Topic: National Pimp Off | |
I guess some are confused about the topic, that includes me, I have
found something... A pimp finds and manages clients for prostitutes and engages them in prostitution (in brothels in most cases and some cases street prostitution) in order to profit from their earnings. Typically, a pimp will not force prostitutes to stay with him, although some have been known to be abusive in order to keep their prostitutes in line or to maximize profits. A pimp may also offer to protect his prostitutes from rival pimps and prostitutes, or from abusive clients. He can also enable a prostitute to work in a particular area under his control. Pimping is a sex crime in most jurisdictions. Most people who work managing prostitutes are men, but some women work in this capacity as well, though rarely in street prostitution. Women are rarely called pimps, as the word implies male dominance (see Pimps in Popular Culture below) - a woman who manages prostitutes is generally called a mamasan or a madam. (This should not be confused with the title of respect given to adult women in most English-speaking countries.) - Wikipedia Is that the PIMP we are talkin' in here? Just wonderin' .... |
No Newg, not exactly. More like laying claim to someone for the fun of
it. Just another reason to socialize and have fun. No literal meaning at all. That's why I get to be a pimp. |
oh, ok Rain
at least I tried to search |
I got the pimper!
Can I be your pimp Rain Drops........