Topic: Eat Biblically?
Lynann's photo
Wed 01/14/09 09:06 AM
I've seen a couple of these books that prescribed a biblical diet. Like all trendy diets it seems they are bad for you.

Bible diets dismissed as healthy food choice
A religious expert poured cold water on the claim that the Bible is a good recipe for a healthy diet.

A string of best-selling books, especially popular in America, have extolled the virtues of foods featured in the religious text.

But far from being "the land of milk and honey", a study by theologian Dr Nathan MacDonald suggested ancient Israel was more likely to offer its inhabitants a bland choice of flat breads and grains.

The St Andrews University lecturer examined biblical texts and archaeological finds, including human remains, and came to the conclusion those living in the promised land did not have a balanced diet.

There was a notable shortage of meat and vegetables, he said, as well as a lack of vitamins and minerals.

Dr MacDonald, an Old Testament expert, said: "Though many people have thought otherwise, the evidence is that the diet in biblical times was not very healthy.

"Except for times of famine and food shortage - which were relatively frequent - it provided the necessary calories, but was lacking in certain key vitamins and minerals.

"A number of books propound a biblical diet because it is thought to be a low-fat, high-fibre diet.

"True, many Israelites rarely ate meat, but vegetables and fruit also featured far less than they needed to.

"In reality, it was not a balanced diet."

He admitted his findings might prove unpopular among those for whom the Bible provides not only moral but also nutritional guidance.

"I imagine it probably will upset some people," he said.

"I suspect what might happen is that I will be regarded as some sort of terrible liberal."

Scientific examination of human bones from the Israelite period also formed part of the academic's study, which he claimed provide further evidence of the Israelites' poor diet.

The tests pointed to cases of anaemia caused by a lack of iron. Sufferers of the condition lack enough iron to keep their red blood cells working properly.

Dr MacDonald said: "This is consistent with a diet that is high in flat bread and low in meat and vegetables.

"Pregnant women and children would have been especially vulnerable to malnutrition with consequences for the rest of their lives."

Dr MacDonald's book, What Did The Ancient Israelites Eat? Diet In Biblical Times, contains his findings and was published in the UK this month.

Winx's photo
Wed 01/14/09 09:12 AM
I've heard of that diet before. It didn't sound healthy to me.

I think it's a shame that he feels these findings will make him "unpopular among those for whom the Bible provides not only moral but also nutritional guidance."

Those were different times and the people had less education about nutrition then we do now.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Wed 01/14/09 12:39 PM

I've seen a couple of these books that prescribed a biblical diet. Like all trendy diets it seems they are bad for you.

Bible diets dismissed as healthy food choice
A religious expert poured cold water on the claim that the Bible is a good recipe for a healthy diet.

A string of best-selling books, especially popular in America, have extolled the virtues of foods featured in the religious text.

But far from being "the land of milk and honey", a study by theologian Dr Nathan MacDonald suggested ancient Israel was more likely to offer its inhabitants a bland choice of flat breads and grains.

I like how this gives very little proof of what they claim..

It is like we say so ,so that is the way it is.

We have forgotten the Bible said to make sure all meats are cooked well done. no blood.

Yet it has only been in recent years has the AMA came out and said as long as you cook a steak well done or hamburger you do not have the risk of Saminelia poisening.

Used to be everyone said you want blood in your steak..that is where the flavour is.

it tokk a lot of people dieing and getting deathly sick for the AMA to change its mind. The Scriptures has said for 1000's of years do not eat the blood.

This same thing goes along with bottom eaters. Fish, clams lobster, catfish. all bottom eaters.

The scriptures define these as abominations.

What is it saying? Sickness will be brought on you if youeat them.

This has been proven true but this as with swine means big Money.

Whenever Big Money is involved then our media and our health proffessionals are swayed by thier funding dollars.

In new Orleans thier was a big Same samenla scare.

Why? Because the Mississippi river with all its polution was bringing this bacteria down stream and it was settling in the Gulf of Mexico's entrance to the river. The crabs and whatever was digesting this stuff putting it in our food chain.

Catfish every year in the midwest thier is a warning issued by the Dept. of Natural Rescoures warning not to eat the catfish in the lakes.

Why only catfish do they warn about?

Again same reason they feed off the bottom and the pesticides from the farmland ends up in the lakes and the catfish end up digesting it.

many things they are not saying. Now i am not suprised that these chr-stian Drs. would say this. They believe all that was done away and we can eat what we want.

