Topic: Chapter 14 The Dark Tower
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Fri 01/09/09 04:45 PM
Edited by smiless on Fri 01/09/09 05:03 PM
The Sacred Woods of Silvernarion (Book 1)

Chapter 14 The Dark Tower

The Dark Tower

“Me like this round ball. Me thinks me going to keep that,” growls a green skinned goblin staring at the gray cloudy substance inside a crystal ball.

“Yee can’t keep that! Remember whats the master say. He fry us if he sees that go!” replies roughly another goblin who is carrying two staffs.

Other goblins sit at the end of a cave sharpening their protruding fangs with crude daggers.

A limping goblin enters the corridor. It is struggling to hold a large demon skull with its clawed hands.

“Me having problems!” the goblin shouts. Pang! Crunch! The skull falls on the ground shattering in many pieces.

“Ohhh noooo!” scowls a goblin getting up.

“Me going to die!” he spits.

“See was you do,” says another goblin that jumps on top of the fleeing goblin.

“Argggh!” he screams entangled unwillingly.

A blinding red light appears in the middle of the corridor. The goblins stop wrestling with each other to cover their beady eyes with greasy and bumpy skinned arms.

Light footsteps enter the cave, as a wizard in red robes scowls. The red light dims at the goblins lower their arms staring at the intruder scowling back.

“You clumsy fools!” screams the wizard, as he walks past the three goblins to kneel at the shattered skull.

“This is the demon lord’s skull of Darntashis. I don’t think my master will be please about this,” he says while picking up the pieces.

The goblins look at each other before continuing to stare at the red wizard. They then grin, seeing that the wizard is unprepared with his back towards them and kneeling on the ground.

They slowly grab their crude and spiny daggers. The biggest goblin of the group suddenly runs to attack. The wizard aware silently chants a spell as their weapons begins to glow red burning the goblins clawed hand.

“Argggggghhhh!” it screams dropping its weapon.

Two other goblins charge to the attack, swinging their daggers wildly almost hitting each other.

The wizard turns quickly and waves both of his hands in circles. Two electrical collars suddenly appear around the shocked goblins that suddenly drop their swords to grab the collar. They fall onto their knees trying to breathe.

“Drop your weapons and I might let you live,” offers the red wizard.

The goblins only scowl tightening their grip on their weapons. The two squealing goblins are on their backs trying to pry off the electrical collars.

The red robed wizard grins. He then stares at one goblin that begins to retreat slowly unsure of the wizard’s intentions. He then drops his weapon looking at the other goblins. They begin to scowl and curse as they too drop their weapons.

“A wise decision,” says the wizard.

The wizard then looks at the shattered skull and frowns. He then waves his hands as electrical bolts shoot out of his fingertips.

The goblins wide eyes, begin to jump and squeal at the sudden attack. Smoke rises as their skin begins to crackle. They fall on their faces not moving.

“Or maybe not so wise,’ he says smiling enjoying the torture session he just performed.
He puts his nose in the air smelling favorably.

“It looks like we are going to have a fried meat tonight,” he mumbles to himself.

He slowly steps over a goblin to stare at the storage of goods his master had saved before leaving his chamber. The many staffs and skulls, as of other items of great value present themselves to the eager wizard.

A crystal ball rolls into his hands as he looks at the gray cloudy substance whirling freely inside. He sits on an old chair and begins to enthrall each object, fantasizing how his master had earned each item throughout his long years of life. He grins at the thought of becoming the next black robed wizard.

Soon everyone will fear Maer’Dan the black wizard. He gets up and walks to a sizzling goblin. His shocked filled expression still stands frozen, as his body and arms are smoking, revealing burnt and bubbly black skin.

The wizard takes out of his robes a jeweled dagger and slices the arm off with three strokes. Blood oozes on the floor, as he finally rips the arm off the corpse. He begins to feast on the flesh as blood flows freely down his mouth and neck. After finishing the arm, he sucks his thin purplish fingers and stands up. Smiling he waves his hands and shouts, “Movintilukom!”


