Topic: GITMO Detainees
Winx's photo
Fri 01/30/09 09:51 PM


are you sure you're not Jewish ? have those eyebrows...LOL...I guess not in

St. Louis has Jewish people.laugh

Giocamo's photo
Fri 01/30/09 09:54 PM


are you sure you're not Jewish ? have those eyebrows...LOL...I guess not in

St. Louis has Jewish people.laugh

you couldn't make a minion in Missouri...laugh

Winx's photo
Fri 01/30/09 10:03 PM
One of our hospitals is called Jewish Hospital.

Giocamo's photo
Fri 01/30/09 10:06 PM

One of our hospitals is called Jewish Hospital.

you're so cute !!...most

Winx's photo
Fri 01/30/09 10:21 PM


are you sure you're not Jewish ? have those eyebrows...LOL...I guess not in

St. Louis has Jewish people.laugh

you couldn't make a minion in Missouri...laugh

Actually, the St. Louis area has a large Jewish population.

catwoman96's photo
Fri 01/30/09 10:33 PM
whats this about the jewish population??

its the muslim population that Obama wants to please to release these terrorists.

Giocamo's photo
Fri 01/30/09 10:33 PM
mazel tov !

Giocamo's photo
Fri 01/30/09 10:35 PM

whats this about the jewish population??

its the muslim population that Obama wants to please to release these terrorists.

Ciao Donna di Cat

Winx's photo
Fri 01/30/09 10:41 PM

whats this about the jewish population??

its the muslim population that Obama wants to please to release these terrorists.

I thought it was more about following the Constitution.

catwoman96's photo
Fri 01/30/09 10:46 PM

whats this about the jewish population??

its the muslim population that Obama wants to please to release these terrorists.

I thought it was more about following the Constitution.

since when are they US citizens??

Winx's photo
Fri 01/30/09 10:47 PM

whats this about the jewish population??

its the muslim population that Obama wants to please to release these terrorists.

I thought it was more about following the Constitution.

since when are they US citizens??

We follow our Constitution.

catwoman96's photo
Fri 01/30/09 10:48 PM
Edited by catwoman96 on Fri 01/30/09 10:53 PM
hang their azzes and take the money and give it to our troops who ARE still fighting!!!

Now is not the time to show weakness.

Fanta46's photo
Fri 01/30/09 11:52 PM

They are in GITMO for a reason, and they should stay there. They are TERRORISTS hell bent on the destruction of the peace loving people of United States and its allies. A recent article on stated that a former detainne returned to Yemen to become Al-Qaida's #2 in command.

These people are not warm and fuzzy!!!!!

ON the Bush Watch??

With all that effective Interrogation and torture the Bush Administration was using to keep you safe and warm?

NOOoooooo....noway noway

Fanta46's photo
Fri 01/30/09 11:53 PM

whats this about the jewish population??

its the muslim population that Obama wants to please to release these terrorists.

I thought it was more about following the Constitution.

since when are they US citizens??

We follow our Constitution.

She wants to make us all hypocrites winx..

Fanta46's photo
Fri 01/30/09 11:54 PM
Probably believes Bush could write it better...laugh laugh laugh laugh laughfrustrated frustrated rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Fanta46's photo
Fri 01/30/09 11:56 PM
Probably has never read it!what

catwoman96's photo
Sat 01/31/09 03:53 AM
oo lets hold them a fair constitutional trial..bring the soldiers and marines that captured them over here...pull out all the stops.

do our BEST to convict them in front of a jury of lawabidding american citizens.

idc...I would hope the result would be the same.

would that make y'all happy?
let obama represent them

Fanta46's photo
Sat 01/31/09 08:19 AM

oo lets hold them a fair constitutional trial..bring the soldiers and marines that captured them over here...pull out all the stops.

do our BEST to convict them in front of a jury of lawabidding american citizens.

idc...I would hope the result would be the same.

would that make y'all happy?
let obama represent them

If they were captured by soldiers then they are POW's.
If they are POW's then they should be in a POW camp and afforded every rite accorded by the Geneva Convention.

