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Topic: Skewed Views of Science
Delsoldamien's photo
Sat 01/31/09 12:06 PM

but on the topic of the video, there wasn't much there to disagree with. everyone has their biases, even the strictest and most rigid of scientists. I know geologists with PhD's that will swear up and down that global warming is hands-down, man-made, no doubt about it, in the face of contradictory evidence because it fits their political view. Ivory tower intellectuals, the lot of them. Hardly ever spent a day outside the golden cloak of academia, so...

It appears there is more than enough ego and arrogance and bullheadedness on both sides of the issue of global warming.

So do you believe that global warming is man made??

no photo
Sat 01/31/09 12:47 PM

but on the topic of the video, there wasn't much there to disagree with. everyone has their biases, even the strictest and most rigid of scientists. I know geologists with PhD's that will swear up and down that global warming is hands-down, man-made, no doubt about it, in the face of contradictory evidence because it fits their political view. Ivory tower intellectuals, the lot of them. Hardly ever spent a day outside the golden cloak of academia, so...

It appears there is more than enough ego and arrogance and bullheadedness on both sides of the issue of global warming.

So do you believe that global warming is man made??

Let's put it this way, I don't have to look very far from my own area to see how man affects his environment. I also think that both sides of this issue have their own agenda, and are not going to be completely honest about their views. Which sucks because it leaves the average person wondering who is telling the truth.

Both sides have their points but I tend to think why take the chance. If it is real, and we wait until the last minute, they we have only our selves to blame.

Either way, doing the things that would avoid disaster are actually things we should be considering for the future anyway. I see no harm in being cautious rather than simply pretending it's not going to happen.

Delsoldamien's photo
Sat 01/31/09 01:00 PM

but on the topic of the video, there wasn't much there to disagree with. everyone has their biases, even the strictest and most rigid of scientists. I know geologists with PhD's that will swear up and down that global warming is hands-down, man-made, no doubt about it, in the face of contradictory evidence because it fits their political view. Ivory tower intellectuals, the lot of them. Hardly ever spent a day outside the golden cloak of academia, so...

It appears there is more than enough ego and arrogance and bullheadedness on both sides of the issue of global warming.

So do you believe that global warming is man made??

Let's put it this way, I don't have to look very far from my own area to see how man affects his environment. I also think that both sides of this issue have their own agenda, and are not going to be completely honest about their views. Which sucks because it leaves the average person wondering who is telling the truth.

Both sides have their points but I tend to think why take the chance. If it is real, and we wait until the last minute, they we have only our selves to blame.

Either way, doing the things that would avoid disaster are actually things we should be considering for the future anyway. I see no harm in being cautious rather than simply pretending it's not going to happen.

I agree that politics has screwed any hope of making this issue go away. I would use more effient methods of transportation if they had it available, I am building a new house and am working with LED lights to provide lighting to reduce my consumption...I have to admit that it is because I like to save money, not my over concern about the environment though. Correct science shows that this is a natural earth cycle and that a very small portion is from man, but agree that we all should do things to reduce the impacts whether motivated by financial concerns or environmental concerns. The problem will be with other countries, and I do not belive that our government should be dictating what should happen. I believe that if you come up with a good idea how to help out, good marketing and a good product sells itself, so there is no need to do so...but I hate being forced to do it by people that push their political opinions and use it as a tool to control and promote an entitlment society.

Geckgo's photo
Sat 01/31/09 01:52 PM
noway oh no, we've entered the political realm noway

Delsoldamien's photo
Sat 01/31/09 01:57 PM

noway oh no, we've entered the political realm noway

I think we agreed that politics has reduced the chances of anything being accomplished in this area..

raiderfan_32's photo
Sat 01/31/09 02:38 PM
Edited by raiderfan_32 on Sat 01/31/09 02:46 PM

but on the topic of the video, there wasn't much there to disagree with. everyone has their biases, even the strictest and most rigid of scientists. I know geologists with PhD's that will swear up and down that global warming is hands-down, man-made, no doubt about it, in the face of contradictory evidence because it fits their political view. Ivory tower intellectuals, the lot of them. Hardly ever spent a day outside the golden cloak of academia, so...

It appears there is more than enough ego and arrogance and bullheadedness on both sides of the issue of global warming.

So do you believe that global warming is man made??

Well, I'm perfectly willing to stipulate that there has been a slight uptick in the global temperatures in the last 100-200 years, if that's what the climatologists tell us. But it is also worth pointing out that that comes on the heals of what the same climatologists,and even dendrochronologists, tell us that from the 1500's to the 1700's was a slight down time in global temperatures. Some people say that 'ittle ice age' and the wood from the trees that grew during that time explains the almost mystical sound of Stradivari voilins. the nature of sinusoidal trends is that lows are followed by highs, so it's only expected that a little ice age would be followed by a little greenhouse.

