Topic: Has Faith Evolved Into Witchcraft | |
Your scary smart lil lady...Loved it.
I do not believe that anyone has a responsibility to "prove" anything to you, in regard to miracles, which you require has to be proven. You simply make a claim...and then require that people prove you wrong. If your point is that there are no miracles, I suggest that it is YOU who should offer proof of what you state rather than demand that others do the work for you by not proving that you are wrong to YOUR satisfaction. Furthermore, I suggest that what you are attempting to incite here is the classic argumentum ad ignorantiam (argument from ignorance): Fallacious arguments from ignorance erroneously claim either that lack of proof must render a claim false, or that lack of disproof must render a claim true. Despite the way it sounds, this fallacy does not refer to being ignorant of the facts necessarily, rather it refers to an ignorance of alternatives and of what constitutes proof. This fallacy muddles the true-false dichotomy with the question of proof or disproof, and as such is a form of false dilemma where only two options are presented when several options exist. The ignored possibilities include false claim-not disproven, and true claim-not proven, while the implied dichotomy confines options to false claim-disproven or true claim-proven. An example of this fallacious argument would be the intent of this thread... the claim that if Christians, or anyone for that matter, cannot provide the demanded proof for “miracles”, then Christianity fails, further fallaciously implying or stating that miraculous intervention by God is not a fact, and still further fallaciously implying or stating that God (assuming He exists)must be incapable or unwilling to perform these miracles, which are under debate here. Such a concatenation of fallacies could fool only those who believe that you, in fact...know everything. |
Thats works...
I am sorry funch but you proved nothing. I am sorry but your reasons were lame at best.
God 3 funch 0 |
ok well let's see about your theory. I was in the process of taking care of my mother. At this time I was not saved. I came home to get some clothes and was out in my driveway. I looked up to the sky and said ok God if your real give me a sign. Just at that moment thousands of lil lavendar butterflies were all around me. Never have I seen them in lavendar which was mine and my moms favorite color. I have however seen them in pale yellow. We are not talking a few butterflies here we are talking thousands of butterflies and I was touching them all around me and then they were gone. The whole thing took about 2 minutes. Now if you say anything about grieving or just so sad that I was having a delusion..No I was not. First of all I was prepared for her to pass. And second I was not sad at all but seeking. It was very very real. There were a total of three times the Lord showed me. I will give you one more. When I went back up to my moms. She was talking to her parents who had passed many years before. My mom was saying, "No mom and dad I can't go. Who will take care of Bill and Debbie. I said mom you go I will take care of dad and dad will take care of me. She was looking right at me. Smiled and said I love you baby girl and passed away. Again She was not delusional, she was not so sick that she did have control of her mind, she knew exactly what she was saying. So for me that is the proof I asked for and the Lord & Savior showed me. "feralcatlady ...out of respect I can't make a comment on your mother's death or take away from the memories of your final moments with her would be cruel to do so so could you give me some other examples of miracles so I can neutralize them I was saved because of these it would not matter what you said....It happen therefore it is... can't comment on anything about your mother |
ok well have fun feral is now officially done......
and remember funch feral loves the funch-meister always..... |
ok well have fun feral is now officially done......
and remember funch feral loves the funch-meister always..... |
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Wed 02/04/09 01:16 PM
ok well have fun feral is now officially done......
