Topic: Chapter 11 Failed Reverse
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Fri 01/09/09 04:08 PM
Edited by smiless on Fri 01/09/09 04:25 PM
The Sacred Woods of Silvernarion (Book 1)

Chapter 11 Failed Reverse

Failed Reverse

Ald’Seran appears in a cavern of hobgoblins fighting over a piece of meat that had rotted a month ago. The stench sticks in the air, as he walks pass them scowling.

He is in no mood for any company hating the fact that the upper level caverns are inhabitant by goblins and orcs. He enters a small cavern room to see his son sleeping in a quickly made mat. He walks to a boulder that he had sanded down to make it more comfortable to sit on. His plan had failed to reverse the curse of the inhabitants of Augshill.

Why did he think that the human would greet him affable?

If only he knew how to speak the human language, perhaps they would have not assaulted him. He thinks of how these lesser creatures tried to catch him. He remembers how the soldiers surrounded him, as he laughs inanely thinking of how primitive they are in the arts of battle. He could have killed everyone including the old wizard.

He had to disappear because of the summoned high elfin warrior. He had read many things about this lighter skinned ancestors but knows little about their skills. He starts a small fire and grabs a small pot of mucklarsh. A goblin peers into the small cavern looking at the small pot of grub.

Ald’Seran looks at the green skinned creatures and scowls. It jumps back and limps away towards another corridor. The goblins main language contains a combination of scowling, growling, and grunting sounds. These primitive creatures only have a few sounds in their language.

The dark elf has used these sounds throughout the day on one main sound, which the scowl represents beware or die. He looks at the mucklarsh, as the green slime begins to bubble.

Two black boots slightly covered by dark gray robes stand in front of the cavern’s entrance. Ald’Seran looks up to see the face is hidden underneath a black hood.

At first he thought it would be Torak the black wizard, but sees that he is holding a staff with a faintly glowing ruby on it. Surface dwellers use such staffs to help guide them into dark caverns.

Could they have tracked him down so quickly? Impossible, as he stands unsheathing his faintly glowing scimitar. The hooded figure remains calm observing the dark elf with interest.

“I come to speak with you in peace,” the hooded figure says in dark elfish.

Ald’Seran doesn’t move, as he knows that he can cut the strangers throat before he could speak his next words, yet then realizes his advantage and lowers his weapon.

“I am listening,” he replies dryly.

He lowers his hood revealing an older human with a long gray beard neatly tucked underneath his robes.

“My name is Altium Cloudgray. I am the town’s wizard in Sinatorium.

My life has been the studies of mixing and creating potions until I have met an odd couple. It was a wood elf and a human standing together in my tower. It is unusual to see such a couple in any human town.

They mentioned of a powerful staff. Without any effort a loyal friend tells me of the whereabouts of the staff in town.

As I find and take the valuable object, I poured a rare potion on the shaft and managed to harness some of its powers and visions. It has shown a mysterious figure casting such a powerful spell of the dark. It has shown children and young adults in comas unable to speak or move in their beds.

It has shown that it was to help guide a young woman towards a sacred tree guarded by pixies. Out of the many possibilities, I realized that only one would do such an act and it was none other then dark elves returning to their lands. Therefore, I assume that this staff belongs to you.

I come to give back your belongings in return of knowledge of the dark arts of magic,” the wizard offers holding out the staff.

Ald’Seran smirks as he squats down to stir the contents of his stew with his scimitar uninterested in the human wizard’s story.

Time passes, as he continues to stir his meal, waiting patiently for it to thicken. He looks up realizing that the wizard is still standing in front of the cave patiently awaiting his answer.

“The staff doesn’t belong to me human,” he replies gruffly.

The dark elfin warrior only shakes his head, as he chews on a bone he took out of the mucklarsh. His son slowly awakens looking at his father smiling.

His smile changes quickly, as he looks at the intruder holding an annoying radiant staff.

“Do not worry son, he will leave soon,” Ald’Seran says.

His son rubs his stomach getting up to look at the food.

Altium shows a disturbed face, as he inhales the unaccustomed smells of stench coming from the pot.

