Topic: Question for women 30 to 40ish.
Fade2Black's photo
Sat 01/24/09 07:53 AM

Where did that flower comment come from, I wasn't supposed to bring that up...not now, these people are not ready!

I like dating older women because they are more grounded in general, I date anyone between 18 and not dead yet...would date Judy, but I have to wait 2 more years.bigsmile

thanks baby .. come back to the DEMI thread .. we miss you :tongue:

moonlight_ride62's photo
Sat 01/24/09 07:54 AM
ya'll make it sound so exciting and sounds kinda hard to be with someone younger...

Fade2Black's photo
Sat 01/24/09 07:54 AM

you don't have a problem with getting naked in front of someone 15 years younger than you...oh wow...I not know if I could do that...

Absolutely none. I've never once had a complaint about my hourglass figure. You have to be confident in yourself. That's all.

When you are an adult even 10 years is dating in your generation. My last BF was 28 years younger. He LOVED my body. Ya. Nuf said babe.

PATSFAN's photo
Sat 01/24/09 07:55 AM
devil Younger womendevil

FearandLoathing's photo
Sat 01/24/09 07:56 AM

For me personally, 23 is pushing it just a bit. I'm sure you are a great guy, but with my past experiences of dating younger guys always ending up being immature, I'm just not sure if I'd want to chance that again.

I haven't met any other women of quality that wants a guy the age of their sons. If a guy wants to date a woman over five years their senior, a therapist visit should be considered, why they choose this way, the family history. I'm not trying to be sarcastic or mean at all. I apologize for that understanding but am being direct in my approach.
With that said, you want a nice, good female. Those that gravitate to a significant age difference I have found is often unstable. There are nice people in your age range. Try it out more than once unless you find a great gal! Good luck!
I mean, the women are unstable i.e., addictions, need for mental health. Be careful with that. I have already heard from nice guys who have gravitated towards a significant older person from themselves, friend.

You should know about this! I can't talk about that yet! We must have a grounded stable environement to bring the flower up!

Honestly, there is nothing wrong with a younger guy dating an older lady...only issue is if either one of them has an issue with it, where there are two consenting issue.

Fade2Black's photo
Sat 01/24/09 07:56 AM

ya'll make it sound so exciting and sounds kinda hard to be with someone younger...

I'll tell you what hon. Younger guys appreciate a woman who is sensual, hot, takes care of herself, is confident and knows what she wants.

They compliment non-stop.

It IS exciting. And actually it IS easy. Try it and see. Doesn't hurt to try something new.

Live by my motto: "To live without risk, is to risk not living"

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

SweetButSpoiled's photo
Sat 01/24/09 08:00 AM
I personally have tried the younger guys twice. Now maybe I made bad choices, who knows, but it just really isn't for me. Both were somewhat short lived (6 months) but I drew the line when one of them went out drinking all night and couldn't even bother to call (we were supposed to go out together) and the other one actually brought himself down to my daughter's level and argued about petty 3 year old things for at least a half hour in the car while I am trying to drive. I felt like I had 2 kids with me, not one. While being in public with a young hottie was a huge ego boost, there are better things in life that hold heavier value with me.

moonlight_ride62's photo
Sat 01/24/09 08:03 AM
but what in the world will others think if you are out and about with one so young

MeChrissy2's photo
Sat 01/24/09 08:05 AM
No issues with it.devil

23mBoredinKilleen's photo
Sat 01/24/09 08:05 AM
LOL I completely forgot I started this thread after I started working here a while ago, but all great answers. I didn't expect three pages of them so now I will explain.

I was with one woman since I was about 15 years old. We had a child, we got married, and were married for 5 years before our divorce. It's been rare my entire life to have friends my age. Simple fact is I grew up too fast and too soon. I don't really have too many things in common with women my age or younger. However, older women do. They are grown, they tend to know what they want in life and they are usually balanced out instead of still party crazy non stop. Younger women tend to be one thing or the other because of lack of experience in life. I'm not saying that is all younger women, some of them have grown up just as fast as I have. Anyways, I was just curious about what people had to say. Thanks for all of your answers.

Oh and yeah, disdain was a bad word to use, sorry about that.

FearandLoathing's photo
Sat 01/24/09 08:05 AM

but what in the world will others think if you are out and about with one so young

I always answer this the same...who cares as long as you are having a good time?

hellkitten54's photo
Sat 01/24/09 08:05 AM

but what in the world will others think if you are out and about with one so young

Why should you care what other people think? They are not living your life, creating your happiness.