and remember funch feral loves the funch-meister always..... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
See funch you babble but you say nothing....I said you could look at the truck as being sold as a coinsidence...didn't I now...for me I say no because it open the door for him to hear the word. "feralcatlady" ..the guy being a money changer and selling a truck is not a miracle .. |
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Wed 02/04/09 01:29 PM
God has no limitations love and all is possible through him. I was speaking to an athiest....pretty hard core.....He told me if your God is real tell him to sell my truck. I told him well first of all I can pray for your truck to sell but that doesn't mean that it will happen because it's on God's terms not ours. Now I knew that the door could be opened to this man if "God" made this happen. So I did pray for God to show this man that through "HIM" all things are possible. So I get a phone call a few hours later that he sold the truck to the first person that looked. So again a coinsidence....could be.....for feral no....because it totally opened the lines for communication. Now the next part of the story. Same guy a few days later. We were talking and I asked him if he had a Bible. He said he did. Now my teachers hate when I do this...But I do because the Lord so works on people and truly opens their heart when I do. So I told him I want you to go get the Bible and I want you to come back on IM when you have it. He did. I then said ok let me pray....I prayed that the Lord show him what he needs to take any doubt that the Lord is real and wants to show him and help him. So I got done and I told him now let the Bible fall open and I want you to read both pages and tell me what scriptures it is. He did so and said it was Psalm 67 and 69. So I got my Bible and read with him. I wept the whole way through because it was so geared to everything this man was going through at that time. Now he got done and then said to me, "Debbie what have you done", this is really creeping me out. I told him not me love but God. It was so so so right on for exactly what he was going through. So again God showed and they listened. Now in this case there were probably 5 more more things that showed him that God was real. Now he didn't turn his life over to God...But let me tell you one thing...God has his attention. Now the rest is between him and God...The seed was so firmly planted. My god 'feral', I didn't realize it, but I think I might have been the 'victim' of a recent miracle myself. I bought a new snowblower in the fall. I stored the old snowblower in our garage. Last week-end, my wife said to me: 'can't you get rid of that old snowblower in the garage???' I remember tat I thought to myself: 'My god, this thing had bette sell quick!' So I put an add on a web trading site. The first guy that came to see it, bought it!!! and that's not all, After collecting the money and helping the guy load the 'blower' in his pick-up truck, I walked back into house, and sat with my wife in front of the fireplace. She had a photo album sitting by her side, and she said to me, 'you could open this book on any page, and just be amazed!' I picked up the album and opened it randomly, and set my eyes on the open page. Well, believe it or not, I started crying, little tears of joy. There it was, in our 9 month old 'grand daugter's' first photo album, a blow-up of that adorable little face taken a week earlier. Those amazing eyes, and her little nose and that happiness spreading smile of hers... I cracked. And so, if I understand this correctly, ... selling something to the first 'walk-in', and ... shedding a tear after randomly opening a book = ... MIRACLE?!?!?! I got it!!! Thanks 'feral'!!! The whole fundamentalist 'faith' approach is making a lot more sense to me, thanks to you!!! |
An example of this fallacious argument would be the intent of this thread... the claim that if Christians, or anyone for that matter, cannot provide the demanded proof for “miracles”, then Christianity fails, "ljcc" must be having hallucinations due to the shaking of your head ...the intent of this thread is about faith not miracles which are entirely two different topics your christian honco "fearalcatlady" brought up miracles not me ...I was simply explaining to her how her miracles were just everyday occurences Very well then. Just insert "faith" in place of "miracles" and re-read. The logic still applies. "ljcc" ...can you work with me here?...the thread doesn't ask anyone to prove the existence of faith's about faith evolving into witchcraft may get easier if you try reading the original post first ..just a suggestion |
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Wed 02/04/09 01:27 PM
