Topic: Chapter 13 Dwarven Trouble
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Fri 01/09/09 04:34 PM
Edited by smiless on Fri 01/09/09 04:46 PM
The Sacred Woods of Silvernarion (Book 1)

Chapter 13 Dwarven Trouble

Rocacresct Sturmin lies covered in dust and rubble under heavy boulders wondering how he managed to survive his atrocity of the past. His eyes, barely open, tries to adjust to the odd situation.

His breathing grows heavy with each passing moment. He was unconscious for awhile, as he struggles to move under some boulders that are pinning him to one side. He tried to wiggle, push, and pull, yet nothing moves. He screamed for help, yet only rain was his answer. His back has been wet and dry indicating that days have passed.

The sense of time had vanished as he lies helpless hoping someone will discover him. He remembers the day he received his job as a miner ten years ago. He was seventeen cyclones old with a full beard that had almost reached his knees. His scrawny arms could not even chip a small piece of rock with his handpick that his father had given him.

He smiles faintly thinking of his father. Rumblemere Sturmin had mined for over sixty years throughout the lands. No mountain was untested as he found great riches throughout his life.

He will never forget the day his father showed him a fifteen pound sapphire stone that sparkled in the early luminesence morning in front of his face. Since then he always wanted to try his luck in finding such riches. He regrets it now, as he knows he will die from starvation and thirst. What a terrible death to die so slowly he thinks. How terrible it is to die without anyone knowing it.

What happened to his coworkers Sto Breakermakin and Golden Furentork? Where is his team Captain Beanter Splitreaper.

Could they have fallen so quickly against the mass hordes of ferocious and unexpected goblins? He had never heard of goblins leaving their caves, as they usually live further underground in the mountains. What had driven them into the upper cave levels he will never know?

He struggles to breathe, as thick dust envelopes his little space that he has been pinned to helplessly. He closes his eyes trying to forget the pain and remembers what happened that day. He remembers the last conversation he had in the mines with Sto Breakermakin.

“Another days in these mines,” says a sturdy black bearded dwarf.

“Ther’se nothing better then searching them riches of them lands,” replies a red bearded dwarf chipping some rock with a big pickaxe.

“Hey Roca, does ye think we’s find anything in tis mine? I mean we’s been here for two months and all we’s find is them coals,” the black bearded dwarf complains.

“I doubt it Sto, but ye know Beanter, he’d not leave until he’d made a tunnel going to the other side of tis mountain,” Rocacresct replies half laughing.

Sto laughs also chipping more rock.

“What’se so funny?” asks a burly one foot taller dwarf standing directly behind the two who suddenly stop laughing.

They turn to look up at Beanter Splitreaper, their captain.

“We’s been digging and chipping boss, but we’s find nothing,” Rocacresct replies.

“Your’se the most impatient dwarf I’s met. Hasn’ your father taught’s ye anything? Strikin rich will taking some patience. Ther’se a real fortune in them mines. I cans feel it,” Beanter explains shaking his head at Rocacresct.

“Now ye go back to work,” he orders before leaving deeper inside the mine to check on others.

Rocacresct only shakes his head looking at Sto. The black bearded dwarf slowly imitates Beanter’s impressions sarcastically before continuing to slam his handpick on the solid rock wall.

Rocacresct laughs before joining to hit the wall with his pickaxe. He has known Sto for almost 7 years when he met him in the abandoned orc mines of Rakatar.

They were mining gold at the time and his pickaxe broke. Sto offered his reserve pickaxe and told him a good miner always has a replacement for days like this. He smiles as he continues to hit the rock harder with each swing frustrated.

Another dwarf comes by with a hand wagon to load rubble onto it. Suddenly the mine shakes as Sto grabs Rocacresct quickly almost losing his balance.

“What’s happened!” he screams as dwarves panic and run towards them.

“Out of ye way!” screams a dwarf with a tangled beard.

“Perhaps them blow crew exploded them wrong spot in them mines making it collapse!” shouts Sto.

“What’s happened Golden?” asks Rocacresct as a dwarf runs towards him grabbing his shoulder.

“We’s being attacked by goblins!” he screams.

“Goblins! How’s tis possible?” Rocacresct asks while trying to run along side the frightened dwarf.

Arrows whiz by Rocacresct’s face as he flinches back instinctly. Growling, shouting, and cursing can be heard from a distance as snarling green skinned creatures with bows and crude swords hobble towards the dwarfs. An unfortunate dwarf struck by an arrow in his leg tries to defend himself against a group of goblins who only stab him quickly with swords.

“Just be running! No time for talking!” Golden replies quickly running faster then everyone else.

Arrows continue to miss them as one hits the back of Sto. He screams and falls to his knees.

“No!” screams Rocacresct as he tries to run back to save his partner.

Many more arrows hit the sides of the cavern walls as chunks of rock begin to fall from the ceiling forcing Rocacresct to leave Sto behind with a heavy heart. He then turns to run as fast as his short legs can take him out of the mines. As he makes it out of the mine, two goblins manage to spring out and attack Golden. He wards them off retreating backwards towards a cliff.

A slash gushes on the side of his arms as an arrow punctures his chest. He screams and grabs the two goblins at the last moment falling with them over the cliff fifty feet down into more cliffs and edges ending their lives.

Another goblin ushers out of the collapsed mine looking straight at Rocacresct.
The frightened dwarf looks in every direction hoping to find something solid to use for his defense.

He had dropped his pickaxe in the mine, as he walks slowly backwards keeping eye contact with the grotesque creature. The goblin snarls, as he waves his crude sword. Suddenly from a cliff above the mine many boulders fall with chunks of rocks.

A cloud of dust surrounds the goblin and dwarf, as they suddenly get enshrouded by the heavy objects. A huge rock hits the side of Rocacresct’s skull making him fall unconscious.

For days he has lain like this as if his coffin was premade. He tries to not cough as his lungs burn when he does. He wonders if the goblin that had chased him is still alive, also trapped under so many rocks and boulders.

“Only them gods will know,” he mumbles to himself.

He sighs closing his eyes, as suddenly trotting with wheels roll over pebbles making a crunching sound.

“I told you that we went down the wrong road!” screams a manly voice.

“We surely are not going in the right direction.
We hit a dead end here,” a mild pitched woman voice replies.

Two feet hit the ground and begin walk around before stopping.

“What happened here?” asks a heavy accented voice.

“Help!” Rocacresct manages to screech with all of his strength his voice can give him. He tries to gather air to scream again but only coughs holding his chest in pain.

“Did you hear that?” says the woman.

“Help!” the dwarf manages to groan again.

“I think it is coming from over there,” says another voice.

“Look over there! Help me pull this rock to the side,” says the manly voice.

Six eyes peek in-between some rocks to take a closer look at the victim.

“Help me get these rocks off,” says the man quickly.

They then join to push the huge boulders.
“This one doesn’t budge,” says the smallest in the group no higher then 3 feet.

A taller one joins him with a woman in curly hair. They push with all of their might. After some struggle, they finally budge the huge boulder and have it fall to the side opening a gap.

Rocacresct looks at the evening sky for the first time in days. He gives out a sound of relief, as he then looks at his rescuers. A very short man, an odd looking tall green creature with a falcon on his shoulder, and a young brown curly haired woman stare in awe. His body aches as he slowly gets up. He gets dizzy, as he tries to balance on his wobbly short legs.

“I thanks ye for saving me,” he says in a low scratchy voice trying to brush of some of the debris and dirt from his thick red beard. He then raises his stubby fingers to feel a hug bump on is forehead for the first time.

“Come let us help him to our wagon. I am sure he is hungry and thirsty,” suggest the woman urging the green creature and small man to grab him.

The small man and green creature help him towards the carriage, as he sits on the end of it. She offers him cheese and water from her flask as he chews and drinks almost choking.

“Ah me bones feels much better,” the dwarf finally says.

“Me name is Rocacresct Sturmin and I’d be working in these mines,” he says.

“My name is Gloriana. This is Billibon and over there is Glenadale,” she introduces pointing at everyone.

“Nice to be meetin ye,” he replies but not looking and grabbing some more bread from the crate.

“I thought I would never get back up,” he says shoving a piece of cheese in his mouth.

“We’d be attacked by them goblins inside those mines. I managed to get out before it collapsed. As I’d be abouts to get attacked by one of them creatures, rocks and boulders fell on me,” he says pointing with his stubby finger at the entrance of the mine.

“That must have been awful,” Gloriana says looking at Billibon bending over to pick up a twig.

Rocacresct slowly jumps off the wagon to sit down and lean his back on a wheel. Gloriana grabs a cover and wraps the dwarf before jumping onto the wagon to grab some more food to give out.

Rocacresct smiles, thanking the Gods for sparing his life. Gloriana comes back with an assortment off fruits smiling.

“I thanks ye kindly for yer hospitality me lady,” he says taking the fruit eagerly.

“Ye know we dwarves havem a rule we follow from them gods,” he mentions.

“Since ye saved me life, I’d be to serve ye until I’d saved yer life,” he says biting into an apple.

“You don’t owe me anything Rocacresct. It is only a natural for me to do this,” she says biting into her own apple.

“I’d be sorry, but I’d to serve ye until I’d can be properly released,” he says after a long thought.

“We are lost. Would you know how to get to Nortilim?” she asks.

Rocacresct smiles, as he has never expected to encounter such an odd group of people. He then looks up at the concerned look of Gloriana.

“I’d know bout’ town. I’d take ye but that dolt relieve me from ye,” he says.
She smiles, as a cold breeze hits her. She then takes a cover herself.

“Look at what you have in your hands and what I am carrying,” complains Glenadale as he drops two arms full of wood. Billibon follows with two small branches and lays them on top.

“That should be enough for now,” the halfling says ignoring the wood elf.
He then stretches his arms before sitting next to Gloriana grabbing some of her cover.

“It is a bit breezy today and I am exhausted from our travels,” he says snuggling deeper into the cover.

“If you wouldn’t have gotten us lost, perhaps we would be in Nortilim already,” the wood elf continues to complain.

Billibon only turns his back into a sleeping position ignoring everyone around him. Afterall it has been years since he last traveled these parts of the lands. Rocacresct looks at the green creature oddly.

“Is he sick?” the dwarf asks still staring at him.

“Have you never seen a wood elf before?” Gloriana asks jokingly.

“I’d don’t be recalling a such,” Rocacresct replies awkwardly contemplating.

A screech occurs as Fierce jumps off Glenadale’s shoulder and flies high into the sky.

“It looks like Fierce is off hunting again,” Gloriana says smiling.

A flashing happens followed by a whizzing sound. Rocacresct tries to stand up but only sinks as his legs are still weak. He stares intently upwards trying to track the humming noises.

“You should rest,” Gloriana says urging him to stay seated.

“Did ye see that light, or am I’d still a dizzy?” he asks feeling his large bump on his head.

“No that is Cherryblossom. I am sorry I didn’t introduce her to you,” Gloriana replies smiling.

Cherryblossom frowns at Gloriana before flying hysterically in circles and landing into Glenadale’s jacket pocket.

She then lies down and yawns looking upwards at Glenadale smiling. He looks down and smiles back as she slowly closes her eyes covering herself with her wings.

“What is a Cherryblossom?” he finally asks.”
Oh that is the name of our pixie,” Gloriana giggles.

“By all them gods, ye telling me I’d just see a pixie,” he spurts out.

“I’d heard of such them creatures once when I’d was but a child,” the dwarf continues astonished.
Glenadale starts the small fire before sitting next to the dwarf, who scoots a little away from him.

Rocacresct grumbles a little before looking awkwardly at Glenadale. The wood elf crosses his legs staring blankly back at the suddenly uncomfortable dwarf.

“So you are also a halfling,” Glenadale finally says breaking the silence.

“Why I’d be no such a thing,” replies Rocacresct in a offended tone.

“I’d be a dwarf,” he replies.

“Nice to meet you dwarf,” Glenadale finally says sticking out his hand awkwardly for the second time in his life. The dwarf looks at the long green fingers.

“Interesting to meet you to wooden elf,” Rocacresct slowly replies.

Glenadale eventually lets his hand fall and looks at Gloriana who only smiles back.

“Well me friends if ye don’t mind. I’d be liking to rest some for the night o’ yonder,” Rocacresct says yawning and grumbling to himself.

He then slumps over to fall asleep.
Glenadale stares at Gloriana’s brown eyes blushing.

She stares back smiling and also blushes. She gets up slowly covering the rest of Billibon with her cover and crawls towards Glenadale. He grabs her hands and pulls her towards him.

She begins to tease him before tickling his chest. He begins to giggle, as he pulls her closer and slowly kisses her. She resists a little before slowly kissing back. They kiss intently before rolling on the ground holding each other tightly.

“It looks like we have a new member,” Gloriana says after the long kiss.

Glenadale nods as he puts his long fingers through her curly hair. She smiles at him, as he smiles back.

“Get some sleep handsome,” she says.

He smiles once more before slowly closing his eyes. Gloriana takes his hand and puts it to her mouth and kisses it before falling asleep.

Continue Chapter 14 The Dark Tower -

dreamboat1974's photo
Thu 05/21/09 12:08 PM
Danger lurks every where. Poor dwarfs, minding their own business, trying to find precious stones and being attacked by goblins. These goblins are nothing but a bunch of murdering bullies. They are attacking and killing whom ever they want to, they don't care about others young or old.

Lucky for Rocacresct Sturmin he was knocked unconscious, which saved him from sure death.

It is either faith or destiny that has lead this odd group of friends on the wrong path, whichever it is the life of a dwarf has been saved.

Life in itself is a mystery and certain things happen and we haven't the slightest reason why, all we know is that it happens.

There has to be a reason why Gloriana, Glenadale, Billibon, Cherryblossom and now Rocacresct Sturmin has been brought together, only time will tell.

criani_peracien's photo
Tue 06/23/09 10:19 PM
Yea! And another is added to the group! Such unexpected twists and turns all the time. I love it!! You never cease to amaze me, John... A wonderful writer, you are!

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 06/23/09 10:31 PM
bigsmile coolflowerforyou