And Fade, Im fine girlfriend. About to go to the Library with my boy.flowerforyou

Fade2Black's photo
Sat 01/24/09 08:06 AM
Hmmm I've never thought about it as an ego booster in public. I think young though, so I'd probably argue like the guy did .. LOL

To each his own. I can't see a young girl wanting to date an older guy so I guess it's whatever works for that person eh?

BTW .. has anyone seen the OP since he started this thread? LMAO tooooooooo funny.


23mBoredinKilleen's photo
Sat 01/24/09 08:06 AM
Oh and as far as what others think? If you live your life based on what other people think then how can you ever be happy? I do what makes me happy and if I'm with a woman I do what makes her happy, not other people happy.

Fade2Black's photo
Sat 01/24/09 08:07 AM

but what in the world will others think if you are out and about with one so young

Why should you care what other people think? They are not living your life, creating your happiness.

And Fade, Im fine girlfriend. About to go to the Library with my boy.flowerforyou


As to what others think, well when my BF of 3 years and I were in a Blockbuster and were 'messing around' I turned around and saw the clerk with a dropped jaw.

It was hysterical.

I could give a rat's ass what other people think. If you are into someone that's all that matters.

Fade2Black's photo
Sat 01/24/09 08:08 AM

LOL I completely forgot I started this thread after I started working here a while ago, but all great answers. I didn't expect three pages of them so now I will explain.

I was with one woman since I was about 15 years old. We had a child, we got married, and were married for 5 years before our divorce. It's been rare my entire life to have friends my age. Simple fact is I grew up too fast and too soon. I don't really have too many things in common with women my age or younger. However, older women do. They are grown, they tend to know what they want in life and they are usually balanced out instead of still party crazy non stop. Younger women tend to be one thing or the other because of lack of experience in life. I'm not saying that is all younger women, some of them have grown up just as fast as I have. Anyways, I was just curious about what people had to say. Thanks for all of your answers.

Oh and yeah, disdain was a bad word to use, sorry about that.

You DID return .. too funny just wondered what happened to the OP.

good thread .. sorry if we hijacked it a bit but sure gives you lots of food for thought then eh?

Annet's photo
Sat 01/24/09 08:09 AM

For me personally, 23 is pushing it just a bit. I'm sure you are a great guy, but with my past experiences of dating younger guys always ending up being immature, I'm just not sure if I'd want to chance that again.

I haven't met any other women of quality that wants a guy the age of their sons. If a guy wants to date a woman over five years their senior, a therapist visit should be considered, why they choose this way, the family history. I'm not trying to be sarcastic or mean at all. I apologize for that understanding but am being direct in my approach.
With that said, you want a nice, good female. Those that gravitate to a significant age difference I have found is often unstable. There are nice people in your age range. Try it out more than once unless you find a great gal! Good luck!
I mean, the women are unstable i.e., addictions, need for mental health. Be careful with that. I have already heard from nice guys who have gravitated towards a significant older person from themselves, friend.

You should know about this! I can't talk about that yet! We must have a grounded stable environement to bring the flower up!

Honestly, there is nothing wrong with a younger guy dating an older lady...only issue is if either one of them has an issue with it, where there are two consenting issue.

If it works for the guy, it's for sex, usually as your answer sent the message. I said what I know and have spoken with guys who had other interests in that relationship,too. Both have instability in some regard.
I'm only speaking about this question that the original poster mentioned. The women have definite issues. The above woman poster exhibits that and it's unfortunate.
Good bye for now. Good luck to the original guy. :smile:

23mBoredinKilleen's photo
Sat 01/24/09 08:09 AM

but what in the world will others think if you are out and about with one so young

Why should you care what other people think? They are not living your life, creating your happiness.

And Fade, Im fine girlfriend. About to go to the Library with my boy.flowerforyou


As to what others think, well when my BF of 3 years and I were in a Blockbuster and were 'messing around' I turned around and saw the clerk with a dropped jaw.

It was hysterical.

I could give a rat's ass what other people think. If you are into someone that's all that matters.

I'll second that.

moonlight_ride62's photo
Sat 01/24/09 08:10 AM
alrighty then...I guess I am sold on the idea...but my family would have a cow or two....

23mBoredinKilleen's photo
Sat 01/24/09 08:11 AM

If it works for the guy, it's for sex, usually as your answer sent the message. I said what I know and have spoken with guys who had other interests in that relationship,too. Both have instability in some regard.
I'm only speaking about this question that the original poster mentioned. The women have definite issues. The above woman poster exhibits that and it's unfortunate.
Good bye for now. Good luck to the original guy. :smile:

Where are you getting that this is all about sex? I'm confused about this. No part of any relationship I have ever been in had anything at all to do with sex. Yes, eventually in a relationship with mutual attraction you have sex, but a relationship is NEVER based on it alone.