Topic: Marine Vet Speaks out | |
you have to hang Waco, Blackhawk Down (Les Aspin, afterall, did not want
an overwhelming force), McVeigh, WTC 93, the Cole, and 2 Embassy bombings on Clinton/Gore/Reno. Ok, fine--hang that on them. Now let's see what Bush has been up to in the last 5 years: 1. Failing to stop Sept. 11: ~3000 American lives lost. 2. Invading Iraq for no reason: ~2500 American lives lost and rising daily. 3. The pointless slaughter of over 100,000 Iraqis--the vast majority of which had never tried to hurt us. 4. Failing to rescue people in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina: countless lives lost due to Bush administration cronyism and incompetence. 5, 6, 7... Yes, bad things happened during the 8 years that Clinton led this country, but he reacted to them with intelligence and grace and managed to minimize the damage. Bush has not only screwed up by allowing our citizens to be killed left and right... he has *actively* invaded a country that did not attack us, killing tens of thousands of their civilians and losing thousands of our brave men and women in uniform! The fact that you still try to defend such a failur as Bush is clear evidence of mental disease. See a doctor. |
9/11 was too soon to blame on Bush. Or anyone. We got caught with our
pants down. The "changing of the guard" period between administrations is a blind point. Plus, it wouldn't have mattered if it were Clinton or Bush, they still would have succeded. |
The only one of those you can fairly blame on Bush is the Katrina
disaster. That was a pathetic disaster responce, no denying that. |
i AGREE with you ShadowEagle
try to walk in a Marine's BOots for a day??? or maybe wear a navy mans [woman's]hat or an army man[woman's] shoes or an airforce mans[woman's] wings or coastguardman[woman's] uniform just for a day.. be a service member just for a day in IRAQ??? or on the high seas protecting us from the force of evil. even if bush wasnt responsible which like i said I THINK hes responsible for all our men and womens deaths and injuries .this wouldnt be where its at today if bush had taken a different stand/ ![]() to live the rest of their lives remembering what no human should see or hear over there ![]() thank you MR BUSH ![]() |
I could go on for hours about Bush & his buddies...
I sum it up completely with one word....EVIL ..... ![]() |