Topic: How do I make myself seem more "interesting"
JoeW99's photo
Sat 01/10/09 02:36 PM

:smile: Use fancy words on your profile like "ecclectic":smile:

:smile: And copy and paste a bunch of stuff in the philosophy and religion threads so you look smart.:tongue:

laugh You dont even have to read the stuff.laugh

:smile: Copy and paste some poetry or quotes by famous people onto your profile.:smile:

But remember to change the name & claim 'em as your own...
laugh laugh laugh

You are both evil! noway

prisoner's photo
Sat 01/10/09 02:38 PM
to make myself seem more interesting i tell people the james bond films are based on my real life exploits be seeing you

no photo
Sat 01/10/09 02:39 PM

Sometimes I think I bore people. Maybe I'm just paranoid, but it feels like when I talk to new girls that they seem "bored" of me really fast. I don't know why i think I'm a funny and interesting person, but I don't know why it seems like I may bore them. What would be a better way to "present" myself? Not that I want to embellish anything, but maybe its just the way I talk or something..

don't feel bad, men bore of me easily too. as for advice to make yourself seem more interesting...i don't suggest trying to be what you're not. if you don't have anything to say to their questions, maybe you could just say that.

i used to talk to a guy and he told me most of the time he just didn't know what to say to me, because "i blew his mind with my intelligence." i admit it was flattering.:wink:

no photo
Sat 01/10/09 02:39 PM

OK...I'm being serious now...perhaps you could work on developing your sense of humor? You always sound so serious here...believe me...a sense of the ridiculous is the ONLY way to get through the dating maze...

I have a good sense of humor, or so my friend just told me haha. I love laughing and joking around a lot and, I make a lot of joke posts on here too, but I am also serious when necessary.

Oh! Wait a minute! Aren't you the "toast guy" from last night? Fo shizzle! You izzle! And women find that boring?

no photo
Sat 01/10/09 03:15 PM

Oh yea! Girls go ga-ga over a writer! :laughing:

When did this happen? I didn't get that memo....


no photo
Sat 01/10/09 03:22 PM

Oh yea! Girls go ga-ga over a writer! :laughing:

When did this happen? I didn't get that memo....


it is true though..

no photo
Sat 01/10/09 03:25 PM

Oh yea! Girls go ga-ga over a writer! :laughing:

When did this happen? I didn't get that memo....


it is true though..

I can tell you it isn't....first-hand knowledge....

Jill298's photo
Sat 01/10/09 04:17 PM

Yea, I tend to ask questions and try and find out more about the other person, but I'm talking about anytime not just when we first talk. I don't talk to people on here all my talking is done via aim and sometimes when I get asked questions I have such boring/lame answers for her. =/
Then maybe you are a little boring and lame. Some chicks are into that... less drama that way.

no photo
Sat 01/10/09 10:21 PM

Oh yea! Girls go ga-ga over a writer! :laughing:

When did this happen? I didn't get that memo....


it is true though..

I can tell you it isn't....first-hand knowledge....

well, i like writers and i'm a girl, so who's wrong now?:tongue:

Monier's photo
Sat 01/10/09 10:24 PM
Maybe you are trying too hard.

Keep trying, but go with the flow

no photo
Sat 01/10/09 10:31 PM
how are you with her in a group setting. some people are cool normally but when they get into a group setting they start trippin and want to leave. This begins to be boring and you want someone to hang out with and socialize. i dont know if that is you but maybe you need to take them places and have fun.

Rockmybobbysocks's photo
Sat 01/10/09 10:32 PM
ask nothin but open ended questions and listen. and throw in some insight about yourself when yuou can. but not too much. don't ramble. be cool.. collective... confident.

and for gods sake fill out your profile for realz man.

no photo
Sat 01/10/09 10:34 PM

Sometimes I think I bore people. Maybe I'm just paranoid, but it feels like when I talk to new girls that they seem "bored" of me really fast. I don't know why i think I'm a funny and interesting person, but I don't know why it seems like I may bore them. What would be a better way to "present" myself? Not that I want to embellish anything, but maybe its just the way I talk or something..
All you need to do is be REAL, be nice, and be YOU!!!
Folks will see your heart and want to know you..But PLEASE,,just be you man,,your make friends and find some who will like YOU..drinker Good luck here..

Citizen_Joe's photo
Sat 01/10/09 10:42 PM
Edited by Citizen_Joe on Sat 01/10/09 10:43 PM

Sometimes I think I bore people. Maybe I'm just paranoid, but it feels like when I talk to new girls that they seem "bored" of me really fast. I don't know why i think I'm a funny and interesting person, but I don't know why it seems like I may bore them. What would be a better way to "present" myself? Not that I want to embellish anything, but maybe its just the way I talk or something..

You know, people don't want to look at their own negative side sometimes but to be honest, being willing to see it often gets people through it. That being said, do you feel like you're a boring person? If so, that's half of the battle. The other half would be to take actions not to be bored and/or boring, such as explore new hobbies and interests. That being said, and knowing at least parts of my own life to are boring, I'm doing pretty much just that. Of course that next woman in my life will have to learn to accept that interior decorating shalt not interfere with thy pool table. laugh laugh laugh laugh

PacificStar48's photo
Sat 01/10/09 11:17 PM
You are probably your own worst critic but if you think you could be more interesting then you might want to make and effort to broaden your horizons.

Set aside a time of the day( maybe 30 minutes) when your memory is clear and read. A newspaper or news site would be good way to stay current. Maybe subscribe to a couple magazines that reflect your interests. You can not be an expert about all things but skimming a multitude of subjects you can at least ask intelligent questions and follow a conversation even if it isn't your lead interests. If you want to talk with women you might want to read on subjects that would be of interest to them. Not woose out but not be totally disinterested.

You are really young so I would think about taking some more education. Classes that are smaller and maybe would have more interaction so you would not only learns something of interest but get more comfortable talking with people.

Also while you are not locked down by as many responsibilities I would make and effort to travel. Either through a community college, charity, church group, or a traveling job. Part of being interesting is having interesting experiences. .

ScotishGerman27's photo
Sun 01/11/09 12:11 AM
lol ^^ everyones opinions are so friggin byist... how come u like writers calleigh?? hmm?? :banana:

ive never noticed i like a trait such as vocation or talents in any girl ive ever courted frustrated

no photo
Sun 01/11/09 12:16 AM

lol ^^ everyones opinions are so friggin byist... how come u like writers calleigh?? hmm?? :banana:

ive never noticed i like a trait such as vocation or talents in any girl ive ever courted frustrated

Well, I am a writer, so if a guy is also a writer, we'd have that in common. Writers have excellent imaginations and great use of spelling, grammar and punctuation, and they usually have a fabulous vocabulary. All of this I find exciting.

Everyone likes different things, you don't have to find someone's talents attractive, simply because I do.laugh

ScotishGerman27's photo
Sun 01/11/09 12:18 AM
your right, but u usually are flowerforyou

no photo
Sun 01/11/09 12:33 AM

your right, but u usually are flowerforyou

I've been wrong too many times to remember.:cry:

no photo
Sun 01/11/09 09:58 AM

Oh yea! Girls go ga-ga over a writer! :laughing:

When did this happen? I didn't get that memo....


it is true though..

I can tell you it isn't....first-hand knowledge....

well, i like writers and i'm a girl, so who's wrong now?:tongue:

Well, OK, I'm a writer, too (2 books published last year), and it hasn't made an ounce of difference in the number of people who are interested in me -- so I'll give you one out of 3.2 billion, which, statistically speaking, is about as close to zero as you can get.
