Topic: Chapter 15 Pirate's Plunder
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Fri 01/09/09 05:02 PM
Edited by smiless on Fri 01/09/09 05:22 PM
The Sacred Woods of Silvernarion (Book 1)

Chapter 15 Pirate's Plunder

“You are steering this box of crap in the wrong direction!” shouts a burly red headed man watching a frigate closing in.

He looks through his hourglass and watches how a rowdy bunch of men wave their cutlasses. The tallest of the men is wearing an elegant blue jacket cuffed with golden buttons.

He too is watching with an hourglass. The burly red head then lowers his hourglass, runs through the ship, and pushes a short man off the steering wheel.

“We will never outrun them if you sail against the winds Samson,” he says spinning the steering wheel to the left.

“Those pirates have already damaged most of the hauls captain,” argues Samson now holding onto a railing, as the ship turns suddenly leftwards.

The captain looks at Samson before looking back at the frigate that is getting closer by the moment.

“Hang the white flag then,” he says sadly hanging his head down defeated.
The huge frigate with black sails comes closer.

Ropes with hooks are thrown over board, as rowdy pirates jump on with their weapons drawn. They search the deck for any danger before allowing their captain to come onboard. He walks elegantly on a plank passing his men and looking down at Samson.

“Is yee the cap of this miserable dinghy?” he asks revealing a row of gold teeth.

“No he is,” Samson replies in a nervous tone.
The pirate then adjusts his leather hat and turns to look at the captain.

“Whats yee name be?” he asks as a whiff of bad breathe mixed with rum hits the burly man’s face.

“My name is Vetrian Marden,” he replies slowly wiggling his nose.

“I tells yee what. I am in a good mood today. I take yees goods and let em keep this piece of wood to sink in the seas,” the black bearded captain offers laughing loudly.

His crew begins to laugh with him.

“What yee laughing about? Get to work!” he shouts ending his victory laugh.

His fellow pirates sheathe their weapons and run down the decks storage to unload the barrels of ale. The day becomes evening before the last barrel of brew is unloaded from the slowly sinking ship.

“The pirate’s captain walks up to Vetrian and lays his cutlass on his neck.

“If yees ever make mees waste cannonballs again, I wills kill ya,” he warns before lowering his weapon.

Vetrian stands still, as a droplet of sweat rolls down his forehead.

“Fare yee well merchant,” the pirate says as he walks a plank back on board his ship.

His men follow before landing back on their ship. The ships slowly drift apart.

“We are lucky to be alive,” Samson says wiping his nervous sweat from his forehead with a rag.

“We are alive but now I have lost my business. Those barrels of ale were my last investment,” Vetrian says disappointingly.

“Get every man to scoop up water on the lowest deck of the ship. Get some men to patch up what they can on the bottom hauls,” Vetrian orders.

Samson nods his head, as he runs quickly down a deck to scream his orders. Vetrian looks at the pirate’s frigate getting smaller sailing further northwards. This was not the first time he was plundered, yet he never has been robbed twice in such a short period of time.

He took the safest passes through the seas to avoid these merciless men. He had gone on convoys to avoid their excursions. He even tried to load the ship with bodyguards once to try to fight these reckless men. Perhaps his days in the seas have ended, as the golden age for pirates has just begun. He lets out a defeated sigh, as he watches his men scramble trying to save the ship from sinking.

He then looks through his hourglass ahead and sees the beginnings of his hometown’s port. He was so close to making it with his goods. Shaking his head he slowly turns the steering wheel heading in that direction. Samson gets onboard and stands to look at his captain. He puts his hand on his shoulder and sighs.

“Whatever happens I will always be your first mate lad,” he says sincerely.
Vetrian looks down at the man.

“I fear my days of merchanting are over Samson. I am officially ruined and do not even have enough gold to fix this ship, after I pay the men off. I will have no other choice but to watch the “Dancing Mermaid” slowly sink,” he says disappointingly.

The ship creeks and cracks as it struggle to sail towards port.

The ripped sails of the three main masts do little in adding it travels. As the ship lowers its anchor, three rowboats hit the waters as men slowly board. Two rowboats full of men row themselves closer to the port. Vetrian watches them row away knowing these fine young and hardworking sailors will never return.

They will boast in the taverns telling their story of how fortunate they were to survive a pirate’s attack. They will be waiting for an able captain to offer them gold and riches to sail with him. He looks down at his ship before looking at Samson.