An example of this fallacious argument would be the intent of this thread... the claim that if Christians, or anyone for that matter, cannot provide the demanded proof for “miracles”, then Christianity fails, "ljcc" must be having hallucinations due to the shaking of your head ...the intent of this thread is about faith not miracles which are entirely two different topics your christian honco "fearalcatlady" brought up miracles not me ...I was simply explaining to her how her miracles were just everyday occurences Very well then. Just insert "faith" in place of "miracles" and re-read. The logic still applies. "ljcc" ...can you work with me here?...the thread doesn't ask anyone to prove the existence of faith's about faith evolving into witchcraft may get easier if you try reading the original post first ..just a suggestion Well as far as I'm concerned you may as well have said that faith may evolve into crunchy cheese curls. Bored now. Cya! |
An example of this fallacious argument would be the intent of this thread... the claim that if Christians, or anyone for that matter, cannot provide the demanded proof for “miracles”, then Christianity fails, "ljcc" must be having hallucinations due to the shaking of your head ...the intent of this thread is about faith not miracles which are entirely two different topics your christian honco "fearalcatlady" brought up miracles not me ...I was simply explaining to her how her miracles were just everyday occurences Very well then. Just insert "faith" in place of "miracles" and re-read. The logic still applies. "ljcc" ...can you work with me here?...the thread doesn't ask anyone to prove the existence of faith's about faith evolving into witchcraft may get easier if you try reading the original post first ..just a suggestion Well as far as I'm concerned you may as well have said that faith may evolve into crunchy cheese curls. Bored now. Cya! yep go lick your wounds |
one can claim to have faith but once they try to wield it …it becomes witchcraft
Absolutely. In fact, this is precisely what Jesus himself had taught. Those of us who truly love Jesus know this. Those nasty Christians who twist his words and abuse his name to spread hatred and bigotry are so busing judging others that they have no clue what the man actually taught. That's truly a shame. Yes, witchcraft rules. It's God's way. ![]() |
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Wed 02/04/09 02:31 PM
I don't normally venture into "Funch land", but faith is part of the creative techniques so therefore part of "witch craft" also.
"The faith of the mustard seed." "Believe that ye have it and it is yours." "The magic of believing." Hypnotism. So be it, so it is. There is a method to the workings of the universe. I do have faith in that. It is NOT HOPE. It is faith. HOPE IS FOR THE HOPELESS. Hope is for those who do not have faith. Faith is knowing, hope is wishing and doubting. |
Faith is knowing, "JennieBean" ..if one "knows" then can you explain why they would need faith ... if you know that you exist ...why would you need faith that you do exist ...this implies that you have doubts about your existence |
yep go lick your wounds No worries. You didn't hurt me. Was that your intent? |
Faith is knowing, "JennieBean" ..if one "knows" then can you explain why they would need faith ... if you know that you exist ...why would you need faith that you do exist ...this implies that you have doubts about your existence Good point actually. Well then I guess faith is more like trust. But it is not the same thing as Hope. I know I exist. I have faith that there is a reason for my existence, so I don't question it. |
yep go lick your wounds No worries. You didn't hurt me. Was that your intent? "ljcc" my intent was to place you back on topic which you just refuse to do ... which means apparently you meant to do me harm ...I figured you probably just had a bad day and needed to vent .. |
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Wed 02/04/09 04:46 PM
I know what Feralcatlady is talking about when she shares her 'miracles.'
The synchronicity of these events are what I run into when I practice visualization, intent, and the law of attraction techniques. It has to do with how we work with our subconscious minds. It is where the phrase "ask and it is given" comes from. Faith is part of the formula. Some people call these things miracles, but they are just one of the ways we appear to manifest our personal reality. Her experience with opening the Bible and reading the page, works with just about any random book in your library. I do it with tarot cards. It is one of the ways we interpret what our subconscious minds is attempting to communicate to our conscious minds. If this happens enough on a regular basis you come to have faith in it..... whatever it is. I think it is the subconscious mind at work. Which itself alone is pretty miraculous. |
Faith is knowing, "JennieBean" ..if one "knows" then can you explain why they would need faith ... if you know that you exist ...why would you need faith that you do exist ...this implies that you have doubts about your existence Good point actually. Well then I guess faith is more like trust. But it is not the same thing as Hope. I know I exist. I have faith that there is a reason for my existence, so I don't question it. "JennieBean" your existence to yourself is the only absolute truth because everything else could be a delusion ..which is why for you to have faith that something less than absolute gives your existence reason implies hopelessness ... you simply can not have faith without the inclusion of doubt and/or hope ... |