“You are lucky you can speak my language surface dweller, or you would be added food for the goblins,” Ald’Seran replies.

“I can take care of my own dark elf,” the wizard retorts ignoring the sarcasm.

“You have wasted your time to find me,” Ald’Seran continues with a full mouth of slimy food.

He stares into the old wizard’s eyes intently, as the old man steps back uncertain.

“Humans are weak son. Look at how frightened he has become,” his father mentions before looking back into his bowl of food.

“Are you not concerned that the work you have done to the town will be wasted?” Altium asks ignoring the insult of the dark elf.

“I care less,” the dark elf lies giving his bowl of mucklarsh to his son.

“Then perhaps this would interest you. I know of an abandoned stronghold that is home to bandits and outlaws of the nastiest nature. Their leader has died of natural causes,” Altium offers shrewdly.

“Why would you think I would be interested in living on the surface?” Ald’Seran interrupts holding his hand up.

“I am satisfied here in the caves,” he continues putting his hand down.

Altium grabs from underneath his robes a book and drops it in front of the dark elf’s feet. The dark elf looks at it reading, “Lord Pythonian’s War”, in high elfin writings.

He then looks up at the wizard and shoves the book back to him with his foot.

“I can tell you what it says,” the wizard offers.
Ald’Seran chuckles at the thought.

“It is true the younger elves of my race cannot read high elfin.

I am however over 800 cyclones old and have served this lord before you were ever born human,” he explains.

“So you know a little about my race. What does that have to do with my situation?” he asks.
His son looks at the wizard oddly before chewing on some more of the grub.

“It is obvious master elf. It can only mean that Lord Pythonian has lost the war and those who survived are forced to resurface,” Altium replies leaning on the staff.

“You are very observant wizard. I must give you credit for this. You are not bad for a human, although all for you look terribly ugly to me. I figure only someone as old as you can achieve such patience and knowledge to see what is happening,” the dark elf says.

“How did you know about this cave?” Ald’Seran asks curiously.

“The Cave of Mora****ar is known throughout the lands as the entrance to hell. Tales tell of how the vilest creatures live deep inside this cave.

Some have dared to enter seeking great riches and powers.

Most that have entered have never come back alive to tell the story. The author of the book that is in front of your feet was one of the few who somehow managed to survive to tell his tale. Ald’Seran grins, as he remembers the day he offered safety out of the very person the wizard speaks of.

“Also this staff has led me here,” the wizard finishes.

“Then if this is true, what makes you think you will come out alive?” asks sarcastically Sald’Morack looking up from his bowl of food.

“I have my ways,” Altium replies bluntly.

“Come sit with us and tell me of this stronghold,” Ald’Seran offers as his son looks shocked at his father.

The wizard then sits down on the ground next to the small fire flaming the small kettle of food.

“This stronghold was once used against Ikshtarok’s army of goblins. After decades of war humans were forced to abandon it and ruled by the goblin war chief. As goblins grew humans, high elfin, dwarven, and gnome forces joined to stop the onslaught and expansion of Ikshtarok’s terror.

As you know goblins now live here in these caverns. Today the abandoned stronghold houses various bandits, outlaws, cutthroats, and wanted travelers from across the lands.

Many even believe demons were once seen in those caves with their leader Mora****ar in which the name of the cave comes from,” Altium continues to explain.

“The leader of this stronghold has just recently died and a full arena of spectators waits for the next leader.

The one who can manage to defeat ten eligible opponents without losing will become the new bandit king. I believe this can be you,” the wizard offers.

“It will offer you a safe haven for your race. A starting point if I may say,” Altium adds slyly.

Ald’Seran wipes his chin with his sleeve realizing he still has mucklarsh on it. He then raises an eyebrow thinking of the offer.

“I like the idea of ruling ugly surface dwellers. You have aroused my interest wizard,” Ald’Seran mentions.

Sald’Morack frowns disapproving of his father’s decision.

“I know you want something in return for helping me achieve this goal of bandit king. What is it you seek human?” Ald’Seran asks.

“I wish nothing more then a tower constructed in the stronghold and serve as a wizard for your army,” he replies quickly.

The dark elf laughs for the first time in many days. His son joins him, as he looks at the human amazed at his wishes.