“You can leave now men. I thank you for your service. I will pay you at the Red Lamp’s Tavern tomorrow morning,” Vetrian says before putting his hands on the door to his lodge.

He then was about to walk in as he sees his first mate and men not leaving as normally they would scramble to get into the rowboats and head to the taverns for drinks. He looks at them and begins to repeat himself as Samson speaks,

“We are loyal to you captain and most of all the Dancing Mermaid. If you don’t mind sir, we would like to stay behind and try to fix this ship as best as we can,” Samson offers.

Vetrian looks at Samson and then at the other men. Most have the men hold tools in their hands ready to continue restoration of the ship.

“You are most welcome to restore your home men,” the big red bearded captain says.

“As a matter of fact let me join you,” he offers.

“No captain,” Samson replies sticking out his hands.

“If you don’t mind sir, I will see you at the tavern tomorrow morning,” he says pointing to the rowboat to board.

Vetrian looks at his first mate lowering his head.

He wipes a tear from his eyes disappointed at the poor leadership skills he has presented on his last voyages. He then looks up at Samson and then the men and tries to show a small smile.

“Your wife and sons will be waiting for you,” Samson continues to urge.

“Very well Samson, I will see you tomorrow then,” he says before climbing down the side railings and hopping onto the rowboat.

He takes the oars and rows alone towards port. He looks sadly at the Dancing Mermaid. He has never seen his ship in such a terrible condition before.

It was not so wise to load the ship with cannons and fight back the pirates after all. What a waste of gold and effort it was. In all of his long cylcones in sea, he has never put his men in such danger, losing half of his best men at the process. It surely was a humiliation to the finest, yet despite his loss; he has a small crew loyal to him. Samson has been his first mate for over twenty cyclones.

His dedication is unparallel to any that has set foot on the Dancing Mermaid. It surely is a blessing to have such a dedicated friend. He sets foot onto dock and walks into town where many buildings align the harbor. Smoke escapes from chimney tops as cold air hits the rough faced captain.

His boots hit the crunching iced paved roads, as he pushes forward down an alleyway. He walks around the potion’s shop and walks quickly behind the building avoiding another unpleasant cold draft. An old house with torn shutters presents itself.

He knocks on the door as a plump rosy cheek woman looks from behind some curtains frowning before rushing out the door. She opens it quickly and slaps Vetrian’s face.

“Where the hell have you been!” she shouts.
Vetrian smiles as she picks up the lady and hugs her walking inside the small house. He kicks the door shut and looks at her.

Her frown turns into a smile as she hugs him back. He then lets her down and sits on the bed in the room to take off his boots. She lies on the bed as he then joins her.

“It is nice to finally see you again. You know I worry myself to death when you are gone on those high seas,” she says getting closer.

She then stops smiling and looks into his green eyes.
She sees the worried expression before edging back.

She then takes the covers and draws them closer to herself unsure of what her husband will tell her.

“What is wrong hun?” she finally asks.

“I lost all of our business to pirates Maggie,” he replies.

Her face begins to redden before finally a worried expression forms.

“This is the second time this era. This has never happened before,” she exclaims.

“How are the sons?” he asks trying to forget his awful day in sea.

“I don’t know what is wrong with the both of them,” she replies after a long silence.

“They have been sleeping for the entire day. First, I thought maybe they have a fever, as they could not get out of bed a few days ago. Now no one knows what they have. Oh honey, I didn’t want to worry you right away when you got home,” she says rubbing her fingers on his face.

His face hardens as he gets out of bed to walk to his boys room.

Maggie follows closely behind. He leans down to look at his oldest son Martis. His uncombed red hair and milky white skin show no signs of sickness. He puts his rough hand on his son’s head before looking at his wife.

“He seems fine to me,’ he finally says.

“That is the problem. Many of the people in town have this same problem. They look fine yet are in some kind of endless sleep. The town’s cleric has said that is could be a curse of somekind. He is not sure about it and told us to just keep watching for anything unusual,” she finally says frowning.

Vetrian’s face gets angry.

“So that is what he said huh,” he replies sarcastically.

“Now don’t make any problems for yourself Vet,” as she tried to grab his hand.

He frowns not accepting her hand before walking towards the room to put his boots back on.

“Oh come on honey. Don’t tell me you are going to the Red Lamp’s already,” she says sadly.

“I can’t take it anymore Maggie. My ship is sinking. We are out of business and my sons are sick,” he replies struggling to get his last boot back on.

“Stay here with me tonight honey,” she pleads.

He sighs looking at his wife before standing up.

