Topic: Switchblade Knife
Jimi366's photo
Thu 09/28/06 08:10 AM
Baby you set my heart beating.
You really turn me on.
Next thing I know you're leaving.
Just what the fuck is wrong.
No I ain't no angel
that's already established.
Doesn't mean I deserve to be
treated like shit.
Time and time and time
again I look for release
but you're never around
so then I fuckin' quit.
How many nights must I cry
over you?
How many does must the sun
go down without me seeing you?
Baby don't you see me
in the crowd that's your life?
You cut me up in pieces
with your switchblade knife!

no photo
Thu 09/28/06 08:25 AM

Twylia's photo
Tue 11/21/06 02:21 PM
beautiful, I believe we all go through that when we thought someone
really loved us and then it was only us that loved them and yes your
poem is so right it seems like it will take forever to see the sun shine
again. but we do see the sun after awhile and we hope that we are not
hurt this bad again. thank you for that poem it was beautiful