“You are shy of knowledge considering what one needs to know as a dark elfin wizard,” Ald’Seran mentions.

“This is true ancient one, but I can also represent your voice in human tongue if you desire,” the wizard continues to reason.
Ald’Seran raises his eyebrow again before contemplating on the offer.

“You have a good life as the town’s wizard. You have a constructed building there. Why would you abandon this?” Ald’Seran asks.

“To seek more knowledge,” Altium replies immediately.

“I have limited knowledge in the arts of dark magic. My son knows more then I do,” Ald’Seran replies looking at his son who only frowns.

“He was eligible for the red robes,” Ald’Seran continues looking back at the human wizard.
Altium looks at Sald’Morack who only narrows his eyes back at him.

“Why didn’t he become a red robe then?” Altium asks looking quickly away from the annoyed young dark elf.

“There is only one who can teach him. He unfortunately will not see us now,” the dark elf replies looking down at his boots.

The wizard rubs his beard trying to understand.

“I will be fine with whatever knowledge your son offers,” the wizard says looking at the young dark elf again.

Ald’Seran looks at his disturbed son for a moment before looking back at the human.

“We cannot be seen by humans for they know of the dark elves intents,” Ald’Seran mentions.

“This is true ancient one. Your races activities have spread news throughout the kingdom,” Altium adds.

“We have no choice son. We may be the only dark elves left to exist. We are not sure if the dark wizard and his apprentices have survived the last demon war.

I am sure they have been attacked shortly after we left. We should consider the human’s proposal,” Ald’Seran says to his son.
He then looks at Altium and sighs.

“I accept your offer human, yet if you dare to betray my son, I will make sure you will suffer a long time before killing you,” Ald’Seran warns staring coldly with his dark violet eyes.

“I will take your threat seriously dark elf. I will meet you at the entrance in two days then,” he says while getting up quickly breaking the unpleasant chill that went up his spine.

“What shall I call you again human?” Ald’Seran asks.

“I am called Altium Cloudgray,” the wizard introduces.

“I am Ald’Seran and my son is Sald’Morack,” the dark elf replies.

The wizard bows gracefully before leaving the cavern into the dark corridors with the help of his faint glowing staff. Ald’Seran looks at his son who only looks back bewildered.

“Do not worry, I am sure you will keep an eye on the human,” Ald’Seran chuckles.

Sald’Morack grins at the idea of using his arcane magic against the ugly human for entertainment. The idea of seeing a human squeal for mercy brightens his spirits.

“You cannot kill him unless I permit it. Do we have an understanding,” Ald’Seran warns destroying his sons prospects of torturing the old man.

Sald’Morack’s grin straightens quickly, as he looks at his father’s stern face.

“But father, if he poses a threat?” he asks.

“He will not be touched unless I say so. Is that understood,” Ald’Seran warns once more.
Sald’Morack drops his head shaking his head.

“I understand father,” he replies slowly.

“Good, then stand guard tonight. I am tired and need to rest,” he says pushing his son off the mat before lying down on it.

He turns his back against the small fire. Sald’Morack sighs and sits crossed legged staring at the fire. He waves his fingers back and forth forming small flame creatures dancing around the core of the fire.

He begins to smile enjoying his entertainment for the night while keeping a watchful eye at the entrance of his cave where occasionally a goblin peeks into.

Continue to chapter 12 Shopping Galore -

dreamboat1974's photo
Tue 05/19/09 02:52 PM
Edited by dreamboat1974 on Tue 05/19/09 03:17 PM
Ald'Seran, he uses black magic and is verse in his ways of war, yet still he is unhappy with what he did , putting that curse on the people of Augshill and now he is trying right a wrong. Deep down inside pf him he knows that what he did was wrong. Even evil can have a good side.

Altium Cloudgray on the other hand, well in my opinion he just can't be trusted. He will sell his soul just to learn the art of black magic.

Good and evil , it's our choice to make; we can choose to be good or we can choose to be evil; whichever your choice you have to live with the consequences of actions.

criani_peracien's photo
Thu 06/18/09 11:43 PM
:) Interesting, indeed...