Maer’Dan looks at his master worried, wondering if he is still alive. It has been three days since the black wizard has not moved from his position lying on the mat at the edge of the cavern. He has been meaning to tell him of his victory against the conniving goblins who had destroyed one of his demon skulls.

His patience runs low, as he picks up the kareem beetle and squeezes the guts out of the body, which extracts a green slime into a small pot. He makes a bored expression, as he grabs his dagger lying next to him and stirs the slime around in the muddy liquid with it.

If only a few rodents would scurry around, it would help add a bit of flavor into his creation of mucklarsh. The burning rock underneath the low hanging pot begins to fade. He grabs two dim blue glowing stones and hits them together, which burst on fire.

He places them quickly underneath the hanging pot cursing and looking at his now raw fingers. He looks up at scowling hobgoblins that occasionally strike a magical barrier with heavy axes.

The magical door has demonstrated resistance, as many have traveled far to try to challenge the black wizard who would have lost if he wouldn’t be here protecting him.

A hobgoblin strikes again the magical barrier, which send vibrations up his arms almost dropping his heavy axe.

Frustrated, he roars staring intently at Maer’Dan. The red wizard only shakes his head, pitying the dumb creature before looking at the many dusty books, skulls, fragile scrolls, and powerful staffs that lay scattered around in the cavern.

He places his dripping dagger back on the ground and reaches out to grab one of the many journals that his master owns. He turns to the page he had last left off ignoring the scowling and roaring of hobgoblins behind the barrier. He enthralls himself deeper into the writings, fascinated with the various studies he had conducted.

A small groaning is heard, as the black wizard sits up slowly. He begins to cast a mental spell allowing a green mist to surround his body. After a moment, he stands up refreshed and smiling at his apprentice.

“Master you finally awaken,” Maer’Dan says excitingly.

“Yes, I have finally recuperated. How many days have I been laying here?” he asks now taking a spoon and tasting the mucklarsh.

“You have been out for three days master. I wasn’t certain if you will awake again,” Maer’Dan answers.

“Raaaaaarr!” screams a hobgoblin hitting the magical barrier once again with his heavy axe.
Torak looks at the magical barrier and smiles.

“You have done well. Off all the apprentices I have had, you are the most experienced,” he says slurping on some of the odd things offered in the mucklarsh.

“I don’t feel this way master. I did not stay to fight the horde of demons,” Maer’Dan replies.
He frowns looking at the fire. He then raises his head looking at his master who is slurping on the stew.

“I have defeated the eight goblins you had summoned to transport your goods. They attacked me and wanted to keep the items,” he explains.
The black wizard only grins.

“They had underestimated your abilities then. A job well done young one. He then takes one last bite of his food before standing up. We cannot stay here Maer’Dan. Soon gargoyles will find us here,” Torak explains now standing up.

“Where else could we live?” Maer’Dan asks.

“On the surface,” replies Torak.
Maer’Dan looks at his master surprised.

“Do not worry we will be far away from any kind of civilization,” the black wizard assures.

“Get rid of the barrier!” he then orders.

Maer’Dan stands up and grabs his staff. He waves it, as the bluish magical barrier disappears. Two hobgoblins jump in swinging their axes.

“Enseni-ti-ark!” screams Torak just before the huge hobgoblin swings at the black wizard.

The heavy axe, which would have sliced the wizard in half, goes through a now barely visible wizard.

The hobgoblin looks astonished groaning. The huge and green skinned creature snarls, looking awkwardly at the ghostly form before him.

“You are both defeated. Kneel and you shall serve me!” Torak orders.

Maer’Dan stands silently in the background staring at the hobgoblin. The hobgoblin only growls.

He then begins to squints his beady eyes staring into the dark wizards threatening glare. The eyes of the black wizard eventually glow red, seeping into the small brain of the howling hobgoblin who is struggling not to kneel down.

