Topic: why woul there be people in a relationship on here?
papersmile's photo
Tue 01/13/09 03:52 PM

whoa, back off the kid. he just doesnt know how it works here yet. christ.

then maybe he should dip his toe in first huh and test the water before he submerges his entire body?

perhaps we should be a bit more understanding. just a thought.

when someone writes to me, and poses the question in a sincere, kind way, i am a bit more understanding, and i try to respond politely with a reason that might be helpful to them.

however, when they create a thread, their very first post as well, and whine and moan about why i shouldn't be here, i've nothing to offer by way of understanding.

7z3r05's photo
Tue 01/13/09 04:58 PM
oh well. i tried.

i leave you with one last question. whats it to ya? lol.

no photo
Tue 01/13/09 05:06 PM
I met someone here....and am considering logging off if it gets in the way of my focus on the new things in my life. However, my boyfriend encourages me to stay on the forums as he knows I love them. He is on here too but doesn't actively participate. Lots of reasons why one would stay I guess, but I do get your point about it being a dating site. It does advertise itself as such.

catchme_ifucan's photo
Tue 01/13/09 05:21 PM
slaphead Don't get pissy because they have somebody & you don't! whoa

papersmile's photo
Tue 01/13/09 06:30 PM
Edited by papersmile on Tue 01/13/09 06:31 PM

oh well. i tried.

i leave you with one last question. whats it to ya? lol.

what's it to ME?

what's it to HIM?? he's the one that has a problem with females who are in relationships being on this site - not me.

Aquila_'s photo
Tue 01/13/09 06:38 PM

whoa, back off the kid. he just doesnt know how it works here yet. christ.

then maybe he should dip his toe in first huh and test the water before he submerges his entire body?

perhaps we should be a bit more understanding. just a thought.

Good for you for your tolerance and patience. Forums of all types are bound to have the same issues raised repeatedly and the same questions asked constantly. Instead of the regulars giving the new people a hard time about redundancy the regulars would better serve the forum's interest by just ignoring the new threads. Let other new people answer the redundant questions and the regulars can just skip over to the next op question.

MONGO_10000BC's photo
Tue 01/13/09 06:40 PM
Mongo wonder why some people's opinions
Are more valid than other people's opinions
Mongo think anyone can say anything
And Mongo not care who gets pissy about it

7z3r05's photo
Tue 01/13/09 06:41 PM

whoa, back off the kid. he just doesnt know how it works here yet. christ.

then maybe he should dip his toe in first huh and test the water before he submerges his entire body?

perhaps we should be a bit more understanding. just a thought.

Good for you for your tolerance and patience. Forums of all types are bound to have the same issues raised repeatedly and the same questions asked constantly. Instead of the regulars giving the new people a hard time about redundancy the regulars would better serve the forum's interest by just ignoring the new threads. Let other new people answer the redundant questions and the regulars can just skip over to the next op question.


that was quite righteous!

thanks for the backup! flowerforyou

papersmile's photo
Tue 01/13/09 06:44 PM
Good for you for your tolerance and patience. Forums of all types are bound to have the same issues raised repeatedly and the same questions asked constantly. Instead of the regulars giving the new people a hard time about redundancy the regulars would better serve the forum's interest by just ignoring the new threads. Let other new people answer the redundant questions and the regulars can just skip over to the next op question.

nope. not me.

if i walked into a bar where i knew no one, or a new place of work, or someone's house and needed to ask a question, i'd certainly do so in a polite and respectful manner and not expect everyone bend to what i demand.

if the question were posed in that way, my response would have matched.

Aquila_'s photo
Tue 01/13/09 06:50 PM

Mongo wonder why some people's opinions
Are more valid than other people's opinions
Mongo think anyone can say anything
And Mongo not care who gets pissy about it

Aquila wonder why Mongo talk in third person
Aquila entertained by Mongo's post even if they get worsen
Aquila looked at Mongo's profile and saw nothing to give a clue
Aquila wonder if Mongo is really a man or Mongo belong in a zoo

eileena9's photo
Tue 01/13/09 06:56 PM's my two cents on the topic......

If you see a member who interests you and you feel you want to chat with their profile first!!! Most times it will say, "here for friends, looking for love/intimate encounter/dating/activity partner" but it the other person is in a relationship, they will have it posted in their profile "TAKEN, found my match, off the market, just here for friends.