“I can’t, I just can’t tonight,” he replies before leaving the house towards the Red Lamp’s Tavern.

A big red building across from his home is decorated with dimly lit red lanterns. Drunken sailors try to sing above the ravishing loud music promising any a good night.

He recognizes some of the men’s voices, as they are enjoying their time on land. He opens the doors to the tavern and walks towards the bar dismissing any eye contact and walking straight to the bar. A very tall blonde woman comes and blows a kiss at him who only sulks looking at the empty mugs in front of him.

“What is wrong Vet?” she asks leaning her arms over the bar to stare into his green eyes.

“Reserve me a barrel of your darkest ale tonight Lucille,” he replies ignoring her question.
She smiles rubbing her hands.

“I knew nothing is wrong with you,” she says going to the back and down some stairs to fetch a small barrel of dark ale.

Vetrian looks at the many sailors, merchants, farmers, musicians, artists, and prostitutes laughing and brawling at the latest events.

Lucille’s tavern has always been full since the day he moved to town twenty five years ago. He was a simple merchant selling fruits and vegetables at the market.

Lucille puts a mug of dark ale in front of him before scurrying off to merchants sitting at a round oak table. They are complaining about how their mugs are empty for the longest time. Vetrian takes a huge gulp enjoying the potent drink. He remembers the days he sold his goods to the locals and how much easier it was.

How he managed to make great profits and how he thought by buying a ship would bring him more wealth in the trade. Taking another gulp, he thinks back of the day he received the claim from the man who owned the Dancing Mermaid.

His old, wrinkled, and worn look showed many years of hard labor that shown a sense of defeat. He explained the many dangers he had endured from pirates, storms, and challenges that had made his business crumble to the ground forcing to sell his ship.

Now today he sits in the same stool as this man had twenty years ago defeated. The only difference is he is half as old as the man that had sold the Mermaid to him. How he managed to stay in business for so long is still a mystery as he looks down at his mug.

He slumps over taking the last gulp of ale before looking up at the many people dancing, singing, and laughing above the melodies of the music a bard is playing. Lucille comes back, grabs five mugs, and pours ale into them from a large wooden beer keg. After much of the night has passed Vet works on his seventh mug of ale.

The tavern slowly empties as a few refuse to leave under Lucille’s third warning to do so. Vetrian’s weary eyes look at the seven foot barkeep throw a fat sloppy man out of her tavern. She then closes the door and shakes her head before taking Vetrian’s empty mug.

“You are lucky I like you Vet, otherwise you would join that man I just threw out,” she says a bit annoyed.

Vetrian only grunts, as he knows he would never challenge the barbarian. She pours another mug of ale and sets it in front of him before the door swings open shortly after. Lucille rolls up her sleeves ready to give the fat man another good lesson. Instead, a halfling walks in wearing fine clothing. He leans on his walking stick and looks at the overwhelming woman standing in front of him.

“Is your tavern still open?” he asks politely.
Lucille grins and nods her head before walking back to her bar.

A red bearded dwarf, a young woman with a wood elf enters. A falcon is on the elves shoulder looking in every direction. The group sits at the bar next to Vetrian who looks at the odd group curiously.

“I told you we would make it safely to Nortilim,” says the red bearded dwarf.

The young woman unlaces a thread off her belt to grab a small leather pouch out. Lucille looks at the group peculiar before a wide grin covers her mouth looking at the leather pouch.

“What will it be?” she finally asks.

Gloriana looks up and smiles.

“We have traveled for five days. We are weary and in need of a drink. First, I would need a room or two,” she replies.

“I’d be takin ale!” screams Rocacresct as Billibon looks at his partner annoyed.

“What will you have?” Lucille asks the halfling who finally takes his irritated eyes off the dwarf.

“I will have a grapan if you have any,” he replies politely.

Lucille turns her head to look at the green skinned elf cautiously.

“I don’t believe I have served such a sort as yourself,” she says.

The elf only looks at Gloriana helplessly.

“He doesn’t usually visit such establishments,” Gloriana replies for him.

Lucille only smiles and looks at Gloriana.

“I don’t care from where he hails, just as long as you pay,” she replies pouring a grapan out of a slender necked glass bottle.

“Now that we are safe in Nortilim, how do you think we will get a ship to travel across Maniput Sea?” asks Gloriana looking at Rocacresct.

The red bearded dwarf gulps down his ale in one swig before wiping his beard with the back of his sleeve.

“I needed that,” he replies before looking at Gloriana.