Just as we would expect for our soldiers.

norslyman's photo
Sat 01/31/09 11:08 AM
Gitmo was all about getting people used to the idea of not having any rights. Witness what happened at the RNC and DNC - a view of our future police state. How soon before economy collapses, rioting in the streets, and the FEMA camps (our gitmo's)? tears

ACLU: Bush admin tried to create ‘Gitmo inside the US’

Nick Juliano
Raw Story
Thursday, Oct 9, 2008

The US military was using the same procedures employed at the controversial Guantanamo Bay prison at other facilities inside the United States where US citizens and legal residents were detained, according to documents released Wednesday.

At least one Navy officer was concerned that a detainee was being slowly driven insane by the policies, which prohibited detainees from having items such as shoes or socks, according to 91 pages of e-mails between officers at military brigs in Virginia and South Carolina released Wednesday by the American Civil Liberties Union.

“These documents are the first clear confirmation of what we’ve suspected all along, that the brig was run as a prison beyond the law. There was an effort to create a Gitmo inside the United States,” Jonathan Hafetz of the ACLU’s National Security Project in New York told the Associated Press, using the slang word for the U.S. naval facility in Cuba.

A pdf of the heavily redacted e-mails can be downloaded here. The ACLU filed a Freedom of Information Act request along with the Allard K. Lowenstein International Human Rights Clinic at Yale Law School to obtain the documents.

The obtained e-mails apparently were exchanged between brig officers and military higher-ups between 2002 and 2004. They discuss detentions of Yaser Esham Hamdi, Jose Padilla, both of whom were US citizens at the time, and Saleh Kahlah al-Marri, who was a legal resident in the country when he was detained.

“Guantánamo was designed as a law-free zone, a place where the government could do whatever it wanted without having to worry about whether it was legal,” said Jonathan Freiman, an attorney with the Lowenstein Clinic at Yale. “It didn’t take long for that sort of lawlessness to be brought home to our own country. Who knows how much further America would have gone if the Supreme Court hadn’t stepped in to stop incommunicado detentions in 2004?”

The detainees apparently were not allowed to speak to family members or lawyers for years, and the e-mails suggest that Guantanamo standard operating procedures were being employed in the domestic brigs. An officer asked what to tell detainees about their legal status and received little guidance.

“Best not to discuss his status at all with him,” wrote an unidentified superior, presumably a Pentagon or military lawyer. “Realize that’s tough on a human level but realize anything you say becomes statement of US govt, at least potentially. Safest and honest answer is ‘I don’t know, sorry.’”

The documents also include “weekly updates” the brig officers were required to send on the treatment of the detainees, but the ACLU notes that the updates on Padilla and al-Marri were not released because the Navy said the documents were either being withheld or were missing. That the missing updates cover a period “during which the two were being detained incommunicado and interrogated,” the ACLU says, suggests “the possibility that Guantánamo-like interrogations were taking place.”

Research related articles:

Protesters denied access to attorneys, forced to march in leg shackles, ACLU charges
Olbermann: Bush ‘lied’ about intending to close Gitmo
ACLU: Memos authorized CIA torture
Judge rebukes Bush admin on warrantless spying
Secret List of U.S. Military Bases to Replace Gitmo
Obama preparing order to close Gitmo
ACLU: ‘Mukasey calls on Congress to subvert Constitution’
ACLU challenges FISA update with first legal brief
ACLU presses Denver to investigate events surrounding DNC arrests
ACLU wants probe into police-staged DNC protest
Ex-gitmo guard who saw ‘torture’ calls co-workers ‘psychotic’
Civil rights group to Obama: Release secret Bush memos

catwoman96's photo
Sat 01/31/09 12:06 PM

oo lets hold them a fair constitutional trial..bring the soldiers and marines that captured them over here...pull out all the stops.

do our BEST to convict them in front of a jury of lawabidding american citizens.

idc...I would hope the result would be the same.

would that make y'all happy?
let obama represent them

If they were captured by soldiers then they are POW's.
If they are POW's then they should be in a POW camp and afforded every rite accorded by the Geneva Convention.

Just as we would expect for our soldiers.

you should know,
a soldier is much differnt than a terrorist