personally, was seriously threatened about his covering cattle mutilations.)

This is part of the information I have concerning this type of mysterious event that leads me to think that there is more here going on than two guys with ropes and sticks. In fact, that idea was tossed out the minute it came in. I'm not that near that gullible.

Now I realize for some people, "proof" would require not only witnesses, but the apprehension of the perpetrators and their equipment, examination of them under scientific conditions, and a formal release of official information to the public that they have captured aliens or the non-human creatures responsible for making crop circles.

This, I assure you, will NOT HAPPEN.

Therefore I am left with only a small amount of information and speculation and my imagination to solve this puzzle. I would rather do that, than settle for the ridiculous idea that two guy with sticks and ropes are still out there creating their art in the fields across the entire world.

Even if I did conclude (or presume) two guys with sticks and ropes were doing this, I would not sit back and let them continue to do this without investigation into who they were, how they were doing it, and why. And yet that is what official position of investigators. They are ignoring it. They don't want to know who and why. If they do, then they don't want the public to know who and why. Why do you think this is?

Two reasons are possible.

1. They don't know and they don't want to look stupid.
2. They know and the don't want anyone else to know.

What else could it be?

Which leaves non-official type people to actually work on solving the problem simply because they want to know. I solve the problem by using the information I have and my imagination. (Which by the way, is how problems and puzzles are solved.)

We are pretty sure there are other dimensions that we cannot see. I imagine that there are other worlds that we cannot see that exist close to ours. I imagine that there are intelligent sentient beings living there. I imagine they are the ones leaving the crop circles. That I call a "theory" but it is just an idea based on what I have to work with.

I don't KNOW IT FOR A FACT, but I do believe it on some level. I will 'believe' it until something more believable comes along.(And that something is not two guys with sticks and ropes.) That is very highly unlikely.

But if humans are doing it, I imagine that they have some sort of advanced technology, perhaps laser technology to do it with and that they have huge funding and a motive for doing it. But is anyone investigating this. NO. Does that make sense? NO.

That about sums it up without going into the small details.

no photo
Sat 02/07/09 08:03 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 02/07/09 08:04 AM
As for the discussion about 'nothing' and 'infinity'... they are concepts and are not exactly the same thing.

Nothing is a concept that no material things (matter?)exist. correct?

Infinity is a concept of endlessness. Correct?

These are concepts. (I don't think of "nothing" as being "endlessness.') I think of nothing as the non-existence of things.

Given that, here are my conclusions:

A particle has no mass that can be measured. It is not a 'thing.' It is an infinite dimensional direction. (They will never find it with their billions dollar machine.)

A particle is a black hole and it generates a field. It gives off and takes in energy.

As the man in the video asks:

If a point in space does not exist, and a line of points do not exist, and a plane in space does not exist, but a three dimensional cube in space exists how is it possible that:

nothing + nothing + nothing = something?

Makes no sense.

Therefore, the point in space must be acknowledged as 'something' that exists.

That point is a black hole that gives off and takes in energy. It is also particle.

Particles are on all levels and come in all sizes. So do black holes.

Krimsa's photo
Sat 02/07/09 11:48 AM
A deep discussion about nothing is not possible.

Obviously you have never watched an episode of "Seinfeld" in your life. :tongue:

no photo
Sat 02/07/09 12:08 PM

A deep discussion about nothing is not possible.

Obviously you have never watched an episode of "Seinfeld" in your life. :tongue:

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

I know a minister's wife who will start talking and go on and on for as long as you will let her... and I swear, I never know what she just said. The only way to get a word in is to interrupt her. Shes talks and talks about trivial nothingness.

frustrated sad

creativesoul's photo
Sat 02/07/09 12:17 PM
Seinfeld is deep, but not as deep as say... Family Guy, The Simpsons, or South Park...

laugh huh laugh


creativesoul's photo
Sat 02/07/09 12:43 PM