The scriptures never say this. To the contrary all the Apostles spoke of eating Clean foods.

We have baptists ministers who go off that we should not drink alcohol. They make a big deal about this.

yet the Apostles Paul said a little wine is good for your stomach.

What did the AMA find when searching the world for the lowest rate of heart Disease?

They found that what they had been putting out for years should of been the Highest rate of Heart Disease.

Where was it?

France has it where they cook everything in butter. They should of had the highest not the lowest.

The french though has for who knows how long as a custom drink 1 or 2 glasses of wine from mid teens after every meal.

They concluded this practice enabled the body to relax thus causing less stress and this was better on our digestive system.

Again the Bible says for thousands of years what modern science could not discover on it's own.

Then we have the cancer worldwide study.

They found that ovarian cancer is almost not even heard of in Isralie women.

Why is this? They have a few therories but still have not come to a real conclusion but they have admitted it has something to do with the Biblical lifestyle.

I saw another test that is not available anymore or at least i can not find it.

That is they did a study to find out the melting point od animal fat. Swine VS Beef.

They found that swine melted at 105 F and Beef at 101F

What is important we are not being let known here?

The clogging of the Ateries. When beef fat clings to your viens whenever you do an arobic exersize for 20 minutes or longer all the Beef fat i n yuour viens will let go and flush out your system..

Not true with Swine. You have to be deathly sick to get a core tempature of 105F.

So why are we really sick?

Just think about what the Bible say will be an Abomination to you if you eat it ( Very Sick) and what will be ok and is called clean to eat.. Blessings of Shalom...Miles

The St Andrews University lecturer examined biblical texts and archaeological finds, including human remains, and came to the conclusion those living in the promised land did not have a balanced diet.

There was a notable shortage of meat and vegetables, he said, as well as a lack of vitamins and minerals.

Dr MacDonald, an Old Testament expert, said: "Though many people have thought otherwise, the evidence is that the diet in biblical times was not very healthy.

"Except for times of famine and food shortage - which were relatively frequent - it provided the necessary calories, but was lacking in certain key vitamins and minerals.

"A number of books propound a biblical diet because it is thought to be a low-fat, high-fibre diet.

"True, many Israelites rarely ate meat, but vegetables and fruit also featured far less than they needed to.

"In reality, it was not a balanced diet."

He admitted his findings might prove unpopular among those for whom the Bible provides not only moral but also nutritional guidance.

"I imagine it probably will upset some people," he said.

"I suspect what might happen is that I will be regarded as some sort of terrible liberal."

Scientific examination of human bones from the Israelite period also formed part of the academic's study, which he claimed provide further evidence of the Israelites' poor diet.

The tests pointed to cases of anaemia caused by a lack of iron. Sufferers of the condition lack enough iron to keep their red blood cells working properly.

Dr MacDonald said: "This is consistent with a diet that is high in flat bread and low in meat and vegetables.

"Pregnant women and children would have been especially vulnerable to malnutrition with consequences for the rest of their lives."

Dr MacDonald's book, What Did The Ancient Israelites Eat? Diet In Biblical Times, contains his findings and was published in the UK this month.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Wed 01/14/09 12:46 PM
Edited by Milesoftheusa on Wed 01/14/09 01:06 PM
I like how this gives very little proof of what they claim..

It is like we say so ,so that is the way it is.

We have forgotten the Bible said to make sure all meats are cooked well done. no blood.

Yet it has only been in recent years has the AMA came out and said as long as you cook a steak well done or hamburger you do not have the risk of Saminela poisening.

Used to be everyone said you want blood in your steak..that is where the flavour is.

it took a lot of people dieing and getting deathly sick for the AMA to change its mind. The Scriptures has said for 1000's of years do not eat the blood.

This same thing goes along with bottom eaters. Fish, clams, lobster, catfish. all bottom eaters.

The scriptures define these as abominations.

What is it saying? Sickness will be brought on you, if you eat them.

This has been proven true but this as with swine means big Money.

Whenever Big Money is involved then our media and our health proffessionals are swayed by thier funding dollars.

In New Orleans thier was a big samenela scare.

Why? Because the Mississippi river with all its polution was bringing this bacteria down stream and it was settling in the Gulf of Mexico's entrance to the river. The crabs and whatever was digesting this stuff putting it in our food chain.