Glenadale pets Fierce, as Billibon sips his liquor enjoying the mild and creamy taste. He begins to smile afterwards happy to have a chance to taste his homelands drink.

“It is kind of quiet to be a tavern,” says Billibon realizing there are no customers or music.

“We are in the wee beginning of the morning humble halfling,” Lucille replies.

“Most of the customers are off to sleep,” she finishes with a small yawn.

“I would say we go to the lower district towards the harbor and ask who is able to take us across the sea. Maybe we will get lucky,” suggests Billibon.

“What if we don’t find anyone? What if I cannot do what is required of me? It seems impossible to find this wise tree everyone talks about,” Gloriana says in a whiny voice. “

We’d find a way,” Rocacresct replies putting his strong hands on her shoulder.

“Excuse me for interrupting fair woman,” Vetrian says.

Everyone stares at the old man with weary eyes behind a tangled red beard.

“I couldn’t help but overhear that you are seeking a ship. My name is Vetrian and so happens to own a ship,” he mentions.

“Are you to be such a candidate?” Billibon asks who is sitting closest to the man.

“I own a ship if that is what you ask for,” he replies as Lucille walks around the bar to serve two new well dressed merchants that have taken a seat at the far end of the tavern.

“How’d we be knowing that we’d be trusting ye merchant?” asks Rocacresct harshly.

Vetrian only looks with sad eyes to the dwarf.

“My children are somehow sick and need of help. I need to find away to save them,” he replies.

“I just need a ship to cross the sea and find the lands where pixies live,” Gloriana answers now standing and walking up to Vetrian.

“My name is Gloriana and these are my friends Glenadale, Billibon, and Rocacresct,” she introduces.

Vetrian looks at Gloriana respectfully before bowing his head to everyone else.

“They will have answers needed to reverse this spell that has affected our people,” Gloriana explains.

Vetrian looks at everyone before looking back at Gloriana.

“I have heard many odd stories in my long life, yet I never heard of an enchanted forest with talking trees and pixies. Nevertheless, for a few gold pieces I am willing to get you across. I know of a town that lies across this dangerous sea.

It is the northern most town that I know off and can perhaps lead you closer to your destination,” he continues.

“Sounds like we’d be having an accord,” Rocacresct mentions.

“Then I shall help you,” he replies standing up and offering his hand.

Gloriana smiles as she looks at Glenadale. He smiles back joining Rocacresct and Billibon. The halfling takes the last sip of his drink before stretching and hopping of his stool.

“I am going to get some sleep. I will need it if we are going to travel these high seas,” he says.

“I’d never traveled by sea,” Rocacresct says.

“Well then you are for a good treat,” Billibon says.

“I will never forget my first time. I was sick for at least two days,” he explains before lazily taking a key from Lucille.

Rocacresct follows the halfling up the stairs knowing he will be sharing a small size room with the halfling.

“Should we meet tomorrow here in the morning?” Vetrian asks Gloriana still offering his hand.

“Sounds good to me,” she answers as she pours the rest of her gold pieces from her leather pouch onto the bar counter.

“Half of the gold is yours merchant,” Gloriana says as she watches both the barkeep and the merchant’s eyes gleam at the site.

“Have a pleasant stay her today,” Lucille manages to say before grabbing the gold pieces faster hoping to get more of the portion then Vetrian.
Gloriana takes Glenadale’s hand and walks up the stairs to her room.

Vetrian looks at the odd couple shaking his head before grabbing some gold pieces that fell on the floor.

Lucille doesn’t acknowledge the two merchants who wave their empty mugs, as she continues to grab quickly the last of the gold pieces. Vetrian laughs, as he feels the many gold pieces jingling in his pocket before walking behind the bar to pour a mug of ale.

Lucille joins for a laugh revealing a rare view of her scattered teeth. She sits on the barstool looking on the ground hoping that Vetrian may have missed a gold piece. She then looks up at Vetrian who sloppily pours two mugs of ale leaving a small puddle of it on the floor.

“It is nice to be served once,” she says as she is handed a mug.

“Cheers,” he salutes hitting his mug against Lucille’s mug.

“Cheers,’ she replies before downing the ale in one gulp.

Chapter 16 awaits you "Quick Death" -

criani_peracien's photo
Tue 06/23/09 11:14 PM
Oh, how I'd looove to be going out to sea on a ship... I'm never sea sick. If I could swim, I'd be a mermaid... :)

Great work, my brother!

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 06/24/09 12:13 AM
happy excellenthappy