Topic: bumper sticker humor | |
Funny Bumper Sticker Quotes...
" Watch out for the idiot behind me!" Moooooove, I'm trying to speed! If you're rich, I’m single! 0-60 in 15 minutes! A clean car is a sign if sick mind. 100% Irony Free Adrenalin is my drug of choice. Adults are just kids with money. Baby on bored HOME SCHOOL. Smarter than ever. I talk to strangers I Think Feminists Are Cute! Keep honking, I am reloading! Pain is inevitable misery is optional. To All You Virgins: Thanks For Nothing. Tennis players have fuzzy balls. Your honor student deals the best drugs. The fastest way to a fisherman's heart is through his fly Stupidity is not a crime so you’re free to go " I'm already visualizing the duct tape over your mouth!" Buckle up... it makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car I break for........................OH **** NO BRAKES There are 2 types of pedestrians, the quick and the dead. Learn from your parent’s mistakes use birth control He who laughs last thinks slowest. All men are idiots, and I married their king. Friends help you move; real friends help you move the body. Very funny Scotty; now beam down my clothes Low riders are for little boys who can't get it up. Saw it, wanted it, threw a fit, Got It!! Want to get laid? Crawl up a chicken's ass and wait! Mothers with teenagers know why animals eat their young We're not old people we're recycled teenagers! IF THIS STICKER IS GETTING SMALLER, THE LIGHT IS PROBABLY GREEN YOUR TURN SIGNAL IS STILL ON IT'S IMPOLITE TO STARE U.S.M.C. UNCLE SAMS MISGUIDED CHILDREN Eternity: Smoking or Non-Smoking? |
I enjoyed all of them except for the second to last one. (Family of Marines)
i seen one the other day some lady had it on her pickup it said if your gonna ride my ass at least pull my hair
I seen one that had the wafflehouse letters that said "I LOVE CATS......scattered smothered topped and chunked."
If I would have shot my ex-wife when I wanted to.
I would be out by now. I still enjoy that one...for no apparent reason. ![]() |
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if its tourist season WHY CANT WE SHOOT THEM?
i miss my ex
but my aim is improving!!!! had that one till i went to pick up the kids from her house.......that's when the fight started lol |