Pointing back to the Industrial Revolution and the upshot from it stinks a little of Kafka and socialist thinking. For a hundred and fifty years people have railed against the industrialization of the west. This is just the latest salvo in the in a shooting match that's been going on since before any of us was born. what? did people not burn coal, or wood or even oil before the invention of the steam engine?? Let me sell you a bridge.

When a volcano goes, like Mt St Helens or Krakatoa, it belches forth gases and particulate pollution of all kinds, more than all the cars on the planet running nonstop for years..

They've shown that bovine flatulence produces the dreaded methane gas that's one of the most aggresive of the greenhouse gases. So what should we do? go and kill all the cows and let millions upon millions go without food?

My point is that while there's an outside chance that man is solely responsible for current episode of global warming, there isn't a chance on God's green Earth that the evidence would stand up in a court of law if the case were to be tried by a jury.

Yet, politicians would have us scrap our cars and revert to the middle ages out of guilt. As the video wisely points out, when evidence and science fails people will resort to fear and guilt to push their agenda. That's all I see going on when I read one of Al Gore's books or force myself to stay awake through that abomination of a "documentary" he was showered with awards for someone else's research..

Yes, I'm a skeptic. All good scientists should be. It'll take a heck of a lot more convince evidence for me, for one, to get on board with scrapping the entire economy so that we might "save" the planet..

Delsoldamien's photo
Sat 01/31/09 03:35 PM

but on the topic of the video, there wasn't much there to disagree with. everyone has their biases, even the strictest and most rigid of scientists. I know geologists with PhD's that will swear up and down that global warming is hands-down, man-made, no doubt about it, in the face of contradictory evidence because it fits their political view. Ivory tower intellectuals, the lot of them. Hardly ever spent a day outside the golden cloak of academia, so...

It appears there is more than enough ego and arrogance and bullheadedness on both sides of the issue of global warming.

So do you believe that global warming is man made??

Well, I'm perfectly willing to stipulate that there has been a slight uptick in the global temperatures in the last 100-200 years, if that's what the climatologists tell us. But it is also worth pointing out that that comes on the heals of what the same climatologists,and even dendrochronologists, tell us that from the 1500's to the 1700's was a slight down time in global temperatures. Some people say that 'ittle ice age' and the wood from the trees that grew during that time explains the almost mystical sound of Stradivari voilins. the nature of sinusoidal trends is that lows are followed by highs, so it's only expected that a little ice age would be followed by a little greenhouse.

Pointing back to the Industrial Revolution and the upshot from it stinks a little of Kafka and socialist thinking. For a hundred and fifty years people have railed against the industrialization of the west. This is just the latest salvo in the in a shooting match that's been going on since before any of us was born. what? did people not burn coal, or wood or even oil before the invention of the steam engine?? Let me sell you a bridge.

When a volcano goes, like Mt St Helens or Krakatoa, it belches forth gases and particulate pollution of all kinds, more than all the cars on the planet running nonstop for years..

They've shown that bovine flatulence produces the dreaded methane gas that's one of the most aggresive of the greenhouse gases. So what should we do? go and kill all the cows and let millions upon millions go without food?

My point is that while there's an outside chance that man is solely responsible for current episode of global warming, there isn't a chance on God's green Earth that the evidence would stand up in a court of law if the case were to be tried by a jury.

Yet, politicians would have us scrap our cars and revert to the middle ages out of guilt. As the video wisely points out, when evidence and science fails people will resort to fear and guilt to push their agenda. That's all I see going on when I read one of Al Gore's books or force myself to stay awake through that abomination of a "documentary" he was showered with awards for someone else's research..

Yes, I'm a skeptic. All good scientists should be. It'll take a heck of a lot more convince evidence for me, for one, to get on board with scrapping the entire economy so that we might "save" the planet..

I might point out too that those same scientist were talking in the 1980's about a coming Ice Age too. I agree with you that we should be careful about how we treat the environment, but we can do that and still maintain our standard of living...unless all these global warming freaks get their way...

no photo
Sat 01/31/09 04:26 PM

I agree with you that we should be careful about how we treat the environment, but we can do that and still maintain our standard of living...unless all these global warming freaks get their way...

Global warming 'freaks'? Oh never mind, it's not worth it..

no photo
Sat 01/31/09 04:28 PM
global warming freaks?

is that like mutants?


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