It eventually does with much effort kneeling down to his new master. The other hobgoblin seeing his partner forced to kneel slowly follows. Torak then waves his hand as a skull staff appears in his hand.

“You are too guard my belongings. If you do this successfully, I will consider accepting you in my realm,” Torak finishes before walking out of the cave.

Maer’Dan impressed with his masters ways of manipulating the seven foot burly creature follows.

“If I remember correctly, this passage will take us to the surface. It has been well over eight hundred years since I last visited,’ Torak says mundanely.

“You do not sound like you are looking forward to the opportunity,” replies Maer’Dan.

“I never intended to go back to the surface, yet now we have no choice. Our race was supposed to have defeated the demons under Lord Pythonians’s rule long ago,” Torak replies sadly.

Scuttling occurs underneath the wizard’s feet, as loud eerie groaning noises from other corridors continue. Darkness envelopes ahead, as the two dark elves press forwards undisturbed of their surroundings, comfortable in darkness.

“What was that spell you used master?” Maer’Dan finally asks after a long silence, as he follows a few yards behind his master in a narrow corridor that had twisted and turned numerous times.

“A spell I have used often when attacked by weapons,” Torak answers.

“The weapon went right through you as if you were a ghost. Could you teach me this spell master?” Maer’Dan asks.

“Everything in time my young apprentice. First we will erect a new home on the highest peek of the Dwanen Mountains,” replies the dark wizard now walking upwards in the endless corridors that begins to slowly widen itself.

"I will need your help once again when we have our new home,” Torak explains.

“The climb will be impossible,” says Maer’Dan as a faint light slowly reveals a larger abandoned cavern.

“So it seems,” Torak only replies as he feels air hit his old and burnt face for the first time in many cyclones.

Loud screeching occurs at the entrance of the cavern.

Two large eagle headed lion bodied creatures land in front of the dark elves. They occasionally flap their wings and peck on their shoulders. Maer’Dan looks at the creatures amazed before looking at his master.

“How did you get them here so quickly?” he asks.
Torak only smiles, as he walks out of the cave to look at the overview of pine trees that cover endless cliffs as far as his eyes can see. He then looks up at the two planets and the wide arrangement of colorful stars.

“Yes it has been long since I have returned to these parts of the lands. The demons cannot pursue us any longer,” Torak says now looking at the griffon that lets out an annoying screech.

“Why is that master?” Maer’Dan asks.
Demons do not fair well when the rising light appears.

They prefer to dwell in the deepest and hottest grounds of earth. It is dark and hot to their suiting. This doesn’t mean they won’t do it if necessary,” the dark wizard explains.
He then hops onto the griffon.

“I too will miss my world,” he says now motioning Maer’Dan to hop onto the other griffon.

Maer’Dan looks at the creature awkwardly. He steps onto the beasts shoulder and pulls himself over the beast.

It then turns around and begins to gallop quickly, which eventually jumps off the cliff and into the air using its powerful wings to elevate into the midnight sky. Maer’Dan almost loses his balance and grabs onto the griffon’s feathered head holding on tight. Torak’s griffon eventually flies next to him.

“I forgot to tell you to hold on tight,” he says chuckling.

“It will get cold so cast a small heat spell,” Torak says as he urges the griffon to fly ahead.

It acknowledges by giving a loud screech. The freezing wind howls, as occasional clouds block the vision of the dark elves. Maer’Dan silently casts a heat spell as the griffon presses forward into the clouds.

Eventually it descends and lands softly on top of a mountain peek. Torak has already dismounted. He smiles at Maer’Dan who only stares back confused.

“Master, you mean to tell me we are to live up here in freezing temperatures. I can only manage the heat spell for a full day before I will mentally exhaust myself. Besides the air is thin,” Maer’Dan complains while struggling to get off the griffon.

It screeches as it stares intently at its master waiting for further orders.

“Yes we are to live here. It is on the highest peek these mountains offer. We are practically unreachable. You must remember our race is nothing more then a myth to these surface dwellers. I intend to keep it that way,” Torak explains.