Catfish every year in the midwest thier is a warning issued by the Dept. of Natural Rescoures warning not to eat the catfish in the lakes.

Why only catfish do they warn about?

Again same reason they feed off the bottom and the pesticides from the farmland ends up in the lakes and the catfish end up digesting it.

Many things they are not saying. Now i am not suprised that these chr-stian Drs. would say this. They believe all that was done away and we can eat what we want.

The scriptures never say this. To the contrary all the Apostles spoke of eating Clean foods.

We have Baptists ministers who go off that we should not drink alcohol. They make a big deal about this.

Yet the Apostles Paul said a little wine is good for your stomach.

What did the AMA find when searching the world for the lowest rate of Heart Disease?

They found that what they had been putting out for years should of been the Highest rate of Heart Disease.

Where was it?

France has it where they cook everything in butter. They should of had the highest not the lowest.

The French though has for who knows how long as a custom, drink 1 or 2 glasses of wine (from mid teenage years), after every meal.

They concluded this practice enabled the body to relax thus causing less stress and this was better on our digestive system.

Again the Bible says for thousands of years what modern science could not discover on it's own.

Then we have the cancer worldwide study.

They found that ovarian cancer is almost not even heard of in Isralie women.

Why is this? They have a few therories but still have not come to a real conclusion but they have admitted it has something to do with the Biblical lifestyle.

I saw another test that is not available anymore or at least i can not find it.

That is they did a study to find out the melting point od animal fat. Swine VS Beef.

They found that swine melted at 105 F and Beef at 101F

What is important we are not being let known here?

The clogging of the Arteries. When beef fat clings to your viens whenever you do an arobic exersize for 20 minutes or longer all the Beef fat i n your viens will let go and flush out your system..

Not true with Swine. You have to be deathly sick to get a core tempature of 105F.

So why are we really sick?

Just think about what the Bible say will be an Abomination to you if you eat it ( Very Sick) and what will be ok and is called clean to eat.. Blessings of Shalom...Miles

Yamin's photo
Wed 01/14/09 02:34 PM
8 But Daniel laid it upon his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the sovereign's food, nor with the wine he drank. So he asked permission from the chief of the eunuchs not to defile himself.

9 And Elohim granted Daniel kindness and compassion from the chief of the eunuchs,

10 but the chief of the eunuchs said to Daniel, "I fear my master the sovereign, who has appointed your food and drink. For why should he see your faces looking worse than the young men who are your age? Then you would make my head guilty before the sovereign.

11 and daniel said to the overseer whom the chief of the eunuchs had set over Daniel, Hananyah, Misha'el, and Azaryah.,

12 "Please try your servants for ten day, and let them give us vegetables to eat and water to drink".

13 "Then let our appearances be examined before you, and the appearances of the young men who eat the portion of the sovereign's food. And do with your servants as you see fit".

14 And he listened to them in this matter, and tried them ten days,

15 And at the end of ten days their appearances looked better and fatter in flesh than all the young men who ate the portion of the sovereign's food.

16 And it came to be that the overseer took away their portion of food and the wine they were to drink, and gave them vegetables.:smile: :smile:
Daniel 1:8-16


:smile: :heart: :smile: :heart: :smile: :heart:


Winx's photo
Wed 01/14/09 04:39 PM
Edited by Winx on Wed 01/14/09 04:41 PM
From Lynann's article:

"The St Andrews University lecturer examined biblical texts and archaeological finds, including human remains, and came to the conclusion those living in the promised land did not have a balanced diet."

"There was a notable shortage of meat and vegetables, he said, as well as a lack of vitamins and minerals".

"In reality, it was not a balanced diet."

"The tests pointed to cases of anemia caused by a lack of iron. Sufferers of the condition lack enough iron to keep their red blood cells working properly."

"Pregnant women and children would have been especially vulnerable to malnutrition with consequences for the rest of their lives."

"It provided the necessary calories, but was lacking in certain key vitamins and minerals."

Milesoftheusa's photo
Wed 01/14/09 04:49 PM

From Lynann's article:

"The St Andrews University lecturer examined biblical texts and archaeological finds, including human remains, and came to the conclusion those living in the promised land did not have a balanced diet."

"There was a notable shortage of meat and vegetables, he said, as well as a lack of vitamins and minerals".

"In reality, it was not a balanced diet."

"The tests pointed to cases of anemia caused by a lack of iron. Sufferers of the condition lack enough iron to keep their red blood cells working properly."

"Pregnant women and children would have been especially vulnerable to malnutrition with consequences for the rest of their lives."

"It provided the necessary calories, but was lacking in certain key vitamins and minerals."

Lets see...Only Israelites lived in the promice land.. Must of had a wall all around the whole country to keep everyone out.

Thats the only conclusion thats possible for him to know these were the chosen people.. Interesting how we look at things..Shalom...Miles

music_man_1957's photo
Wed 01/14/09 04:51 PM
I turn bread into a 4 course meal! & I can turn water into delicious aged wine! drool

Winx's photo
Wed 01/14/09 04:52 PM

From Lynann's article:

"The St Andrews University lecturer examined biblical texts and archaeological finds, including human remains, and came to the conclusion those living in the promised land did not have a balanced diet."

"There was a notable shortage of meat and vegetables, he said, as well as a lack of vitamins and minerals".

"In reality, it was not a balanced diet."

"The tests pointed to cases of anemia caused by a lack of iron. Sufferers of the condition lack enough iron to keep their red blood cells working properly."

"Pregnant women and children would have been especially vulnerable to malnutrition with consequences for the rest of their lives."

"It provided the necessary calories, but was lacking in certain key vitamins and minerals."

Lets see...Only Israelites lived in the promice land.. Must of had a wall all around the whole country to keep everyone out.

Thats the only conclusion thats possible for him to know these were the chosen people.. Interesting how we look at things..Shalom...Miles

What does that have to do with his findings with the remains that he studied in his archeological findings?

Milesoftheusa's photo
Wed 01/14/09 04:56 PM

From Lynann's article:

"The St Andrews University lecturer examined biblical texts and archaeological finds, including human remains, and came to the conclusion those living in the promised land did not have a balanced diet."

"There was a notable shortage of meat and vegetables, he said, as well as a lack of vitamins and minerals".

"In reality, it was not a balanced diet."

"The tests pointed to cases of anemia caused by a lack of iron. Sufferers of the condition lack enough iron to keep their red blood cells working properly."

"Pregnant women and children would have been especially vulnerable to malnutrition with consequences for the rest of their lives."

"It provided the necessary calories, but was lacking in certain key vitamins and minerals."

Lets see...Only Israelites lived in the promice land.. Must of had a wall all around the whole country to keep everyone out.

Thats the only conclusion thats possible for him to know these were the chosen people.. Interesting how we look at things..Shalom...Miles

What does that have to do with his findings with the remains that he studied in his archeological findings?

I am saying how does he know who these bones were from. Just because they were in the promice land does not make them the chosen people's bones..

That seems to be a assumption to me with out merit. I will stick with what Scripture says.


norslyman's photo
Fri 01/16/09 06:00 PM

From Lynann's article:

"The St Andrews University lecturer examined biblical texts and archaeological finds, including human remains, and came to the conclusion those living in the promised land did not have a balanced diet."

"There was a notable shortage of meat and vegetables, he said, as well as a lack of vitamins and minerals".

"In reality, it was not a balanced diet."

"The tests pointed to cases of anemia caused by a lack of iron. Sufferers of the condition lack enough iron to keep their red blood cells working properly."

"Pregnant women and children would have been especially vulnerable to malnutrition with consequences for the rest of their lives."

"It provided the necessary calories, but was lacking in certain key vitamins and minerals."

Lets see...Only Israelites lived in the promice land.. Must of had a wall all around the whole country to keep everyone out.

Thats the only conclusion thats possible for him to know these were the chosen people.. Interesting how we look at things..Shalom...Miles

What a bunch of hogwash! Norsly is getting upset!mad
These monsters probably see how popular these books are getting and are trying to discredit them. The FDA probably paid this moron of a scientist to do some fake research for them. That's how this stuff works.

Shortage of meat!laugh laugh laugh
What did the temple service revolve around! Slaughtering animals - every day - and many more on feast days!! There was tons of meat! What were all the shepherds tending?

Anyone who falls for this type of crud is under mind control. Case closed.

no photo
Sun 01/18/09 10:54 AM
Miles its pretty common sense that when people eat undercooked meat that they get sick, I see no reason this being included in the bible says anything other then it was just as common to understand this principle then as it is now or even more so due to poor medical and poor refrigeration and sterilization.