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Topic: are we winning the war
no photo
Fri 01/30/09 09:23 AM

All of them illegal based off color...read into it, quite interesting.

whatcha mean? im not following you...

are you talking about prescribed meds?

No, I'm talking about heroin, crack, meth, marijuana and a lot of other illicit substances.

so how does the color make them illegal??

Color as in skin color.

Marijuana was made illegal very soon after alcohol prohibition ended. Guess who proposed marijuana become illegal? The same guy who had been in charge of alcohol prohibition. He was out of a job unless he came up with something new to chase. It was referred to as a "mexican" and "black" drug, and during the 30's I don't think I need to explain the typical white American attitude toward people of other ethnic backgrounds.
There was actually a deal made with the people. You bring us your marijuana and register, and you receive a stamp that says you can have marijuana. One catch... you don't have that stamp when you go to register for it now do ya? Surprise, you go to jail. There were never any of those stamps issued either. They simply put some bait out there and preyed on the trust of the citizens who bought it.

Why those dirty rats!

TheRebelSun's photo
Fri 01/30/09 09:25 AM

ummm serisouly I cant and dont want to imagine a society where crack or meth and other such substances is readily available at a specialty shop.

peace out

No one here is suggesting the legalization of THOSE substances. That's the same arguement all the politicians throw back in our faces when legalization of marijuana is brought up... "Well we don't want crack and heroin legal!" NO ONE SAID ANYTHING ABOUT LEGALIZING THAT CRAP! Quit it with the runaround. Those drugs should however be decriminalized and the people in possession of it (FOR USE) shouldn't be locked up in prison for the taxpayers to pay for.

TheRebelSun's photo
Fri 01/30/09 09:30 AM
If it was about public health and safety, TOBACCO and ALCOHOL would not be legal. They have no benefits or advantages to using them, and hundreds of thousands of people in our country die from liver disease, lung disease, cancer, related to the use of these LEGAL products.

Funny how legitimate doctors can prescribe something they believe based on studies and thorough documentation will provide their patient with relief and they are thrown in jail over it, even in states where it is legal.

Oh the hypocrisy.

Timis76's photo
Fri 01/30/09 09:32 AM
Edited by Timis76 on Fri 01/30/09 09:34 AM
Do you realize how many ppl would be released from jail if weed was legalized. Do you have any idea how much $ the millionaires that own the prisons would loss. That is the reason it will never bee
it won't stop me from smoking.
I have smoked for 23 years now. it did not make me lazy or burn me out. I have a home, buncha autos, a good job, started a small business. All this stoned. So it dose not effect people the same.
Some just get horny
Others get stupid
most get hungry
Others get energized.
Me its a better then the pain killer ( pills ) the doctors offer me. I don't like pills never have.
Prescription pills make me stupid a worthless. I can't handle that. Weed makes me happy and painless. That's why I smoke

catwoman96's photo
Fri 01/30/09 09:34 AM
I wouldnt argue with the legalization of pot.

make it legal...sell it by quality...and tax the fukd outta it.

pot is not any worse than alcohol.

he said 'drugs' in my mind...that has many implications..

benzos and narcs shouls always be available ONLY with prescription.

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