The wind howls as snow begins to fall adding to the already two feet high snow on the peek.

Maer’Dan adjusts his robes as he tries to keep his balance from oncoming strong winds. Torak raises his hand holding the skull staff up at the sky.

“May the acolyte gods grant me a magnificent tower! Uran-till-ka-baranium!” he chants repeatingly, as lighting strikes a mountainside creating an avalanche.

The winds howl and blow harder as thunder rumbles echoing for miles away. The ground begins to rumble as Maer’Dan takes a step back staring intently at his master. The black wizard continues to chat screaming odd ritual words.

Eventually huge stones erupt out of the ground and begin to form the crude beginnings of a tower. It rises from the ground slowly inching itself upwards towards the sky. Lightning continues to strike nearby mountains followed by thunder creating more chaos in the region.

Torak’s face focuses, as he continues to chant his spell allowing the tower to rise slowly. Huge chunks of earth assimilate constructing the beginnings of the tower. Maer’Dan holds on for dear life onto an edge of a rock providing some support against the hard winds. What had seemed like an eternity finally ends as the storm disappears. Torak falls to his knees mentally exhausted. He groans once more before lying on the ground barely conscious.

Maer’Dan finally stands up to peek at the magnificent structure. Two stone griffons guard the towers entrance. He recognizes the statues, as the beasts that had flown him here. He then looks upwards at the menacing dark tower, as it rises as far as his eyes can see. He becomes dizzy before looking away and walks towards the fallen black wizard.

He kneels down, puts an ear next to his mouth, and hears faintly breathing before grinning. He is amazed at the powers his master contains, which could easily surpass any wizard on these lands. He then with much effort carries his master into his arms and walks slowly towards the entrances tower.

He continues up some stairs before passing the opened tower doors. Looking in every direction, he finds a bed and walks quickly towards it. He lays his master slowly on the soft bed before sliding a chair and sitting on it. With a flick of his hands the stone doors slam shut providing an echo throughout the huge foyer.

He then looks at his master to see if he would awaken. The magic had drained everything the old wizard had in him. He rubs his hands together before standing up. He walks the spiraling stairs towards the second floor of the tower.

An unorganized room with many tables, chairs, and empty bookshelves present itself. The stairs go further upwards, as he walks slowly to the third level. The circular room is smaller and only presents itself with a high arched chair.

His face gets rigid, as his smile turns evil, rubbing his thin purplish fingers across his chin pondering in this thought. He has taken care of his master twice in the last few days.

How he could have easily killed him and taken everything into his own possession? How he could now be the most powerful wizard on the surface? He thinks of his advantage if he kept the wizard alive. To let him think he is still harmless with little knowledge of that of a red robed apprentice.

How he should be wearing those black robes and not his master anymore? He shakes his head at the thought before standing up from the chair. For now he will let him live. Perhaps he could still earn some valuable knowledge before killing him.

He begins to chuckle before walking down the finely constructed stone steps. He sees the black wizard sound asleep before taking a seat next to him. His hand is on his jeweled dagger before unsheathing it. He plays with the blade with his fingers before sheathing it back.

“This world is too small to be sharing power. Soon enough I will kill you,” he whispers lightly.

He smirks listening to the black wizard’s faint breathing.

“Yes for now I will let you live,” he whispers once more before slouching back on the chair to look at the interior of the tower in a daze.

Continue to chapter 15 Pirate's Plunder -

dreamboat1974's photo
Thu 05/21/09 12:35 PM
In life you have to be extremely careful of everyone around you.

Trust no one, for the most trustworthy of them all can cause you harm.

Maer'Dan is a shrewd, underhanded, conniving, greedy, lustful and power hungry apprentice. These characteristics when combined can be deadly, like his thoughts, for his master Torak.

criani_peracien's photo
Tue 06/23/09 11:03 PM

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 06/24/09 12:12 AM

bigsmile I agreebigsmile