I have made many friends here on this site in the 21 months I am on here, and just because I am now engaged to someone I met here doesn't mean I will leave. TheCaptain and I are both big flirts with those who know us and we respect and trust each other to know that nothing is going to come from talking to people of the opposite (or even same) sex, that we flirt with.

{Okay.....that was more than two cents worth, but it was on sale, such a bargain!!}laugh

papersmile's photo
Tue 01/13/09 06:59 PM
eileen, i've been told by men, in private email, that i still show up on the mutual matches.

i don't know if that's true, but i can see as to how that would be misleading. i wonder if there's a way for those of us in relationships to not appear on those sorts of lists (to become less visible perhaps)?

JoeW99's photo
Tue 01/13/09 07:03 PM
I think the OP has to realize we all come here for a different reasons. Even given that, some peoples reasons change over time.

There are the people looking for the perfect match, some looking to get laid, others just here to talk/chat with people.

There is enough information you can gather from profiles/ talking to someone to determine what they are looking for. If you are still confused just ask.. most of us will tell you!

eileena9's photo
Tue 01/13/09 07:13 PM
Lisa, I agree with you that I wish there was a way we didn't show up on Mutual Match and such, but even when you check out the MM feature it gives your headline and the first few sentences from your profile.

Just with that much info they can see that you are taken (the first two lines of your profile) and that I am taken (met my hubby-to-be right here on JSH). If they would just take that much time, five seconds worth of reading, they can find out if they should click "no" or just click off your (in general) profile.

But the lack of reading is another thread entirely...I made one up a while back and it still continues. ohwell

Hardolin's photo
Wed 01/14/09 07:17 PM

However, if she asked me to stop socializing with the opposite sex I can respect that.


so the cashier at the grocery store? you'd stop talking with her as you pay

the lady who cuts your hair? you'd leave her to go to the barber down the street

your co-worker? you'd ignore her because your partner didn't want you to socialize with the opposite sex

can anyone say 'nice guy'?

Cashiers, stylists, co-workers?
These are business transactions, not social events. I generally don't speak to these people beyond what is necessary to facilitate said transactions. Now if I found one of the above to be attractive and receptive, yes I would 'socialize' with them. However, as should be clear if I were already 'involved' I would not.

Some people are socialy dependant, I am not. I live alone, I have a few close friends. I long for a more intimate relashionship. I don't get off on being a socialite.

Frankly, I find the 'nobody is going to tell me what to do' response quite child-like.

But hey, whatever gets you off.

no photo
Wed 01/14/09 07:20 PM

Now why in the world would a woman want to talk to a guy on here when she is in a relationship. I say if you are in a relatonship why are you here just leave and can we delete the unused profiles after a certain period of time? For all I know I'm contacting someone who hasn't loged on since they created their account 7 years ago.

Cuz i want to, i have friends here...Period.

music_man_1957's photo
Wed 01/14/09 09:26 PM
I can smell another post that's gonna get locked! & I ain't to blame this time! laugh

Winx's photo
Thu 01/15/09 12:16 AM

Just curious so do you think that if someone is in a relationship they no longer should talk to the opposite sex?

Ohh and they could only have been here between 2-3 years due to that is how long the site has been here.

And that feature has been asked for several times and is in fact on the list.

And to add in when this site started as JustSayHi it was actually advertised as a Christian/Singles/Friends site not just your normally dating site.

Wow, I didn't know that. Cool.

OrangeCat's photo
Thu 01/15/09 12:21 AM
Edited by OrangeCat on Thu 01/15/09 12:21 AM
because they can

that there is a good enough reason.

but people do have friends,you do know what them are right???you do know that just cause your in a relationship,you dont stop talking to friends.

scoundrel's photo
Thu 01/15/09 12:25 AM
you know what?

I like each of you.

We might not get along.
We obviously do not see eye to eye at times.
We might never meet.
But, dang it, I am GLAD that each of you are here, AND that you've got the schutzpah to post your comments and trust everybody to agree to disagree and be themselves.
Or else I would torch this place.
But, because YOU are YOU, this is a good place.
Keep on keepin' on!!!
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: