Topic: Chapter 12
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Fri 01/09/09 04:23 PM
Edited by smiless on Fri 01/09/09 04:35 PM
The Sacred Woods of Silvernarion (Book 1)

Chapter 12 Shopping Galore

Shopping Galore

A loud pounding on the door awakens Gloriana out of her deep sleep. She rubs her eyes and smiles at Glenadale that is snuggled in-between some sheets. She then looks out the window staring at the beautiful blue sky, before looking down from the second floor at the somewhat empty market that offers many various merchant stands and shops. She smiles, as she puts on her boots and grabs her pouch of gold that was sitting on a side table.

The pounding continues, as Glenadale jumps up looking at the door. He covers himself under the sheets afraid that his green skin and pointy ears will be seen. Gloriana takes the sheets away from him and smiles. He shows a worried expression, shifting his eyes at the door then back at her.

“You still look like a human dear,” she says holding his hand up so he can look at it.
Gloriana opens the door to look at an angry heavyset man staring down at her before shifting his eyes on Glenadale who suddenly cowls inside the bed sheets.

“Are you planning to stay another day here? That will cost you ten gold pieces!” he exclaims now pushing himself inside the room.
Glenadale only looks perplex at the angry barkeep.

“No, no we are getting out of here right now,” Gloriana says grabbing her satchel.

Glenadale slowly gets out of his sheets, puts quickly his boots on, and walks around the big barkeep.

He faintly smiles and follows Gloriana down the steps and out of the tavern. A boy approaches excitingly Gloriana. He adjusts his hat that keeps falling over his eyes.

“I thought you would never get out of there.

Should I bring you your horses?” he asks now taking his hat off.
Gloriana smiles and shakes her head.

“I will take them a little later. We are going to shop first,” she replies.

The boy frowns looking at his shoes and rubbing his stomach. He then looks up at her disturbed, before walking back to the steps of the tavern. Gloriana takes out of her pouch a gold coin and gives it to the boy.

“This is for last night. I will give you more when we come back,” Gloriana says.
The boy takes the gold coin eagerly and smiles.

He then runs down the cobblestone street toward the town’s bakery. Glenadale reaches out his arm as Fierce lands on it. Gloriana smiles at Glenadale amazed that Fierce lands on his arm and not hers anymore. Fierce screeches before walking up the arm and onto his shoulder. Glenadale looks at Gloriana smiling.

“That is amazing Glenadale! My falcon has grown very fond of you,” she says.

“He has started to trust me,” he replies looking at Fierce.

He then looks at Gloriana.

“What are we going to do? Are we going to look for Billibon or should we press on to try to reach the Sacred Woods of Silvernarion?” Glenadale asks.

“We cannot continue to look like this,” Gloriana replies now putting a finger through a hole on one of Glenadale’s sleeves. He looks down at his many rips and holes on his clothes and then down at the ripped pants of Gloriana.

“We also need to stock up on food and drinks,’ she says.

“You are right,” Glenadale replies as he looks in awe at the majestic mountains that overshadow the town.

Gloriana joins him and smiles.

“They are magnificent structures,” Glenadale says.

“Those are mountains,” Gloriana replies smiling.

“Let us go to that shop over there,” Gloriana suggests pointing at a tall two story building that reads, “Mighty Merchant Supplies”.

As they were about to head in that direction, a red faced angry halfling leaves the tavern.

“I can’t believe you Lukas!” he screams.
He then goes back inside to scream once more.

“I thought you run a safe establishment here and see what you let happen. You let my staff get stolen!” he screams waving his fist and slamming the door.

He freezes as he turns around to see Gloriana suddenly.

“Billibon, I can’t believe it is you!” screams Gloriana as she walks to the small halfling and hugs him.

The halfling’s muscles stiffen, but then loosen with the big hug.

“Did you stay the night here?” Gloriana asks.

“How odd that we didn’t’ see you yesterday night?” she says.
Billibon looks up and smiles.

“Did you have my staff?” Gloriana asks recalling what the halfling last screamed about towards the barkeep.
Billibon looks down and frowns.

“I had it, but someone stole it from me. I wanted to surprise you,” he finishes sighing.

“The barkeep swears he had not seen anyone go upstairs yesterday night,” he continues. I bet it was those two finely dressed men I saw yesterday, or maybe Lukas!” he finishes starting to get angry again.

Billibon then slumps his shoulders before exhaling a loud sigh before shifting his attention towards the man with brown hair smiling at him.

“Look who found me yesterday night,” Billibon says trying to change the subject.

He points down into his jacket pocket as they both approach the halfling to take a look inside and see Cherryblossom. She sticks out her tongue before frowning.

“I told Cherryblossom to stay in my pocket until we leave town. I don’t think the people of this town will understand her presence and may find her as a threat,” Billibon explains. Gloriana nods agreeing. Billibon looks at Glenadale once more before looking at Gloriana.

“What happened to Glenadale?” he asks.
Gloriana smiles as she takes Glenadale’s human hands. Billibon doesn’t smile waiting for an answer.

“Glenadale is right here with me,” she says after a long pause.

“You mean to tell me that the man you are holding hands with is Glenadale,” he says bewildered.
“How…or …what?” the halfling stops not believing.

Cherryblossom looks above the halfling’s pocket flap to look at the odd human. She looks quickly away dismissing the rude teasing of Gloriana and lies back down.

“The town’s wizard sold a potion that has shapeshifted him into a human for one full day.

Actually, he only has a half of a day left before the spell wears off. We must hurry and buy what is needed to continue our journey,” Gloriana rushes.

Billibon stands still staring at Glenadale. He then looks at Gloriana and shakes his head disapproving. Gloriana tilts her head.

“What is wrong Billibon?” she asks.

“I don’t have any gold and I don’t want to travel by foot anymore. I almost died out there last night. If it hadn’t been for Cherryblossom, I would have been a delicious meal for wolves,” Billibon explains leaving his head down and avoiding eye contact with Gloriana.

Gloriana smiles, as she tosses a jingling leather pouch back and forth in her hands. Billibon looks up instantly recognizing the jingling sounds before following his eyes on the leather pouch.

“Do you have gold? How did you get that?” the halfling asks as he continues to follow the leather pouch with his eyes, which eventually stops into the left hand of Gloriana.

“I sure did,” Gloriana replies proudly.

“It was actually Glenadale who had made it happen. He defeated a witch!” she replies excitingly.

“She was wanted for stealing and doing foul magic in this town,” she continues.
Billibon looks at Glenadale who is staring at the many people walking to and from different shops.

“Let us go shopping galore!” she screams in excitement catching everyone’s attention including a few commoners who suddenly stop to see what all the commotion is about.
They shake their heads before walking deeper into the market center.

“I never had so much gold in my life. First, we have to buy some decent clothes. Look at you Billibon. Your clothing is full of rips and tears. Look at what we have been through!” she finishes now looking at Glenadale.

“First we will go over there,” Gloriana says pointing at the two-story building once again.

“Sounds good to me,” Billibon replies gleefully.
They walk towards the market center where many merchants are selling various goods. One merchant comes closer towards Glenadale who jumps back.

“I have a lantern for only half price. For only four gold pieces, you can own this much needed item,” he offers.

Glenadale looks oddly at the peculiar boxed shaped object made out of glass. It holds a candle inside of it. The merchant looks at Glenadale suspiciously.

“Have you never seen a lantern before?” he finally asks.

“Of course he has seen a lantern before,” Gloriana intervenes as she grabs it.
She goes into her pouch and gives him the required gold pieces. She then gives the lantern to Billibon who takes it quickly.

“You have no idea how this makes my day. Nobody is buying anything anymore here in Sinatorium,” the merchant says while putting the gold pieces into his pocket.

“Why is business so bad?” asks Gloriana realizing that the market is rather empty compared to Nurenhill that she had just visited recently.

“Do you not know?” he asks.

“Some of the children of this town are cursed into somekind of eternal sleep. Many are at home worrying about their loved ones.”

He comes closer to Gloriana.

“Some of the council assumes a powerful warlock has done such an evil deed. The town’s wizard is supposed to be working on a potion to reverse this curse for the last two days. Until now, there has not been any progress. An official went to his tower to check on his progress this morning. It is announced that he is missing and many wonder of his whereabouts,’ he explains.

Gloriana gives a concerned expression before looking at Glenadale. “It seems more towns have been inflicted besides Augshill,” she replies.

“I thank you for the lantern,” Gloriana says before moving further into the market.

Many merchants are screaming at the top of their lungs trying to sell their goods. Glenadale’s face turns into disgust, as he looks at dead pigs, chicken, geese, and ducks lying on top of each other on a stand.

He then turns his head away from it to see another merchant trying to sell wild berries. He walks towards the stand along with Billibon and Gloriana. The well dressed merchant looks at the group suspiciously.

“Don’t think of stealing! I warn you!” he screams. Gloriana ignores the threat, as she looks at the many colorful berries inside hand made leave bowls.

“How much does this cost?” Gloriana asks pointing at the bowls.

“These fabulous berries cost two gold pieces a bowl, yet if you buy three bowls, you only pay five gold pieces,” he offers staring at Billibon.
Glenadale shakes his head disapproving.

“Why pay gold when I can pluck these outside in the woods for you?” he asks.
Gloriana shakes her head smiling at Glenadale before giving the merchant the required gold pieces.

The merchant becomes enthusiastic and gives everyone a bowl of berries. The group presses forward occasionally popping a berry into their mouths. They eventually stand in front of the “Mighty Merchant’s Supply Shop”, after looking at various goods on merchant’s stands. They walk into the shop as a woman with long, curly blonde hair smiles.

“Welcome to my humble shop,” she says before her smile turns into a frown.
She looks up and down at Gloriana looking at the rips and tears of her clothes. She then shifts her eyes back and forth looking at Glenadale and Billibon.

“I warn you not to try to steal,” she warns nodding for a burly man to enter the room.
The tall bald headed man crosses his huge arms staring intently at Glenadale.

“I assure you that I don’t plan to steal. We have traveled afar and have encountered many obstacles hindering our journey. Can you not provide us with good traveling clothes?” Gloriana asks revealing the leather pouch of gold.

The shopkeeper’s eyes brighten, as she dismisses her bodyguard, who grumbles walking away into a side room.

“I agree you need new clothes,” she replies walking to a section of her shop to show a nicely embroidered dress to Gloriana.
Gloriana smiles and looks at the fabulous green dress decorated with finely stitched yellow flowers sewn around the waist that continues down to the bottom of the dress. Glenadale looks at the clothing staring at the various assortments skeptically. He touches some soft, blue leather pants that are hanging on a hook before looking at Billibon.

“What material is this made out of?” he asks as Billibon looks at an assortment of walking sticks.

“That is probably made either by a snow yak or a blue moose’s hide,” he replies looking back at an assortment of walking sticks.
Glenadale quickly pulls his hands from the pants and takes a step back.

“This is made from a dead animal,” he says.
Billibon nods his head and walks to another section of the shop to look at some hats.

“What kind of clothes do you need for your travels?” the tall shopkeeper asks.

“I am not sure,” Gloriana replies still looking at the beautiful green dress.

“Where are your travels taking you?” the shopkeeper asks thoughtfully now presenting a blue dressed stitched finely with red flowers.

“We are heading towards the town of Nortilim,” answers Gloriana now looking at the beautiful dress the shopkeeper shows.

“That travel will take you over the Dwanen Mountains. It will take you at least two weeks on horse just to pass the Sokan Valley. You will need warm clothes and a lot of goods to travel there,” the shopkeeper says walking to the other side of the store.

Billibon tries on a hat, as Glenadale sits on a bench holding his stomach. Billibon sees that his partner is not feeling well and walks to him.

“What is wrong?” he asks.

“How could you wear hides from an animal?” Glenadale asks.
Billibon takes his hat off before sitting next to the wood elf.

“We are omnivores, which means we can nourish our bodies with plants or animals. We also use the hide to create clothes to keep us warm,” the halfling explains.

“It is the practice of prime evil to kill to sustain. I cannot wear these clothes. I will keep what I have on,” he finishes as he was about to leave the store.

“Wait Glenadale!” Billibon urges.

“I don’t think they only sell such clothing. I am sure they have something in wool or cotton also,” he finishes blocking the entrance to the store.
Glenadale stops to look down at Billibon.

“What is wul or codtran?” he asks saying the words for the first time.

Billibon laughs, as he gestures for him to follow and walk towards Gloriana. She is holding a set of attire meant to travel through harsh weather.

“How much will this cost?” Gloriana asks.

“Normally sixty gold pieces, but I will give it to you for thirty if you buy two outfits,” she offers artfully.

Gloriana thinks about it tapping her finger on her chin.

“I think you need to talk to Glenadale,” the halfling interrupts now walking towards a glass case presenting a variation of jeweled daggers.

“I am not going to wear any of these clothes,” Glenadale fusses.

“What is wrong? These are great quality clothing,” she answers concerned.

“You are saying that a dead animal on your skin is nice to wear,” he retorts.

Gloriana looks up at him before looking back at the shopkeeper who only shrugs her shoulders looking oddly at Glenadale.

“Do you sell wool or cotton clothing?” Gloriana asks.

“Of course we do,” she replies going towards a rack of clothing at the corner of the shop.

“What material is cutdan and wuld?” Glenadale asks slowly trying to pronounce the words correctly.

“Let us just say clothing from animals that are not dead,” she replies.
Glenadale scratches his head.

“Trust me like you have always have done,” Gloriana reassures smiling.

Glenadale smiles knowing that he has been doing this since they left together a few days ago. As the shopkeeper hands the wood elf a set of clothes, she observes with interest the clothing he wears with interest.

“That is an interesting outfit you are wearing. I haven’t seen such fabric before,” she says feeling lightly the material with her fingers.
“Where did you buy it?” she asks now stepping back.

As Glenadale was about to answer the question, Gloriana interrupts,

“My great grandmother did this a long time ago,” she lies.

“I will give you ten gold pieces with the clothes you are wearing,” the shopkeeper offers Glenadale who looks at Gloriana. “This is a good deal,” Gloriana agrees.

Glenadale begins to take his clothes off as the shopkeeper looks away and blushes.
Gloriana stops him and says,” Take these clothes into the changing room over there.”

Glenadale looks at her confused.

“We have to change in another boxed room,” he whispers almost falling while taking off his ripped pants.

He then walks naked inside the room and closes the curtains to it.

Billibon looks at his dagger and then at the more decorative daggers at the display case. The rosy-cheeked shopkeeper walks towards the halfling.

“I see you like the valuable items here in the case,” she says.

“I do, but I am fine with the dagger I have now,” he replies quickly walking towards Gloriana.

“We will take three walking sticks, the three outfits, those warm covers that are sitting on top of the shelf over there and that hat that my friend is holding in his hands,’ Gloriana says.

The shopkeeper begins to add up the prices scribbling with a quill on a piece of parchment and eventually offering a price to Gloriana, who only shakes her head, disagreeing with it. In the meantime, Glenadale and Billibon have dressed in their new attires waiting patiently for Gloriana to strike an acceptable deal.

“I will never understand why you value these metal pieces and stones more then a set of warm clothes and food,” Glenadale says looking at Billibon put on his decorated hat adorned with two red feathers.

Billibon tilts the hat and looks up at Glenadale.

“I don’t even know how it started. I just know that it is what most of us in these lands value,” he explains.

Eventually, the group walks out of the shop with their new clothes and items proudly. Billibon smiles in his new attires.

“This feels so good. I am surprised they had clothing for my size,” Billibon says feeling his soft jacket.

Cherryblossom sits inside the top pocket cuddling and enjoying the fabric.

“We need to buy some food and drinks and be on our way,” Gloriana says walking through the market looking at the stands full of various goods.

Billibon points at a stand that offers various mushrooms, fruits, and cheeses as Gloriana nods her head and pays for each item. She buys three leather flasks full of water. As the day becomes the evening, Glenadale’s hands begin to change.

The skin slowly turns green and the stubby fingers become thinner. Gloriana observes the changes.

“We need to hurry,” she says suddenly, as everyone walks quickly through the market each with a crate of food in their hands. The young boy with big hat jumps up from the steps of the Slippery Shoe’s Tavern.

“Hurry the wagon,” Gloriana urges.

The boy runs towards the stable and walks the horse pulling the wagon out towards the group. Gloriana puts the hood over Glenadale’s head.

“Put your hands underneath your clothes,” she says.

Billibon puts the crates of food onto the wagon as Gloriana takes out a five piece gold coin and hands it to the boy. He smiles excited to have such a great earning in one day.

“Where did you get this wagon?” Billibon asks as he put the last crate of food onto the wagon.

“It belonged to a witch,” Gloriana replies as she gets onto her seat.

Billibon jumps onto the wagon and sits on a crate as Glenadale jumps next to Gloriana. Fierce screeches, as he tries to hold onto Glenadale’s shoulder.

The horses trot eagerly down the colorful cobblestone street passing the wizard’s tower and out of the northern gates of town. Ahead many hilly lands help guide a dirt path towards the majestic mountains.

Occasional oak trees adorn the beautiful scenery. A few soldiers on horses trot pass nodding their heads at Gloriana but look oddly at the wood elf who covers his face further inside his hood. They pay little mind to the travelers and comfortably continue north further away from Sinatorium.

“If we stay on this path we should reach the mountain valley in about four days,” Billibon says.

Billibon gives everyone a flask of water that has shoulder straps.

Glenadale takes it oddly and puts it around his shoulder after watching the others do this. Cherryblossom jumps out of the halfling’s pocket eager to finally have some freedom.

She flies in circles quickly, as everyone looks in amazement at the enthusiastic pixie zooming around them. She then lands on Glenadale’s shoulder next to Fierce smiling. Glenadale smiles back.

“Look at you. You are quiet popular,” Gloriana says laughing.

Glenadale laughs also, enjoying the fact that he found a new family.

“I don’t know about you Gloriana, but we are the weirdest group to ever exist,” Billibon mentions as he looks at everyone.

“I don’t think these lands have ever seen a human, a halfling, a wood elf, a pixie, and a falcon joined together for the same cause,” Billibon says giggling.

Glenadale laughs also, as he looks at Gloriana smile back at him.

“It doesn’t matter. We are family and we will stick together forever,” Gloriana replies now giving the reigns to Glenadale.

He holds them awkwardly and concentrates on the horses that are trotting down the path towards another hill.

Billibon loves the fact that Gloriana accepts everybody so easily, despite that she has never ventured outside of her hometown before. He thinks of how nice she was since the first day they have met. He respects her for her courage and desire to help find help for those who are cursed in the towns. He shakes his head at the thought of how selfish he was last night.

How he wanted to sell the staff and reclaim his business somehow, although he knew that the item didn’t belong to him. He looks up at Gloriana who looks back to give a smile. He then smiles back, knowing that his new place is here now. It will not be the grapan fields in the hills of Dilan where greedy and corrupt halflings fight over land and business for the valuable liquor.

He is for the first time in many years happy, knowing that he is amongst those who really care for him. He begins to laugh, as he knows he will never think of betraying his new family again. Gloriana begins to laugh also, as she opens her flask and drinks some water before offering some to Glenadale whose face is concentrated on the two horses riding further up hill.

“Relax Glenadale,” Gloriana says, as she tries to give water to the serious wood elf.

“I can’t drink that right now,” he says quickly easily annoyed.

She then stops trying to give him the water and lets the flask bounce back onto her body, which is held by a shoulder strap.

She leans back on her seat and watches the sunset behind the perfect hilly lands. Billibon also leans back on a crate and puts his hat over his eyes ready for a good nights sleep.

To continue go to chapter 12 Dwarven Trouble -

dreamboat1974's photo
Tue 05/19/09 05:17 PM
Finally! they have all been reunited. A good night's rest now ready to take on whatever may come their way.

Most times we are judged by our appearances. Because this odd group o friends looked torn,dirty and tattered they were looked upon as they were thieves, but when the shop keeper and the vendor saw the pouch and heard the gold coins clinking, then they were treated differently.

It doesn't matter how you look as long as you have money you will be treated right.

It is sad how people act towards others when they look a certain way. You don't take the time to ask you just look and judge.

This group may be odd in appearance but they have been through many trials and over came many obstacles to reach thus far. Their strength, courage, will power and determination is the driving force that pushes them onwards.

Their friendship have grown into admiration, trust and respect for each other. How many of us can say that we have this knid of friendship in our lives.

criani_peracien's photo
Thu 06/18/09 11:53 PM
And a new adventure begins! They are all five back together and onward they roll... :)